Asiair guide calibration. Another thing that might help is making a .

Asiair guide calibration 4 PHD2 - RA Calibration failed : star did not move enough - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hi all I am trying to set up my auto guide (an ZWO ASI 120MM camera with a 80/400 guiding scope on HEQ5 synscan pro hi all. 44 Arc Seconds per Pixel resolution. I send my data more than 3 times from ASIAIR App, nobody's replied. While PHD2 is calibrating, ASIAIR will display the number of calibration pulses ("steps"), and how much the star has moved in pixels (what ASIAIR display as "dist"). how do I find my Celestial Equator. 5 degrees up from the horizonvery ASIAIR Guide Settings: Calibration Step. guys sorry but I got a little lost in your very technical speeches. If you are familiar with the Lacerta MGEN-2 and MGEN-3, ASIAIR guiding calibration takes forever! - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hello folks, Im pretty new to astrophotography (less than 2 month). My DSLR is connected with a USB and the Dew straps were connected via the Calibrate the Guide Camera. So I calibrated with the guide scope more or less over the Telescope, and when shooting, it was on the other side, basically dragging in the other direction than what calibration measured. So, it looks like perhaps ASIAIR does not think it was in sync with your mount when it refused to send the slew (move) commands (like it did to me). I recently got an ASIAIR pro and really struggle with the guiding. I had never worked with ZWO equipment before but had researched it well and everyone seemed to think that it makes Astrophotography easy. The ASIAIR provides an Auto-Stretch, but I quickly found the manual stretch controls on the Histogram Display and was better able to compensate for Bortle 6, street lamp, and Moon. Unfortunately I have limited views from There are different options how calibration frames like Dark, Light, Flat and Bias frames can be captured using the ASIAIR. H, O, etc. Calibration settings (using the AsiAir): The rule of thumb for guide calibration is to usually point your scope in the southern sky near where the meridian and celestial equator meet. Once your guide camera is connected and you have entered the focal length of your guide scope, expect a quick calibration run and reliable autoguiding throughout the night. My problem is with the calibration of the guiding, that is always interrupted with the message "time-out waiting for guider to settle", and Arny: I had similar issues when I started out with OAG guiding, and resolved almost all problems for my setup of - EdgeHD11 - Asi220mm guiding cam - Zwo OAG-L - Asi2600mm/mc APSC image camera - AsiAir plus by - using 3 second loop interval in guiding - running guide cam in bin2 mode at 400 gain - otherwise the stars were too faint and be more often lost than tracked Question about guiding settings I am trying to understand guide settings a bit better and how they work. Product Links #ad AS Page 1 of 2 - Guiding without Calibration in ASIAIR - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Fairly new to AP and have had some success using a 102mm f7 scope on an AVX mount taking 60 sec. I figured it was the used AVX mount so i sold it and bought a new iOptron CEM25p. w7ay Chen, that's a great idea. video below. ASIAIR. If after 60 steps, the guide star has still not moved by 25 pixels, it will report that "star did ASIAIR PRO, how to adjust RA and DEC aggressive for ditthering ? - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hi Folks, I just began this hobby 2 months ago and my astro gear is a SW 80 ED APO, EQM 35 pro mount, EOS 700D, ASI 120mm mini guide camera, i just bought ASIAIR Pro weeks ago and it relly improved my image alot. 5, 0. ASIAIR Plus Guide Setup for newbees - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hello, I have a new AM5N and a Stellarvue SVX90T refractor. Does anybody know an easy way to do Guide Calibration: This is simply determining the axis of movement of your mount, in relation to the axis of the guide camera. I feel that the guiding could be way better for this mount and im Clear the existing Guide calibration (the icon with the "i" inscribed in a circle) to start a new calibration. I will setup everything for a night of shooting, First night with ASIAir auto-guiding - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Received ASIAir Plus 5 days ago and on Friday night had the whole rig set up and working with the CQ350, at a Bortle 1 site with quite good seeing, visually on Jupiter it was around 8/10. ASIAIR Plus -guiding calibration - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: It is recommended to calibrate near the celestial equator. For a good start set: the coarse focus to 2. equatorial mount. Its because of FOV change with the tiny sensor. Thanks! My rig is Mount: AM3 Main Image: ZStar 73 ASI294MC Guide: Uniguide 32 ASI220MM Software/Hardware: NINA, PHD2 ASTAP / MiniPC After setting up with rough (eyeball and compass) polar alignment, If number of steps <4 – calibration = poor - adjust calibration step to smaller number in the guide menu If number of steps too many – ASIair wont reach 25 px in reasonable time – you get a time out message – so adjust calibration to larger number - try 5000 If imaging towards zenith – increase calibration step An additional word about the ASIAIR Pro and Calibration frames: The ‘Autorun’ or Sequencing Mode of ASIAIR allows for the capture and saving of all the individual calibration frames, for later post-processing. ASIAIR Wi-Fi Signal Amping Solution 2019-01. 25, 0. I managed to get a good calibration by changing the I calibrate the guiding by pointing it at the celestial equator, to get the most movement during calibration steps. PART 1 is ready now: ASIAIR Pro on Alt . it should be very good as it is but if RA is Tap this button for the guider calibration data. Current settings are 5000 for calibration step, 1500 for both the DEC and RA durations. In an act of desperation I thought that maybe my guide camera & guide scope are just not in good focus (I have struggled with them). ASIAIR can't calibrate guiding - any tips? - posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: My connection to my CGEM is ASIAIR->USB->HandController (I have both a Nexstar+ and original 2009 Nexstar controller Ive tried) and slewing to targets and the auto-centering after platesolves works great. Reason/Solution? 2: North/South (DEC) calibration goes Beginner issues with calibration frames with asiair plus - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hello, I have finally captured my first images with my setup. So last week I ordered a bundled package Guiding issues with ZWO mini guide scope and ZWO ASI120MM, using Asiair Plus . When I first started guiding, I would calibrate every night and the calibration routine would take an average of 20 steps each Page 1 ASIAIR PRO User Manual V1. Fitting the guide scope and guide camera to a standard telescope isn’t normally a problem as there are dovetail assemblies that are designed for this purpose. I don't know why ZWO won't just use those parameters to determine the Calibration pulse automatically, given that their silly mantra is "Simple as 1,2,3. DEC always seems to be off the chart in the beginning then eventually comes zooming down to meet the RA. I have written a small 3 part article about the subject. SFj9LuNr calibration step size is only used during initial guide calibration in the south near the meridian. However, with the calibration flipped this way, I always get runaway guiding in The ZWO ASIAIR Plus is the third generation of the popular ASIair wireless controller. However the easiest way to generate calibration frames on the ASIAIR is using the Live plan feature, as this process not only shoots the frames, but also combines them into a Hey all, looking for some feedback on some odd behavior from my asiair a few days ago. Occasionally it worked but rarely. That also didn't fix the issue. Look what is going on with my ASIAIR Mini. Calibration Step: It is a parameter related to guide calibration. g. so I input the focal length of the guide camera and do a guide ASIAIR PLUS Calibration Frame Question - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I recently did some imaging away from home using the ASIAIR and was going to use NINA for calibration frames. slewing works, goto works, ra/dec values are updated correctly, tracking on/off works, however i'm not able to calibrate or guide, it looks/sounds like no guide ASIAir has a form of PHD2 guiding built in. I started the night out with no issues, ran EAF, guide star calibration, plate solve and PA just fine (personal time record). The guiding tool Discover the ZWO CAA rotator (CAA) in these detailed reviews! Learn about its unboxing, setup, ASIAIR integration, and real-world performance. How to make your new Celestron mount connect to the ASIAIR PRO 2019-01. Astrophotography with ASIAIR App This chapter mainly introduces the main functions and usage guide of the ASIAIR App, the mobile supporting the wireless smart camera. From the previous posts, it seems that full control of the mount, including guiding, is The graph shows the movement of the star formed by the guide pulse sent by ASIAIR during calibration. Cal in RA only: This results in a continual drift in dec and it is 10s of arc seconds: Note also the pulses (bar 1- set your guide camera gain to 50% of max gain and exposure to 2 seconds then "clear" calibration data 2-calibrate guiding before starting Autorun 3-start guiding mode in auto DEC with corrections switched on 4-set both RA and DEC aggression to 50 5-let guiding settle for a complete screen pass. John Dobson passed 10 years ago today - RIP youtu. Dithering is accessed and configured under "Guide Settings" within the ASIAir app. Section Jump You can quick access of section of the document by clicking the section in the contents table. When I was using my Celestron 6se and separate guide scope I was getting 0. 1mm input like most equipment in the hobby, but as it also has 12V power outputs you do need to put some consideration in when deciding what to run this off of. When I first started guiding, I would calibrate every night and the calibration routine would take an average of 20 steps each In the absence of any clear sky in NW England l have several questions about what settings to use and perhaps equally important when. Simply put - for most all users, a 12V 5A DCpower supply is what you’ll w What are the best calibration and aggression settings to use in the ASIAIR plus? I can’t seem to get below 1” when guiding. Add to my manuals. I think there is a bug in the mount communication of asiair only during backlash correction (DEC) during calibration. After setting the EXP exposure time, touch this button to start refreshing the image captured by the My ASIAIR pro doesn't auto-guide calibrate my iOptron GEM45-EC properly. Once you are happy Go back into ASIAIR and choose the mount speed as 8x (if the mount is set to MAX or any higher than 8x it will prevent the guiding module from calibrating correctly) 13. Also check for differential flexure between the guide scope and imaging scope. I've also reset the guiding calibration in the ASIAIR plus software and and let it re-calibrate guiding. 0 port. It does not appear the guiding is actually working. So question is for example if I have my guide settings set to Max DEC & RA Duration set to Here is the guidance from PHD2 website. . Product Links #ad AS Guide, ASI120mm with a 30mm/120mm guide scope. However, I have a persistent issue that is affecting the guiding. Equipment I am new, but have successfully shot Bode’s Galaxy (M81) the NA Nebula (C20) and Andromeda Galaxy (M31). Lets talk about a few guide camera settings that will help get to the next steps. Sign In Upload. 0 ; and the microspeed fine focus to 2. I am using an ASIAIR Plus 256 with a 60mm Astro-Tech guide scope with a 240mm focal length and an ASI220 Mini as the guide camera. Would that be my latitude, i. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share How To Do a Factory Reset In the absence of any clear sky in NW England l have several questions about what settings to use and perhaps equally important when. My DSLR is connected with a USB and the Dew straps were connected via the DC 12v ports. Hi, I'm, in general, very happy with ZWO products, and in particular with the ASIAIR Plus. We can now connect the power cable for the primary imaging camera (ASI533MC Pro) using a 2. I guess this is a quite common setup with AM5 and the guide scope choice? Any suggestions on Guide settings, exposure settings etc to improve Is there a good resource on what setting to use for the guiding calibration numbers in the ASIair plus? Share Add a Comment. The concept of an all-in-one device seemed more attractive, once I figure out which dedicated camera I want. I get polar alignment, find an easy target and start guiding. It's confusing because Asair-pro controls the go-to's fine and the (Asiair-pro) 4-way arrow Calibrate the Guide Camera. The only over-the-network communication is between the asiair and your tablet/phone. How to focus your guide scope using ASIAir Pro or Plus! This tutorial will help your astrophotography setup achieve pinpoint focus in your guidescope using t Now that you have your mount and guide session calibrated and have selected a star and started guiding, you will notice the guide graph at the bottom of the guide screen. The solution is to tune the guide pulse and we do this by adjusting the guide exposure, guide pulse multiplier and aggression settings. For the common 120mm guide scopes the Step should be 8000 to 10000, in order to register enough star movement. Be the first to comment please read the stickied post and check out the review/buying guide links in the sidebar before posting. I've read here and elsewhere that calibration is best at the target or close to the zenith yet my Asiair tells me that I'm "too far from the celestial equator". within 2 hours of Asiair guiding - not doing calibration step - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Im using asiair with my CEM25P, and for some reason when I select a star to guide with, it doesnt do the steps where it moves along the yellow line, instead of immediately turns the cross hair green and says start guiding. Is there a good resource on what setting to use for the guiding calibration numbers in the ASIair plus? Share Add a Comment. I would like to try to understand how to 'read' guide logs, namely PHD2 guide logs from an ASIAir Pro as i am curious to see PE and/or whether anything looks particularly untoward. Windows users of Adobe Reader may use the shortcut key Ctrl + F, and Mac users use Command + F to search for keywords. Used it last night and guiding Calibration and guiding issues AM5/ ASI Air Mini - posted in Mounts: I can not calibrate and guide with my ASIAir/ AM5. the clearest way I can understand this is that for a given period of time a guide star will move a greater distance the closer it is to the celestial equator than it would do if it Calibrate the Guide Camera. ASIair guiding problems - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: I have been using the ASIair for a while now and like it a lot. Chen Hello all, For all of you using ASIair pro, you know that the guiding algorithm it uses is very similar to PHD2. The ASIair Pro unit is an extremely powerful tool to control astrophotography equipment. This is the message I'm getting using an ASIair (the older version, but fully updated software I think) on the Star Adventurer, with an ASI 120mini finder-guider. In case you don't know, the ASIAir guiding is a subset of the full PHD2 software. and the ASIair Pro will guide you in refining the mount’s orientation. The problem is autoguiding never calibrates - the Setting up guiding is very easy using the ASIair App. Most of the equatorial mount's sync function is equivalent to a one-star calibration, so in Setup Sequence: Rough PA - Guide Calibration - TPPA? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Seeking to learn from those more experienced. Is there a piece of software or an applic The Official User Forum for ZWO Products Just received AM5 (using ASIAIR plus, 120 guide and ASI 533 imaging, WO GT 71 scope,). Asiair WO zenithstar 73, 430mm. It The guide settings for the ASIair are default as follows: Calibration step: 2000 Max Dec duration 2000 Max RA duration 2000 I've seen somewhere that someone changed these quite significantly. The ASIAIR Page 1 of 6 - Improving AM5 mount guide performance - posted in Mounts: Hi all, I just made the big step after years of using an AVX and picked up a ZWO AM5. My guiding graph looks pretty rough when it gets to about 0. I know this was a best practice for using PHD2 but I have no heard anything definitive as far as doing the same when calibrating with the asiair, although I still do it that way regardless. ($85 USD), there’s a mount called a Black Cat Mount that attaches the ASIAIR, the guide scope, and the auto focuser to the Red Cat. When the mount flips to a different side of the meridian, either automatically or manually, the calibration data is flipped one direction (I forgot which). When I launch the calibration process, the mount makes huge moves, and so the stars are lost and the calibration fails. The issue I found is asiair pro guiding calibration takes forever last night (the second night that I used it, first night it worked pretty Guiding Calibration Issues with ASIAIR Plus. It has been a great success. So question is for example if I have my guide settings set to Max DEC & RA Duration set to You'll find that what the PHD2 developer's calculation comes up with is 1,400 for calibration step for your combination of guide scope and camera pixel size. Dec duration = 1900, max RA/ DEC pulse is ASIAIR has all the available data (guide scope focal length, pixel size of guide camera, and guide rate of mount) to determine the Calibration pulse duration. Hey guys! Is here anyone who can help me how to set up the ASIAIR guide calibration steps specifically for SW ALT AZ GTI (EQ mod) mount? Calibration step, max DEC/RA duration, DEC mode, guiding If your guiding has been adequate just ignore the warning. Note this workflow is the main way that ZWO officially recommends. Supported ZWO CAA: If it has been turned off, please try polar calibration again. " Tech@ZWO I recorded 2 videos today - one from the ASIAIR Android app - a bit fuzzy, but good enough to show you the problem with guiding. If you encounter an error, send us the log and we will solve it. Click guiding to bring up the guiding module and double click the RA / DEC adjustment chart (this opens the guiding interface) (i use 1000ms guide pulse with Double check your polar alignment and balance. Zwo please check This version of ASIAir introduces a new feature I call AutoFlat. I personally have always calibrated where ever I was imaging and never had problems. Because this is a measurement process that is subject to various kinds of mount and atmospheric effects, the most accurate results will be gotten when the scope is pointing within 20 degrees of Dec = 0 (near the celestial equator) and at least 60 degrees above the nearest east/west horizon (i. I have tried to change the calibration parameters, but it does not make any difference. 75x, each second of guide pulse will of course increase the movement by a factor of 1. wvreeven. The USB cable connects the camera to the ASIair. Page 1 of 3 - Setting up ASIAir Pro - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Since the general consensus seems to be that you have to guide, I decided to get the ASI Air Pro rather than drag a laptop out into the field. The mount flipped but then the guiding calibration failed and as a not sure whether this has been resolved since the thread is a few months old, but I've had the same issue with my ASIAIR PRO + Sphinx SX combination when auto-guiding. If you change the guide rate, you will also need to go back to adjust the Calibration Steps (and also recalibrate) in the Guide Settings window so that you again have somewhere between about 12 and 25 steps. start calibration process again after this unplugging and reconnecting, in my case calibration succesds to 100%, backlash correction is very fast no star did not move enough issue. On calibration it errors out with Calibration Failure, RA star did not move enough. pdf), Text File (. The AAP controls Alt-Az mounts nicely if setup accordingly. I hope this has been helpful and simplifies your calibration workflow. be I have tried for a while to use an OAG with different scopes (Celestron 8HD and Sharpstar 100QII) and for some obscure reason the guiding calibration goes always weird (works fine with any normal guide scope) and despite ASIAir saying the calibration was The graph shows the movement of the star formed by the guide pulse sent by ASIAIR during calibration. exposures and stacking them. I have a ZWO ASIAir Plus: How to force immediate guiding recalibration? Also, 'changed configuration' message? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have my ASIAir Plus set to not keep guiding calibration settings from session Guiding Settings for ASIAIR PRO - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have a William Optics 200 mm guide scope and a ZWO ASI290 mm mini guide camera. davidtorrents. I have had experience with other cameras and ASIAIR Guiding Issues - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I’m a complete beginner trying to get going on my first shoot. Software will fix on a start, calibrate, and say it is guiding, but the mount does ASIAIR Plus Guiding calibration issue - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have just started using an ASIAIR Plus and have questions on guiding calibration: 1: East/West (RA) calibration seems to go fine coming back to very close to zero distance from star, but then executes many backlash corrections. I recently got going with the AAP and love what it does so far but the few sessions I have been able to get due to weather, Please can I request that ASIair allows you to select a Manual Filter option thus allowing you to input the filter name in a sequence, e. Hi people! My question is really actual, because of this Im asking for fast engineer support. (see also Dark, Flat, and Bias Frames with the ASIAir Pro on YouTube). What tracking rate to set here in ASIAIR PLUS? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: What tracking rate should be set here for good tracking and guiding? Equipement in use: Mount - ZWO AM5 Main Scope - Redcat 61 Guide Scope - Skywatcher Evoguide 50dx Main cam - ZWO ASI 2600MM Guide cam - ZWO ASI174MM mini Guide calibration failed after meridian flip: Hi all. I saw a mention on YouTube (Peter Zelinka) that if one acquired light images using the ASIAIR one should do their Calibration frames (Dark Flats, Darks and Flats) Using ASIAir Pro with Alt-Az mounts - posted in Vendor and Group Announcements: I have been testing the ASIAir Pro (AAP) on the TTS-160 Panther Telescope Mount. It allows you to get a simple and The accuracy of the polar axis calibration will affect the accuracy of the guiding and the GoTo. Double check your polar alignment and balance. ASIAIR Plus Quick Guide 2024-05. This version has improved on nearly every aspect of the original. after performing the eq-north alignment using the hand controller, i'm successfully able to connect my new asiair pro to my celestron nexstar 8se with equatorial wedge using the usb cable plugged into the hand controller. Edited November 29, 2022 by The Lazy Astronomer Here's one of the segments from the manual: "Before using the ASIAIR, it is necessary to align the polar axis on the. My setup includes a Canon EOS R, Skywatcher Star Adventurer Pro & WO Z61 Telescope. This only started happening yesterday. 1. 0 port for them). ($85 USD), there’s a mount Asiair pro guiding calibration invalid after meridian flip - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: I am using Asiair to guide my mount. Page 1 of 2 - ASIAIR PRO guiding issues?! - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have a completely ASI setup using an AAP and I am getting a strange issue with guiding. When I set a calibration step size of 2000ms on ASIAIR's Guide Settings, the calibration starts by sending a series of :Mw2000# commands to the "mount" ("move west by 2000 milliseconds"). Trying to get my feet wet with guiding and wonder if someone can post a screen shot of their guide settings for this combination in ASIAIR PRO or just list them? I have a WO GT71 scope and an iOptron I had similar issues when I started out with OAG guiding, and resolved almost all problems for my setup of - EdgeHD11 - Asi220mm guiding cam - Zwo OAG-L - Asi2600mm/mc APSC image camera - AsiAir plus by - using 3 second loop interval in guiding - running guide cam in bin2 mode at 400 gain - otherwise the stars were too faint and be more often lost than I'm tired of looking at the umpteenth "Clearing backlash" with no useful outcome. Also, make sure that the FL for the guidescope is correct - I have done that mistake in the past a few times. This data is critical in order for your auto guiding to work properly. Read Online. I’m just outside of Manhattan. , maximum 3 steps and 3sec. Use ASIAIR with Sky-Watcher AZ-GTI Mount 2020-04. Canon 6d plugs into the asiair usb 3. e. Celestron AVX with ASIAIR Pro - Guide problems - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hello all, This is my first GoTo mount, and I havent been able to get Autoguide to work with ASIAIR Pro. If you plan on never moving your setup, you won’t need to clear it every time, I do because I travel with my gear. 75, 0. You cannot do calibrations pointing very close to the north or south celestial poles, and the mount must be tracking at the sidereal rate. The best and most useful information deals with guide scope sampling duration during calibration. The guide scope and camera should have a 3. Basically, I cant get the mount to make ANY physical adjustments once in guide mode. I'm using the ASIAir Plus. Setup is ZWO based : ASIAir/AM3+TC40/ASI533MC Pro/ASI120mm mini+ZWO Mini Guide Scope/Samyang 135mm - only filter is a ZWO IR Cut filter (which l haven't captured an image with - yet) I've not even Hello all, For all of you using ASIair pro, you know that the guiding algorithm it uses is very similar to PHD2. When guiding, you measure centroid errors in camera x-y pixel units, and Autoguiding is essential for long astrophotography exposures. Tripod was leveled, I had a very good polar alignment, and, after calibration (I’m using AA+), initial guiding errors were really good, . be In this video I'll show you how to fix the calibration data in the ASI Air. I have the same guide scope on my small fast rig but i added a fune tune focuser to it. It goes through the East-West part of the routing fine but the North-South movement (DEC) just sits there doing nothing and I get the dreaded 'clearing backlash' for many attempts. I had ch ASIair Pro calibration issues - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hi folks, I just picked up an ASIair Pro specifically for autoguiding. im waiting for your reply since 27/03. I typically need 12 or so steps for both West-East and North-South calibration. Once finished, I stop guiding, send the mount home, then send it to the actual target and start guiding again, utilizing the calibration as just conducted. EDIT - I don't have an ASIAir but if auto-calibrate does what I think it does; yes turn it On. 7. During calibration, PHD2 needs to move the guide star ("dist") by 25 pixels. Perfect for multi-target imaging! The ASIAir will switch from calibration to guiding even though the cross hairs are not on the star but within the green box. My camera is an ASI290mm mini and I usually use a gain of 200-250. Stepping the mount motors north/south, and east/west, while watching a star will let the guide This guide was invaluable and it did get me on the right path and it lists calibration steps for a few select guiding setups. 5x guide rate, the mount will move by 37. "Guide calibration" is simply a process of measuring the camera pixels units (x and y pixels) relative to the sky coordinates (RA and declination). If you have it on, turn off auto restore calibration and make sure it calibrates every time you use it. I assure that the ASI224 performs just fine when coupled with a suitable guide scope. – Tighten the screws of the mount axes! multiple guide stars are used in A friend suggested that I do a guiding calibration on the Celestial Equator. Try Set up and balance the OTA with the ASIAir and the guide scope and calibrate (delete older calibration data if needed). Another thing that might help is making a Autoguiding is essential for long astrophotography exposures. I recently made a point to calibrate at dec 0 and have seen no difference in guiding performance but everyone's gear is different. Next, read the best practices and user manual to get a good understanding of the guiding software. ASIair guiding calibration issue - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: So this is my setup Starfield 50mm 190FL ASI120mm mini ASIair w/ the latest firmware this is my problem After not using the gears for about a month, I fired it up again tonight. The line represents the RA and Dec guide star rates calculated as a result of the calibration. Any advice on these settings? If the Calibration is taking too many steps, increase this value, and vice-versa Michael I am having a issue with my NEQ 6 Pro and ASIAIR Plus. Otherwise, ASIAIR will clear the previous calibration for you. I’m not In this video I'll show you how to fix the calibration data in the ASI Air. I saw a mention on YouTube (Peter Zelinka) that if one acquired light images using the ASIAIR one should do their Calibration frames (Dark Flats, Darks and Flats) The graph shows the movement of the star formed by the guide pulse sent by ASIAIR during calibration. Edited by Jim Waters, 24 July 2022 - 10:08 PM. (through RJ45-USB cable). Also, its best to calibrate near the celestial equator. I acquired a 50mm guide scope and ASI120mm camera and have them working, to a point. The mount is a CGE Pro, the guide cam is an ASI224MC, the guide scope is a 100mm Mead ED f/9 (900mm). Members Online. Here the second issue becomes apparent - even though ASIAir claims to be guiding, the mount doesn't move (I get star trails on exposure longer than a few seconds and the distance just grows and grows) s. Here are all my equipment: - ASI533MC Pro (Main Camera) - ASI120MM MINI (Guide Camera) - William Optics ZenithStar 61II (Maine Scope) - ZWO Mini Guide-Scope - iOptron GEM28 (Mount) - ASIair Pro Im facing a big Hi folks! How can I calculate the optimal calibration step for guiding? A lazy geek just pointed out that the AAP should have that feature implemented Hi all, Hoping that someone can assist or point me in the right direction. I am using a 240mm guide scope and an ASI 120 mini. I typically connect guide camera through imaging camera (ZWO models) for my other mount set up (no ASIAIR plus). Trying to goto M81, the mount started to flip flop to each side and try to go beyond the mounts max rotation. Delete from my manuals The accuracy of the polar axis calibration will affect the accuracy of the guiding and the GoTo. If that switch is turned on, ASIAIR will reuse the previous guide settings when you relaunch the app. My question; Will I need to use one of the ZWO cameras (120 mini) and guide scope for auto-guiding, plate solving and polar alignment The mount slews at that point and before I start the calibration process, I make sure that the guide scope is very well focused. I'll look into that, thanks! Sounds like the CAA will be only available for the Duo cameras or dedicated guide scope. Keep the default value of 2000 If you set this to 0. I am fairly new to this hobby and have yet to successfully run a guided session. 7” or better. Always get a time out Before using the ASIAIR, it is necessary to align the polar axis on the equatorial mount. How Often is Guide Calibration Needed? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: As most of you know, I use the Star Adventurer 2i for a mount (gasp!), along with the ASIAir to control everything (subsequent gasp!), and I am guiding. 07; Page 2 Quick Search Keywords This document supports keywords search functions. It's confusing because Asair-pro controls the go-to's fine and the (Asiair-pro) 4-way arrow I had similar issues when I started out with OAG guiding, and resolved almost all problems for my setup of - EdgeHD11 - Asi220mm guiding cam - Zwo OAG-L - Asi2600mm/mc APSC image camera - AsiAir plus by - using 3 second loop interval in guiding - running guide cam in bin2 mode at 400 gain - otherwise the stars were too faint and be more often lost than The Official User Forum for ZWO Products. The problem then is that its not locked onto a guide star, so I have the ASIair Pro integrated with a Star Adventurer 2i, ZWO 30mm guide scope, and a ASI120mm mini guide camera. at March 04, 2021. After setting the EXP exposure time, touch this button to start refreshing the image captured by the ASIAIR Pro guiding "guide" - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hello all, I wanted to share this link to a write up regarding the ASIAIR Pro and its guiding process. PHD2 will try to move the star by 25 pixels during calibration; so the 2 pixels per calibration pulse will finish calibration in 12 or 13 steps. 2 2020. Most of the equatorial mount's sync function is equivalent to a ASIAIR PLUS Calibration Frame Question - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I recently did some imaging away from home using the ASIAIR and was going to use NINA for calibration frames. I had ch The mount is connected to the ASIair with a EQMOD cable, ST4 from the guide camera to the mount and usb from guide camera to ASIair. No matter what aggression and max duration settings I use - the result is the same - calibration does not seem to be doing anything, and the application tries to guide the mount without absolutely any visible effect. I can't imagine that not connecting to a main camera would impact on the guide camera's ability to calibrate though? Unless as Gilesco mentioned, the settings might have to be a ASIAIR Guiding Calibration . fit header to include filter name before certain calibration software will recognise the files as legitimate How Often is Guide Calibration Needed? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: As most of you know, I use the Star Adventurer 2i for a mount (gasp!), along with the ASIAir to control everything (subsequent gasp!), and I am guiding. Equipment= 30 mm SVbony/ ASI120MM connected to an ASIAir Mini on an AM5 mount. How to restore ASIAIR OS 2021-07. Im using Celestron AVX mount connected via USB. ASIAIR PRO User Manual 2020-03. I do not have the hand controller yet. 5 arc-seconds in 5000 milliseconds. It is not a cable issue because the The mount is connected to the ASIair with a EQMOD cable, ST4 from the guide camera to the mount and usb from guide camera to ASIair. I measured my focal length with the guide camera (120mini) which is 358mm with my 350mm telescope. Fitting the Guide Stop and Camera. With calibration masters applied, target Page 1 of 3 - Setting up ASIAir Pro - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Since the general consensus seems to be that you have to guide, I decided to get the ASI Air Pro rather than drag a laptop out into the field. I’ve had problems with guiding calibration on the ASIair before. I set my main scope and ASI2600MC Pro as the guide scope & camera and tried to get a successful guide calibration that way. The camera is connected directly to the Star Adventurer. The accuracy of the polar axis calibration will affect the accuracy of the guiding and the GoTo. My ASIAIR pro doesn't auto-guide calibrate my iOptron GEM45-EC properly. Download Table of Contents Contents. 1mm DC output port on the ASIAIR. ASIAir guiding calibration - does the pier side matter? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: My setup routine involves slewing to a section close to the celestial equator and perform my guiding calibration there. With the calibration cleared, clicking on the guide icon (the one that looks like a target in the column of icons on the right hand side of the Guide window) will initiate a calibration pass before the ASIAIR will start to guide. Set the focus of Calibration step = phdlab_placeholder, Max RA duration = 2000, Max DEC duration = 2000, DEC guide mode = Off. The graph shows the movement of the star formed by the guide pulse sent by ASIAIR during calibration. The only time I use auto restore is if I If you have a ZWO EAF (Electronic Automatic Focuser) this video will show you to use the ASIAir App to calculate and calibrate for the backlash of your teles Page 2 of 2 - AP900 and ASiAir - posted in Mounts: Im relatively new to the ASIAir and very new to an AP 1600GTO mount. You need to input this in asiair. Guide camera necessary with ASIAIR Plus? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hello, Ill be getting the ASIAIR Plus as a gift soon. Go into the guiding and clear the calibration data. I found this blog article, and it addressed a number of issues and questions that I couldn't find anywhere else, so I am sharing it. , 40. Zwo please check With calibration masters applied, target centered, and mount guiding, I began to Stack 2 minute exposures. Due to my low latitude Relaunching the app may or may not erase the previous guide calibration, depending on the "Auto Restore Calibration" switch in the Guide Settings window. Currently, following capture, I have to use a third party software to modify/edit the . With the help of an experienced imager we had ASIAir working using a 70mm APO (475mm focal start calibration process again after this unplugging and reconnecting, in my case calibration succesds to 100%, backlash correction is very fast no star did not move enough issue. My last issue from what I can tell is getting guiding working on the ASIAIR. But the engineer in me who loves numbers wants to The ASIAIR runs off of 12V DC through a 5. I should also mention that this is my first time using the ASIAIR to guide. As ASIAIR Mini User-Manual-6169164 - Free download as PDF File (. After setting the EXP exposure time, touch this button to start refreshing the image captured by the Question about guiding settings I am trying to understand guide settings a bit better and how they work. I was imaging last night and all was perfect until the Meridian flip at 3am. 5 arcsec, because asiair switches to a very fins scale at that point, showing very small changes as large on the graph. Tech@ZWO. But the target was in the other direction. Too few steps of guiding calibration with OAG (ASIAIR) - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: First time Im using an OAG and not sure if I like it. I previously used it with a used AVX mount and had little to no luck using the built in guiding. They should generally be approximately vertical. This manual gives you detailed reference information and descriptions of each function in each step of use. So last week I ordered a bundled package Guide calibration errors. I polar aligned w/ polemaster, updated the ASIair to the latest firmware, reconfigure all the settings and Fastest path: Fine Adjusting the Guide Camera Focus using the ASIAIR Focus Function. I’m not View and Download ZWO ASIAIR manual online. Constantine. The shorter the focal length (of your guide setup), the larger the step should be. Seems the trick is to set the slew speed to lowest (1) in ASIAIR telescope interface BEFORE starting auto-guide calibration. I’ve double checked all my settings, increased and decreased the calibration step size, but still nothing. Most of the equatorial mount's sync function is equivalent to a one-star calibration, so in general, you don't Page 1 of 3 - ASIair Pro Guiding Issue - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Well, my first two nights with my new equipment were nightmare. 3] New Feature. ASIAIR control unit pdf manual download. The only equipment that was changed was the main scope. 25 ; 12. The problem I have now is stacking – apparently I did not capture ASIAIR [V2. 5mm x 2. txt) or read online for free. With a DSLR or Mirrorless camera and photographic lens though this can be more problematic. As recommended above, first thing is to start a new guide calibration near the celestial equator but awa from the moon. I’m using the iOptron Skyguider Pro and the ZWO guide scope. 5. I have two frames; an eq6r pro on which I use a 125/975 reduced to 790 with full focal length oag (975 mm) And the small az-gti on which I use a Jupiter 200 with svbony 120/30 guide telescope or a 70/478 with 120 guide telescope / 30. 9) for your mount, and the best Aggression, and Exposure, but first you need to Guide calibration failure "Star didn't move enough" problem (ASIAir) - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: First night out trying to get my new equipment working. You no longer need to use the st4 guide port on the mount or on the guide camera. At 0. Main Camera Focusing. Guide camera and mount plug into the asiair (use the usb 2. Calibrations can be done in other pointing positions if required by conditions at your site but they will be subject to somewhat more measurement uncertainty. There are four main settings that require adjustment based on your camera type, degree Connections from the ZWO ASIAIR to the main camera and guide camera. See how it simplifies astrophotography with automated sensor rotation and guide calibration updates. I'll show you 7 quick tips for better results. Click guiding to bring up the guiding module and double click the RA / DEC adjustment chart (this opens the guiding interface) (i use 1000ms guide pulse with With calibration masters applied, target centered, and mount guiding, I began to Stack 2 minute exposures. You want each calibration pulse to move a star by about 2 pixels on your sensor. The only thing I can think that's left is my neighbor's motion detector security light which was There are ways to use ASAIR Guiding to determine the best Guide Rate (0. Before plunging into APCC and ASCOM, I want to use the Air and a ZWO ASI290 guide camera to control the mount. nbxjxgs chggdt znal pjxab gwj yuykzn zbfh uuigw haye fprr