Wkwebview macos not working. I am trying to get local storage working with WKWebView.
Wkwebview macos not working viewDidLoad() let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://daringfireball. We are porting from iOS to macOS and there really isn't much here or Stack on macOS so any help would be appreciated. 1 App Target Minimum iOS Version: 13. 22. It is the ONLY solution I know of that will print ALL on and offscreen content of a WKWebView. lock # Ge When I use Safari on iOS and tap the input type=file, the dialog opens up, but using my macOS app with a webView it does not work. Jan 16, 2020 · You're almost there :) Here's the code you need to add to a macOS project to have it load a webpage. Note: Comment if you find other schemas working or not working using this solution. Right click on prject app grade folder from sidebar and click new file. bounds, configuration: makeViewConfiguration Nov 17, 2021 · Xamarin iOS WKWebView DidFinishNavigation and DidStartProvisionalNavigation not getting called 4 Xamarin. 13. Apparently, WKWebView does not provide a copy:id method — even though it provides Copy functionality and handles the menu item correctly, when text in a text field is selected. WKWebView seems to be unequipped to handle non-http(s) url schemas. 13 - 10. WWDC 2019 presentations mentions some frameworks are in common between macOS and iOS and other frameworks are not. Mar 17, 2020 · Thanks! For everyone else who has forgotten how to do this: Add a wrapper view with constraints, add the WKWebView as the wrapper’s subview without constraints, set the WKWebView’s frame to match the wrapper view’s bounds, then set the webView. navigationDelegate. Not only that, but it fails silently. Oct 20, 2017 · Setting the size of the frame of the WKWebView to that of the correct scrollView size wasn’t working. Forms. Jul 6, 2020 · I develop an application with WKWebView for web application. The example code in Apple's Documentation as well as the Controller code, that can be found online doesn't work. 1. Commented Mar 6, 2020 at 15:23. The website I am trying to load is handling the notch thanks to t Jan 20, 2019 · Same approach as Glenn's answer - it still manually adjusts a height constraint on the WKWebView - but this approach avoids the DispatchQueue. It may be more an internal implementation detail there. I'm targeting iOS 17 and using the latest APIs available for setting up a proxy within WKWebView. Nov 1, 2018 · After turning off "App Sandbox" things worked fine. Since macOS Monterey, the WKWebview is crashing at random, for different customers it will be a different thing that triggers the crash. It could have been another problem with the device. I searched the net and . 0 this stopped working on macOS versions older than 11 (Big Sur). 2. 0 Jul 1, 2019 · I am setting a WKWebView but, here the web code contains an audio code which is not working in WKWebView. Noted that you were working with WkWebView on macOS. When runing in an iOS simulater, content is displayed as expected, but running as a desktop app under catalyst, nothing shows. To help you get what's wrong with your solutions, i'll add some suggestions: 1. Jul 28, 2022 · Hi, I am using your package to display a fullscreen WebView in my Unity game for iOS and Android. Oct 7, 2016 · So, to recap - method is working, functionality is working, just you do something wrong with it. + I got the following console warning message: -[WKWebView _setDrawsTransparentBackground:] is deprecated and should not be used. If we run the app using the . 1, Deployment target: MacOS 10. It is giving me the wrong window dimensions when the device changes screen orientations on both iPhone and iPad in a WKWebView. Can not select anything within WkWebView editor view of my MacCatalyst app when running on macOS 14 Sonoma. Now it is very simple: myWebView. load(request) } } Jun 25, 2018 · I'm working on an app that needs to get an authorization token from an external provider. Dec 13, 2021 · It really seems as though I really have to wait for the webView to load the html prior to creating the pdf. But at the time of writing this (June, 2021), documentation is still quite limited: WKDownloadDelegate. url. Also you can leave on "App Sandbox" and check the option for "outgoing connections (client)" and that will fix the problem. webView setValue:@YES forKey:@"drawsTransparentBackground"]; Under macOS 10. Yeah I already did it on the day I report this issues, the dialog even looks nicer and works on all platform I tested (MacOS, Windows and Linux) Aug 6, 2022 · Have your WebViewCoordinator implement WKDownloadDelegate so it can handle a WKDownload. 8 (8537. html file and create a Images-folder with images in the same directory and open the Index. - Setting the background color doesn't work since the view structure is different on macOS. autoresizesSubviews = true – Jan 15, 2016 · The scrollView property is only part of the iOS version of WKWebView. Oct 23, 2020 · I'm trying to use the monaco editor from within a Mac "catalyst". I want to use the Safari inspector to debug the JavaScript in my app. Both threads state, WebRTC is not allowed inside iOS webview. WKWebView is a component provided by WebKit which underlies Safari. Starting on iOS 15. Feb 3, 2024 · I'm working on an iOS application that uses WKWebView to load web content, and I need to configure the web view to use a proxy server with authentication. Nov 11, 2018 · Right now I am developing a macOS WebApp, this includes a WKWebview. 3 SDK, WKWebView is still unable to make use of custom NSURLProtocols using public APIs. The three buttons show three variations of the same page: the Sticky Notes WebKit demo: Remote loads the Sticky Notes WebKit demo page in the WKWebView. main. If you create an example where you're trying to load this page, it can help isolate what you're seeing. On iOS 11 or below you should use SFAuthenticationSession but obviously there's no WebAuthn support. 5 (12F2560): Safari Version 6. For example macOS 10. On macOS, although it doesn't seem like this should be necessary, you need to set "Outgoing Connections (Client)" to true in your "Signing and Capabilities" on your target in order for WKWebView to load, even though you're loading from a string and not from an external page. Here the version output of a test app from WebView and WKWebView: macOS 10. This code is only for downloading zip or nzb link files and does not work: A Jan 19, 2021 · I have a simple WKWebView in macOS. If you’ve opted in to email or web notifications, you’ll be notified when there’s activity. 8. Mac OSX app not loading URL in Webkit View. Mar 19, 2019 · If you just create a Index. Nov 15, 2024 · What package does this bug report belong to? webview_flutter What target platforms are you seeing this bug on? iOS Have you already upgraded your packages? Yes Dependency versions pubspec. embedded_views_previewYES" in ios's Info. May I know if this is supported by WKWebView. XCode: 11. We are just trying to get it working on macOS. For new development, employ this class instead of the older UIWebView class. So it appears that, somehow, WKWebView automatically (and always) handles validation for certain selectors typically bound to menus — specifically, cut: , copy: and Mar 2, 2015 · I'm using a WKWebView in a Mac OS X application. 3 and iOS 14. See this stackoverflow post and the answer marked as correct: I'm developing a Mac app that uses WKWebView to display HTML resources. The webpage is loaded and I can navigate to other pages. No need to use a URLRequest, just pass your local file url. 3 WKPreferences has the new property isElementFullscreenEnabled. 4. Jul 8, 2017 · Update for macOS 12. without problems in OjbC: [self. 1) Webkit WebView not working. createPDF(configuration:completionHandler:): Oct 16, 2019 · Currently, the macOS and iOS implementations of WKWebView are different. 9. allowsContentJavaScript = true let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration() configuration. May 11, 2018 · WKWebview in your App(On the simulator) wouldn't load anything. Jun 23, 2020 · The WKWebView on macOS doesn't have these methods. 10 and later. javaScriptEnabled = true let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration() configuration. . app file in the Product folder then it works without any crash. in choose a template click objective-C file. 0-preview. 8333! p/1 Work that is important, and has been scheduled for release in this or an upcoming sprint partner/cat 😻 this is an issue that impacts one May 16, 2023 · However, you can use the WKWebView from WebKit to display web content in a SwiftUI app by using the UIViewRepresentable protocol to create a SwiftUI view that wraps the WKWebView. Jun 22, 2020 · Open your project. WKNavigationDelegate 1. The ONLY working solution was: Oct 1, 2019 · Adds initial support for macOS. For more information search for Capabilities in the Help menu and find out about these selections. Navigating event raised on iOS for internal navigation I have a WKWebView as UIViewRepresentable in my SwiftUI application and it works initially. Oct 15, 2017 · WKWebView has a method specific for loading local urls. App Delegate Adjustments. masksToBounds = WKWebView WebGL not working in MacOS 11 (Catalyst)? But not on MacOS. 10. As of iOS 10. Oct 11, 2015 · Here is the 100% working solution for WKWebview "File Upload" Problem. It uses a WKWebView and many things don't work like wheel scrolling as well as copy (command+c) and paste (command+v) select all (commad+a). Setting the frame and THEN RELOADING the WKWebView in what will be it’s true size works. 14 originally shipped with Safari 12, and so WKWebView on macOS 10. The device I am using is iPad Mini of iOS version 12. The ONLY working solution was: Since macOS Monterey, the WKWebview is crashing at random, for different customers it will be a different thing that triggers the crash. preferences = preferences let webview = WKWebView(frame: . Specifically for iPad I am showing the web view in a navigation controller. It currently is NOT working on iOS but I am working on that. Nov 22, 2021 · Use vscode to compile flutter app with webview on mac,run it in ios simulator,it's normal, and I have added "io. Application working normally on iOS and iPAdOs, issue in in MacCatsalyst after MacOs Upgrade to Sonoma. If you show a web site, there is no reason the System should change the colors. I noticed that on older systems not even Safari can run Monaco, not even on the Playground page. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars and communicate & collaborate across your devices. What works. 12 can't upload files throw input type="file" runOpenPanelWith implementation Oct 17, 2019 · I found that if the WKWebView is created in xib, the updated configuration would not work, I have to "tick" the "Inline Playback" in XIB "Attribute inspector" and it works fine. The Operating system version is listed beside macOS. this is my code snippet. app the key "com. Any selection gesture or command key fails to select anything in content editable WKWebView, so none of the Editor tools can be activated. @param string The string to use as the contents of the webpage. UPDATE 03/11: My radar (35094298) was duped today to 33812691 and closed, which means Apple is aware of the issue, at least. Oct 24, 2015 · After 5 years I've managed to solve the original problem and which was forced by the fact that the MacOS 11 implementation of WKWebView printOperationWithPrintInfo still doesn't properly handle content scrolled out of view and off to the right. Sep 24, 2017 · It didn`t work for my MacOS WKWebview issue, any ideas? – Heitor. I tested my code in emulator/real-device, but unsuccessful. After upgrading to XCode 11 this does not work anymore. 6. With WebKit1 and WebView it was easy to show the inspector inside your Mac app, by just setting WebKitDeveloperExtras to true in your UserDefaults. The JS script is injected alright, but the view does not update. You can probably find the NSScrollView by walking the WKWebView child views, but this is a bit of a grey area that may break at one point. However, when I want to upload or download a file, it doesn't work. Worse, if I select another HTML chunk from the list of available pages, the chunk loads fine but the CSS is not applied. net")!) webView. I have created a small demo project. asyncAfter(). Safari only shows "No Inspectable Applications" and when i examine the app with codesign -d --entitlements :- MyApp. Dec 2, 2017 · WKWebview is not loading certain urls. Pretty much every question on WKWebView here is about WKWebView in iOS Apps, not macOS Apps, with the difference being pretty much just the UIViewController interface being implemented instead of the NSViewController interface in macOS. Embed a WKWeb View object programmatically into your view hierarchy, or add it using Interface Builder. Is WKWebView same as Safari? WKWebView is not exactly the same as Safari. flutter. Remember, that simulator filesystem is case-insensitive, device filesystem is case-sensitive. You just need to implement the UIDelegate: - (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView Dec 18, 2020 · On android, it is working as expected, but facing issues on iOS build. plist,I am sure I have installed "webview_flutter" plugin, but when I run it in xcode,always appears "Module webview_flutter_wkwebview" not found, till now,I cound not solve the problem According to Apple docs, this is managed by the processPool property of WKWebView, as they state: "The process pool associated with a web view is specified by its web view configuration. isElementFullscreenEnabled = true Original answer (pre macOS 12. 4 and macOS 12. So easy on iOS, Mac, not so much. Terminal. I don't see a save password prompt in the app but in the mobile safari browser it's working perfectly fine. We check for a non-http(s) schema and have the UIApplication handle it instead. Xcode Version: 13. 17. Starting with beta 4 of Mac OS 10. 12. 1. And you can set javaScriptEnabled to configuration: let preferences = WKPreferences() preferences. Nov 28, 2019 · Since macOS 11. It does render all HTML elements and JavaScript is enabled as well. I've tried the following (and more) from within the delegate method webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) 1. Known limitations: - Scroll APIs are not supported, and currently throw unimplemented. Feb 5, 2020 · I do not want to go down the automated route provided in Mac OS 10. Sep 22, 2024 · My guess would be that the page you're trying to load wouldn't load normally in a WKWebView in iOS/Mac Catalyst (The basis of MAUIs webview). xib file, these function stop working. security. layer?. WKWebView links not working. download) for the files you want to download, and then implement download(_:decideDestinationUsing:suggestedFilename:completionHandler:) to choose the download destination for a given request. 0. So, my question is anybody know how can I run the WebRTC in iOS webview? This is how I am showing Can not select anything within WkWebView editor view of my MacCatalyst app when running on macOS 14 Sonoma. So, I need a custom URL scheme for the redirection callback. When I click, nothing happens! Like, nothing. Nov 30, 2014 · I used this for macOS 10. Feb 7, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. It is a Mac app that shows a window with some buttons and a WKWebView. 5 we have finally an API to deal with downloads. Oct 5, 2020 · On iOS-Devices camera access works only in native Safari and not in other Browsers (Chrome,) or Apps that use an UIWebView or WKWebView. WKWebView for macOS with Objective-C. If I force the web view to load another page not Feb 26, 2022 · We tried other init methods of WKWebView but that also result in the same crash. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. As soon as I changed this, your example worked fine. 15 - work's as expected, but 10. May 13, 2020 · How to I get the WKWebView to appear full-screen, WKWebview, macOS. I have read the threads Apple Support and SO Thread. name it for example WKPreferences and enter. Call Stack After configuration, autofill working in the mobile Safari browser but not in the in-app-browser (WKWebView). I don't understand why it wasn't working on an actual device tho. apple. I am working on transitioning my app to WKWebView and I would like to retain this feature. The challenges in working with the WKWebView's context menu are: It can only be manipulated in a subclass of Mar 30, 2021 · This means installing a newer version of Safari on a macOS system does not update the browser engine used by WKWebView. Oct 31, 2017 · Working with WKWebView is better to create it from code. It could be a specific button or simply one text box inside a web page and it will be that specific thing all the time that will crash the app from now on. Aug 17, 2019 · We have an embedded HTML form type editor in a macOS app that needs to be filled by the user. Do I need to set more capabilities on my app? I found some old issues with file inputs but they seem to be resolved? Mar 24, 2024 · From the macOS device, select on the Apple icon in the top left corner and select About This Mac. Apr 24, 2021 · I am working on a macOS application (using Objective-C) that uses the WKWebView class to display the Monaco editor. As far as I could find out I'd simply have to allow But that doesn’t work. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. One thing we found is that the app works properly if Xcode is not attached. On OS X this is simply not available. LM5121 not working properly Jul 19, 2017 · I have a WKWebView in my view @IBOutlet weak var htmlWKWebView: WKWebView! I want to change background color to red. Aug 24, 2023 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. area-controls-webview WebView Blazor ️ MAUI Issues in MAUI functionality that affect Blazor, but are not bugs in Blazor itself fixed-in-8. 3. Any selection gesture or command key fails to select anything in content editable WKWebView , so none of the Editor tools can be activated. I wanted to avoid it because if DispatchQueue. Each web view is given its own Web Content process until an implementation-defined process limit is reached; after that, web views with the same process pool Nov 28, 2022 · import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController, WKNavigationDelegate { var webView: WKWebView! private func createWebView() { let preferences = WKWebpagePreferences() preferences. import Cocoa import WebKit class ViewController: NSViewController { let webView = WKWebView() override func loadView() { view = webView } override func viewDidLoad() { super. 15. The solution that worked for me is to use GeometryReader to get the exact height, and put the web view inside a scrollview (I believe it has something to do with the layout priority calculation, but couldn't get to the core of it yet). net/). async() doesn't work, and it did not, then you're waiting an indeterminate amount of time -- not good. This is still not resolved on iOS 14, if you want to stay updated on this topic, please refer to this thread. get-task-allow" is just missing. configuration. defaultWebpagePreferences = preferences webView = WKWebView(frame: view. The whole implementation is about the creation of a local, native notification in macOS. 14! I do not want to upgrade to 10. Apr 4, 2019 · I'm trying to make WKWebview Open external links (target=_blank) in Default Browser on macOS using Swift Code for Xcode. Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync & communication app platform. 8333 Look for this fix in 8. 15, I am not seeing any contents displayed in a WKWebView. Similarly, loadFileURL has also become the default function to load local resources in WKWebView. pdf(configuration:), I now have a (kind of…) working solution by using WKWebView. 15 yet, primarily because I want the app to work on earlier versions of MacOS A solution for macOS is discussed here that DOES work now (2021). azurewebsites. They have the correct page count and sizing, but remain empty. Feb 18, 2020 · On iOS 13. Apr 9, 2017 · This works fine in the Safari app but it is not working in a WKWebView. I am trying to get local storage working with WKWebView. We are using WKWebView with Swift and it's all working fine but we are not able to get the spell check working in WKWebView. We are simply trying to show some of our HTML documention files. 27. Before time it was possible to do so via opaque property, but Jan 11, 2016 · I'm looking for a way to show the inspector for a WKWebView inside my Mac app. The redirection callback is: chirper://succes Apr 27, 2022 · As WKWebView contents can finally be printed out in macOS 11+, I'm trying to replace old WebView dependencies. It does not work yet without additional effort, though. 1 Processor: M1 Pro iOS: 16. That would give you an "Inspect Element" menu in every web view. 12), the default load operation for local files has moved from Bundle. autoresizingMask = [. Dec 15, 2019 · I had the exact same issue with WKWebView in MacOS app using SwiftUI. height] and wrapperView. – Sep 30, 2022 · Workaround: use a message dialog but it would be good to know what alert is doing in the dev console (my guess is it's disabled by WkWebkit by default. I mean it does work and corrects some words but doesn't show red dotted underline on misspelled words like WebView. zero, configuration: configuration) Update. WKWebView is not showing those images. – Jul 11, 2014 · In beta 3 i found this in WKWebView /*! @abstract Sets the webpage contents and base URL. 1 here is the backend code:- <a Oct 12, 2023 · I have checked App Sandboxing is turned on with outgoing connections enabled. Also App Transport Security setting are already to the Allow Arbitrary Load to true. Native app is just container for web application. Click again to stop watching or visit your profile to manage watched threads and notifications. Longer term we could consider JS polyfills, but we'd probably want to make them opt-in since injecting JS into every page has some risks. Apple's documentation suggests using WkWebView for new development, although it seems to have a typo where it recommends WKWebView over UIWebView in the mac developer library. Anyway there is no such Aug 28, 2018 · This said, the WKWebView is showing "content", and "content" should not be changed by the System, "content" should show itself with its own colors. Dec 6, 2024 · On macOS, If WKWebView is subchild of NSViewController that shows by presentAsModalWindow function, the property of WKWebView "isInspectable=true" will not work by Safari! Why does this problem happen? Is it a bug for macOS? Oct 7, 2018 · I am able to load it using safari, chrome firefox etc on the device and emulator (as well as computer), but when I try to load it in the wkwebview it flashes a couple times then goes to a blank white screen. This is not a restriction of this component but of the limited WebRTC support by Apple. Below is code to add WKWebview on view Jun 17, 2020 · So Apple has deprecated WebView in favor of WKWebView, but I'm not seeing a working solution for being able to export (or print) a PDF from the new view type. If someone has experience with WKWebView, please share how to make the background of the view transparent. wantsLayer = true htmlWKWebView. I tried many things (such as override the WebView class) without any success. – benleung Commented Aug 9, 2021 at 11:01 Mar 14, 2023 · Description On MacOS Ventura when using a WebView, key events are not captured so, for example using tab key to navigate between input fields is not working, also it's its imposible to read the keydown event from javascript. For iOS, I am enabling WKWebView. Share Nov 30, 2014 · I used this for macOS 10. Before a macOS app is allowed to post notifications, it must request the permissions to do so, like a website. Aug 8, 2018 · When I add WebView to the Document. If you are missing a functionality, now is the time to open a bug report and/or an enhancement request with Apple. When I debug my app by launching it from Xcode, Safari WKWebView makes requests and renders content out-of-process, meaning your app does not hear the requests they make. However, with the HTML correctly loaded in WKWebView, creating PDF files using NSPrintJobDisposition: NSPrintSaveJob produces blank, empty documents. I know WebView is deprecated, but using WKWebView will cause other issues. For WKWebView, macOS Catalyst likely still uses to the macOS implemention. WebView. But today my Mac's Safari Inspector won't show/see anymore my App's webview, anyone have a clue about what could it be? MacOS: 13. path to Bundle. The above code catches the request before WKWebView has a chance to render/load it to check for a different schema. 3) Instead of using private APIs you can do this by changing the property with KVO in the configuration. You’re now watching this thread. I click on for example on “choose file” or any other upload button, and the window that should appear to select a file or directory doesn’t show up. Add a WKNavigationDelegate to your WKWebView. Jun 6, 2019 · Aaaah, I discovered the problem: apparently even if you don't turn the sandbox on, WKWebView totally fails without it. 85. 14 is always based on Safari 12, regardless of whether the Safari browser updated to a newer version. WKWeb View replaces the UIWeb View class in iOS 8 and later, and it replaces the Web View class in macOS 10. While I was not able to make it work with WKWebView. Catalyst apps are basically iOS apps that run on mac. Implement webView(_:decidePolicyFor:decisionHandler:) to call decisionHandler(. The WebView object has such option via var drawsBackground: Bool { get set } but it is missing for the WKWebView class. From the macOS device, double-click on the Applications folder, then double-click on the Utilities folder. using the examples listed (https://vscode-web-test-playground. Here's the relevant part of my code: Jul 24, 2020 · XCode MacOS (not iOS) using WKWebView to open a URL in a window with: @property (assign) IBOutlet NSView *webNSView; @property (assign) IBOutlet WKWebView *webView; - (void)windowDidLoad { WKWebVi Unlike with UIWebView and previous versions of WKWebView (iOS 10 & macOS 10. preferences. width, . Double-click on the Terminal application. I am getting WKNavigationDelegate calls like func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) for an iFrame load, but I'm not seeing any of the follow up status calls once I pass . So if you have your filenames in html in lowercase - this won't work on device. On your WKNavigationDelegate implement: Apr 26, 2023 · I have been working on my appliance years now, and as always using the Safari's Web Inspector. 3 that will work with USB, Lightning or NFC security keys based on our testing. Version details: macOS Version: 11. Starting v0. If these method's not working , something is smashes WKWebView properties or another problem exist. I tried: htmlWKWebView. Btw naming a url object localfilePath is misleading. How can I increase and decrease the text size in a WKWebView on macOS? This is a native Mac app written in Objective-C, not a Mac Catalyst app. found nothing. allow to the decisionHandler. But in WebKit2 with WKWebView this is not working anymore. html that contains image-tags referencing images in the Images-folder in any browser, the images will show. Oct 28, 2018 · I have a WKWebView in macOS and was wondering: how do I programatically scroll to the bottom of the webpage? Any help is appreciated, thanks. When I turned the sandbox on, and then enabled outgoing connections, everything started working right away. When I built the default Hello World App that comes with XCode 11, it will not run on 10. So the view does update, but spurns the script. I'm facing issues with redirection when visiting a page without www that then redirects to the subdomain www. bdvv bobaupx duix lutpe sxoohpup cuyiu iukk sxjpbg kyt wgpn