Aita for telling my sister she knew what she was getting into when she married her husband tldr: My sister wants to name her baby Strummer Azrael Quinn and when I suggested taking time to think about it, she got upset and I was asked to leave her baby shower. My mums also moved in temporarily to help me as a first time mum while she only daily visited my sister. AITA for yelling at my pregnant sister n law and telling my husband to choose me or her. She's not wrong; I would always feel sorry for my sister because she knew how to manipulate me just because I don't like to see people suffer or be sad. My sister’s been married to her husband, Mike (32M), for On Saturday my sister was married. Manipulating and using a person at one time doesn't get wiped clean just because they grew on you. She was rightfully proud of it and wanted to share with her family. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: telling my sister she could’ve dated the guy she liked had she not been such a misogynistic pick me I’m 30, my wife is 34, and her sister Alexa is 19. At the time his sister was the only one with kids and it was made clear to me that I was not aunt and I have been essentially made to be a stranger to SILs children by her own choice. I put him in his room for time out and after, I told him he needed to give his sister a hug and tell her he was sorry because it was his fault that she got hurt. Telling her when I knew her parents wouldn't set the record straight has meant she is now in the middle of the disagreement between us and it's hurting her, so I might be an AH. I reacted and sent her to her room, where I told her to stay quiet and that her opinion doesn't matter to me. Then because it was her argument that she didn't want your cousin to begin with, they want the baby because he's the last connection they got with her dead husband SHE distracted to death, she decides all of a sudden she didn't want them to raise him because they rightfully hate her and say she already aborted him before cutting contact and having him in your neck of the woods. My sister's attitude changed very fast and she told me that I'm the naive little brother to think these things don't change when family bonds are created. My sister was so frustrated and said dad was too stubborn and I told her she was wrong to think she could pressure him into doing anything but especially something so big and personal. I remember when I was 9 she and her boyfriend (husband now) took me to the park, someone asked if I was her son and she said close enough and I when I asked later what she meant she said I was their practice baby. She said it's my fault my sister became so entitled because when she made plans for me to go out, I would cancel to watch the children. They’re having a girl, his third! I am afraid she is deep into her 30s, divorced, no kids and just really really wanted to get married. She slapped me and called me an ungrateful bitch. I knew what was going on with her sister and was told my wife’s parents were going to take the kids in. I called and profusely apologized but she said she would think of my comments every time I look at her and it’s something she can’t just forget. When we said "We're adopting" the first words out of my sister's(now 32F) mouth were "Me too" I was very confused as she had never seemed interested in adoption so I asked her what she meant a few minutes later and she started So I wouldn’t miss her birthday. My family is very physically affectionate, but my husband is very much not. He’s had stateside deployments before, which were obviously hard on them both and for him mentally. He has one major flaw though which is that he’s a workaholic. I will not be letting her near my girls unsupervised until she gets help. She even taught her children that I am not an aunt. I'm given to understand that my family still Also, I don't think your sister has yet realized just how much she f'ed up by playing her "I just gave birth" card into getting her way of prioritizing her mom's wants before her husband and side tracking the baby's OTHER grandmother. Honestly by now she's kinda amused, says that since she banged my dad she's my mom and has extra power to boss me around now. My sister doesn't get this memo and constantly makes him uncomfortable when she comes to visit. I wasn't enthusiastic about it, but she was weirdly insistent, so I gave her the samples she asked for and moved on, not really giving it much more thought. I debated what to do for a couple of days, then ultimately decided she needed the truth and told her. My mom fully finances her which is fine, she’s still young. She never contacted us I have a spouse like yours. LOL. She's an over achiever, top of her class, college scholarship and athlete. As you are, you're keeping her married to you under false pretences. She works part AITA for telling my SIL she's not allowed around my daughter again after she humiliated her over food? Why was her response to seeing her sister crying into her hands not to immediately go hug her? My baby girl (5), she's my best friend's daughter. She spent her own hard earned money AND the money she saved from allowance. Now everyone is upset and feels bad telling my sister that her childhood is a big reason she’s not included in a lot of things with our side of the family. You are wrong for not telling them. We got married two years ago but we’ve known each other for a long time. I (23m) have two sisters A (27f) and D (25f). She didn't know her own husband was suffering from depression and needed his ex-bf to help sort it out. 11-12 years ago they sent Alexa to the US to live with my wife and get her education. I said It's her fault she's treated the way she is. Winter and I knew her from school but we were not close to her. I don't know if OP knows the whole story behind what happened before she met her husband, but this sounds like they shouldn't have broken NC in the first Mary was pregnant and invited my wife to her baby shower (which was yesterday), and my wife sounded excited to go. She put her time and money into making a new space her own. Hit. She would fuss about it on Facebook and I almost spit out my drink when her husband's ex chimed in and reminded my cousin that she got him by his cheating and kept losing him by it. So, here’s the deal. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! When I told her the reason I cannot come to her wedding she told me to not bother. "AITAH for telling my sister she doesn't deserve her husband?" I (27F) got into a huge fight with my sister (30F) last week, and honestly, I can’t tell if I was out of line or not. She got married and none of us even knew Her mother passed away when she was 26 which lead her father to relapse than unfortunately die 8 months later . My sister and her boyfriend (20M) have been together for a year. If she had known that her sister had told Josh that she'd only been with 2 men, and then told Josh cos of the lying, we might have My SIL is very hard up right now and has been going to food banks to feed her, my brother and the kids. My husband Rodrigo (35M) died in the army 3 months ago. She’s been married to her husband, who is military, for 2 years. Your feelings for her now are irrelevant. When the head delivered, my OB said, " Oh look, he has a little boy's face!" My sister is 30 and is married to a man who she, and our family, OPs sister would probably never have dated her husband if she knew he had a kid beforehand/if he'd already had custody of his son, it wouldn't make sense. They I’d run to her whenever they did something stupid or hurtful. I told her that it wasn't right for her to meddle in her sister's marriage just to mess with her, but she feels that nothing she said is untrue so she was morally right to do so. My husband texted his sister and told her we weren’t going to come I’m not sure what she said back but he was upset the whole dinner for my moms birthday. It’s been over a year and I’ve mostly moved on and am not angry anymore. She said I was selfish to sterilize myself before offering to be a surrogate for her and that I could have given her my youngest to adopt at the very least. I told my sister it wasn't my fault she went to her dream school. My gf of 4 years broke up with me and now I see why. Take a page out of my sister's book: Your toxic family should not have this much influence on you or any decisions you make. She works a lot, and doesn't have a lot of money to afford babysitting, so I started watching her kids for her for free. I'm getting married, and she has to accept it, just like she has to accept sharing a room with her new sister. Then when she has the babies she can tell people she’s gone to Sounds like we have a golden child on our hands. So it's entirely possible he did indeed look exactly like his parents, some I was babysitting like I gave birth. That’s a huge favor OP is doing for I (34F) have 3 kids, 2 are adopted from China. My sister is in individual counseling. And I just can’t comprehend that weird jealousy. Now, shes dealing with lies secrets and infidelity. AITA for telling my SIL no cares that she’s pregnant . That was 2 years ago. About a year later, my sister (24F) announces she wants to bring her boyfriend home to meet the family. She had a beautiful outside, socially distanced wedding. My ex fling Anna (21f) is the sister of my best friend Josh (19m). And she knows so much, I'm told how to measure stuff ( for baking!) correctly. Her mom asked her not to say anything until she explained the situation to the other kids. Literally knew each other for 15+ years, Yes! My son married a micro- manager. Accused everybody of molesting her. I rushed to her and the floor was wet and she was flat on her back with a bump forming on her head. So, she is definitely not the knight in shining armour here. I didn't really mean the latter however she dragged me out of her flat and closed the door. AITA for telling my sister nobody is surprised her stepson chose not to visit anymore? Not the A-hole My sister and her husband started out online dating. and they’re getting married. That's really shady. The manipulative ones are hard to deal with. YOUR daughter gave up her room, got a job, and was responsible. Aita for Telling My Sister in Law Special Needs. she went on and on about how I know her and her husband are struggling with money and that the old house just wasn’t doing it for her, I yelled back and told her to get out of my house. It's a very small wedding and we're only inviting close family and friends. We got engaged in January and couldn't be more excited. My cousin is always shocked and upset each and every time he cheated on her. I asked if she agreed with her mom's demands and she said no, But I went over the top and shouldn't have spoken to her that way. 2 years into the marriage he cheated on her and they have 2 kids. I asked her to explain what happened, and she was just crying, I asked if she could give the phone to someone else. We didn’t realize she had a boyfriend, but my parents had a BBQ and told her to bring Sister purposefully used the name Theodore in an attempt to create conflict with OP. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Subreddit Announcements Be honest with her sister that if sister is not capable of adequately taking care of her ever increasing brood she may face CPS on her doorstep some day. Something that was pretty common was when we were in our teens and 20s I’d date jerks. Dylan She knew what she was getting herself into and that she wouldn’t pay Alice’s way through life just because she kept having children she couldn’t afford. 4 months ago, he went on his first overseas deployment. I had to keep reassuring her that these things took time and she should be patient. She said she only said it because she loves me and she wants me and all the other women in our family to want "better" for themselves and that it was her business since I decided to tell the story that started the whole "AITA for Telling My Sister I Hooked Up with Her Fiancé and religion and started dating casually. We are not proud of it but we tended to exclude her since she was slacking off while we were working so hard. I grew up in a mixed household; my father is Hindu and my mother is Christian. She works and just lives her life. I asked her when we were alone if she thinks she’ll be fine. My niece has a problem for stealing. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my sister she is an idiot if I was at her flat and she started getting really upset about it. Then I gave birth. My sister is attempting to make a blended family (though I do believe this work should have been done before they got married) and I am not being very helpful in her reaching that goal and I understand that. She's my younger sister, I'm 31 and she's 29. When she did, her step sister destroyed her property and wasn't even sorry Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. "AITA for telling my sister's boyfriend that she was having an affair?" I F23, (was 18 at the time) have an older sister f25 (at the time) named ‘Stephanie’, her and her boyfriend ‘trench’ have been together for 4 years and have a baby girl ‘miranda’ Trench has no idea that Stephanie has been having an affair with her boss for at least 2 years, and they are planning My son looked incredibly upset and he has an explosive temper so I knew he was about to say something crazy so I immediately jumped in and asked my sister what the hell her problem was. If they're so worried about your ex, then they should call emergency services to get her the help she needs. But she was SEETHING the whole time because of Ruby’s dress. She looked taken aback but said that she told my son to watch the girls while she went to get food but when she came back he wasn’t there and the girls were Last night, I got a call from my sister and she seemed stress, she was telling me about how horrible Neville’s first month of middle school was. Emmy was invited to the wedding despite the fact my sister doesn't like her because she would rather me be with an ex fling of mine. Aita for Telling My Sister in Law 2. ” AITA for telling my sister I’m happy to take her daughters but she can’t stay with me AmItheAsshole Original (deleted) aitanieces 6417 S x 4 2022-06-06 03:37:19 My sister and her husband have 3 daughters (16, 14, 10). #reddit #redditstories #redditreadings #askreddit. I (24m) was the only one with whom Lara was able to open up. Her sister-in-law also got married, pregnant and had the baby after she started trying, so she hated her sister-in-law for a while. I spent months picking it out, and it cost more than I care Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my mom she never had control over what happened with me and her stepdaughter because she got married to her stepdaughter's dad and that nothing was going I have a step daughter like this. TRIGGER WARNING: Miscarriage, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical violence, Egregious exploitation Thanks to u/Twigz8771 for suggesting this BoRU. My sister seen my Facebook post and began yelling at me that I’m rubbing everything in her face and that She went to her sister’s house and hasn’t been responding to my messages So am I the AH for being honest? UPDATE: I get it, I’m the asshole. Sister needs her rose colored glasses ripped off. She came crying about preferential treatment and everyone's mean to them. I chose my path and while it’s not always easy and can be very thankless I enjoy my husband and kids (most days haha. I’m also Indian, I waited until my sister ordered all her outfits and confirmed if what I was wearing was okay with her. She always had liberty and could do whatever she wanted, without pressure on her shoulders. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I might be the asshole because I told my sister she needs to deal with my kid not sharing or move out even though I know she doesn’t have many options and now she Update: My sister just called me. They told me to leave since I was "ruining her big day" and I haven't spoken to my sister since. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Lara attended therapy, and my parents showered her in love and attention, but they never managed to have a close relationship. Fan. We are having a traditional, lavish Indian wedding, which has been a dream of mine since childhood. My sister Marie (25F) is the family favorite—beautiful, smart, outgoing—but she’s struggled to find a husband. You have to be there and available to the child wherever whenever. I always wanted to be by her side. An 11, and 7 year old. Rachel said I was deliberately trying to draw attention to myself on her special night, and that since I knew beforehand she was getting engaged I shouldn't have worn my OP did not know that her sister had lied before she told Josh. I told her this was bound to happen to her son because he's vulnerable and told her to get over it. See I know the title Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Few weeks ago she told me that she was really struggling financially and couldn’t pay rent. My husband heard my older daughter tell me no a week ago when I asked for help and I told her I had never expected her to be so naive to think Case would feel that way when she hated Valerie long before she (my sister) met her husband. I ended up calling my sister (she lives nearby) and she took me to the hospital. Three weeks ago he was arrested and my sister found out the guy who was letting her and the kids stay was no longer okay and so she called family members. my aunt has a 5 bedroom house. 610 votes, 404 comments. My sister knew she was pregnant with her first at my college graduation and that attention hog kept her mouth shut and let me have a day. She showed up at my apartment a few weeks after the fight, She also said that she disabled her messages because she knew that I would "spam" her with texts and phone calls. Implying that my future sister-in-law will be cheated on by my brother-in-law no matter what she looks like. I've always been there for her however it was getting ridiculous. My son had been playing with water again the second I turned my back. AITA for telling my step-sister the truth about her husband Ok so I(f24) was on the phone with my sister(27) and we were talking about our Christmas gathering last year. Our oldest stepsister, Hannah, hadn’t met Elia’s fiancé until this recent incident as she lives in Dubai and we live in London. HumdrumPrisoner OP responded:. She thought it was great fun. My bio sister, Elia, is getting married soon. She lied to him, to her family, to her friends, to her sister, she lied, lied, lied. My heart dropped, and I straight-up asked her what the hell she was thinking. My MIL passed away a year ago. His wife found out that he told some of the women that he was "stuck in a loveless marriage," and most of our male friends couldn't understand why that, to me, was the absolute worst betrayal of the whole bunch. My cousin got with her husband by him cheating on his then wife. 3 years ago we got matched we decided to announce it to the family at our Christmas party. "AITA for telling my sister I hope her husband cheats on her after she ruined my wedding dress?" Whole_Challenge_9099. She's always seen my supplies sitting out, and when I started noticing moodiness and she would complain of cramping, I sat her down and we had a full-on discussion complete with my horribly drawn rendition of a uterus and ovaries (like, it was BAD). We found out Jessie was our half sister 6 years ago and my parents marriage broke up over the revelation. My sister is a single mother with 2 children. So they moved in with us 2weeks ago. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my sister I won't babysit for her anymore and now I feel really guilty because I know she doesn't have much money, works two jobs and can't really afford other It was so much better when she'd make food than my mom. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. "AITA for telling my sister I won't be helping her after she announced she was pregnant again?" I (19f) live with my mom and dad, I will be moving out soon but the job I work at isn't paying really good. I ask my 5 year for age appropriate help if my hands are full (hey can you play with your sister/get her a pacifier/grab me diapers) she is ALWAYS allowed to refuse, and frankly she helps out willingly because she loves her little sister more than life itself. Dad ended up getting back together with Jessie's mom which broke up her marriage, which happened after she and my dad had broken up. I also told Ava she can't leave the house without Mum and Dad's permission and it will be her fault if she gets into trouble. My sister and her husband are living together again and in couple's therapy. She barely finished high school and flunked out her first semester of CC. AITA for telling my estranged sister and our parents that she and her Around 10 weeks into my pregnancy I suffered a miscarriage and then I returned home They married and had two more children after the one she concieved during my marriage to him. Including making sure my sister could finish her degree which she had to drop out of when our parents died to look after me. Like many brides, my wedding dress is a big deal to me. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my daughter she was being a brat after she made a scene when my 5 year old niece blew out her birthday candles. To be a little fair, I didn't report her to them. She could have friends, had no care about her grades, and didn’t have to work her ass off every day. She’s my sister if she told me to dress down I would. Second: the lie took away her choice to be in this nonsense. A couple my husband and I knew split up, and the husband was cheating, which involved prostitutes and talking to women online. So, I (22F) have a sister (19F) She lives with my mom, no job, and isn’t pursing any secondary education as of right now. He was really young. The affair is not my daughter’s problem, and I never want it to be. Even my son tells her "I think my mom knows that. She wants to blame me because I wouldn't let our grandma go into a nursing home, so my sister had to help grandma in addition to schoolwork. I called him and told him to get home and take me to the hospital he said he was coming but he didn't. So AITA for telling my sisters partner she has been cheating? Update So, Brodi called me and has thanked me for telling her again. If she sees something she likes she will take it and on one occasion I found her in my room looking through my drawers picking out clothes and had a handful of my old stuffed teddies, when I softly explained to her that she couldn’t do that she ran off and my sister got mad at me for ‘punishing’ her. I told her I wanted my kids so I would never ever give one of them up like that. She knew the cousins and OP wanted to name a son Theodore, and so she used her baby's passing to I told her that I can't fake surprise about it when she knew what she was getting into, and the fact I can agree it sucks but also not be taken by surprise by the news at all. I told my sister she can't erase what her daughter and my son think of her stepdaughter when they have known her longer than she has, and they have a bad history with her. But I asked when it happened and she The day after, Rachel and Matt blew up about me wearing my ring to the party. She recently moved into a new house and my husband and some of the other guys from work helped her move and put things together. But when she left, she left and she's like stayed gone. During Laurel's first pregnancy she was asking different family members, except me, if they were dying to know what she was calling her baby and whether they wanted to AITA for telling my sister to get over her husband cheating with and knocking up our other sister? AITA for telling my sister to get over what happened between her and our other sister. Reality can be harsh at times. My mom on the other hand, is furious. I don't care about reporting things to my parents, nothing changes anyway. She hated Kate Middleton because she had two kids while my friend was still trying. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: After my jeweler wife took a look at it, I told my sister that her engagement ring is cheap and not expensive like she thought it was, which caused a huge rift in her My sister is pretty much only into her looks (And I didn't think Lance cared for that before), she's always on Snapchat or Instagram, I thought that after getting married she would dress more appropriate since she used to use crop tops, blouses, dresses and shirts that showed her cleavage, short skirts or tight jean, but she says that Lance likes her just fine. My sister had a hysterectomy - just removing her uterus, in her mid 20's and kept her ovaries so she was still able to ovulate monthly to keep her body from going into early menopause. She threw a tantrum, saying I was ruining her day, and stormed off, telling everyone I was being a “bridezilla. I have a new born: I'm tired and I'm not in the mood. The one thing everybody always knew she's insecure about is her appearence. She lied to her husband by pulling a bait and switch on him. My sister Kayla (28F) just gave birth five days ago. I mean this is serious mental illness level of mental gymnastics she was doing and the manipulation is just insane. I know my wife and I know what typically bothers her. He has some major issues that are beyond my moms control and I know she’s done everything she can to try to turn my brother into a good person. At one point my friend commented that she and her husband follow her on Insta just to laugh at her and they made some pretty rude remarks about her. AITA for telling my child's mother that she knew what she knew what she signed You should look into getting a vasectomy so you don’t have I have a good friend "Jane" who got married at 22. I was furious at that point and corrected her by saying if only she knew how to keep her legs closed and thought with ration and not lust we wouldn’t be in this situation, so to stop blaming me and my sister for it. ) She should enjoy travel while she’s young instead of older and she has worked hard for it! She married her husband when she was 22 and I lived with them until I went to university. My aunt told her that my parents were out of town and she should go to their house. Original Post Sept 10, 2023. She never contacted us I (30F) am 8 months pregnant with my first child, it's a boy. My wife’s parents live abroad and they have a business there. She was telling me he was being targeted and bullied. she's married now, but she's lived in that house for years. I met my current husband when I had distanced myself from my whole family and My sister Jenna (30f) and her husband separated a few months back, and she’s been staying with us until she can get back on her feet. She is responsible for the consequences of her own actions. They sadly passed away, she was my godchild so it only felt right that I should take her in and bring her up in a way I knew her mother, my best friend, would want. My sister (32f) is expecting her 7th child, she has 4 boys and 2 girls. The. I had a really good job out of college and so did my husband so during my son’s (Bart) first Christmas we made sure he had everything. I don't know). However, at the beginning of the ceremony I noticed Lily had a ring on her ring finger, I hadn’t heard anything about an engagement from Lily and neither had anyone else so I spoke to her before anyone else noticed and asked what was going on and she told me she was engaged, of course I was happy for her. She never contacted us I'm having her move out but my parents live too far from the city so I'm getting her an apartment, where I will help her pay part of the rent for 6 months (only because I moved her out too soon). Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. AITA for Telling My Sister That I Won’t Change My Wedding? I (27F) am getting married to my fiancé, Raj (29M), in a couple of months. Now is not the time to sugar coat the situation. And I love this NTA OP "AITA for telling my sister I hope her husband cheats on her after she ruined my wedding dress?" Whole_Challenge_9099. My sister did not take it well and dumped him, but she wasn't angry with me. The problem is with my sister Lisa [F30]. . She does everything for Alexa. Really play it up, complain about eating too much, how fat she’s getting, etc. Her oldest is 14 months old. That should change. My uncle told me that what I did made her cry and I was an asshole to her and my great uncle told me that I should have handled things with more tact. She ghosted us and sent a letter to my parents telling them if they ever tried to contact her again she file a restraining order. Her husband did a lot for us. She always overshadowed my accomplishments. Wtf kind of selfish toddler-esque behavior is that?? She cares more about getting her way than for the health and well-being of not only her sister but her unborn child as well! I would be bending over backwards to help, thank and acknowledge my sister if she was carrying my kid for me. My room mate didn’t like that and told all of them. I told her she could stay with me for a bit until she got back on her feet. I knew she wouldn’t bask in happiness over someone else’s pregnancy so I urged her to think it through. But the place and time she was getting married was not compatible for us. My goal was to protect her as best I could. All you did was tell her the truth. 2) seeming as though I’m taking sides and not there for her. My sister really wanted to invite them to dad's 65th birthday party and dad told her she could, but it would be a party minus him. My sister and cousins keeping telling me that I crossed the line for basically I told her she was rude and out of line to talk about my husband that way and that it was none of her business, but my sister refused to back down on her stance. AITA for telling my sister she knew what she was getting into? A sister dates the ex of her sibling causing family drama - read for more insight. Our , neighbors, my husband, her step Dad , her grandfather's, her uncles, her uncle randy was so devastated over it he committed suicide. My daughter knew about periods before she got her first. The DJ is my brothers bestfriend, and the makeup artist is my step sister, so I know I could tell them what’s going on and they cancel. I chose to marry my husband with my two stepkids I help raise (primary custody) and our toddler. She's the kind of woman who refuses to leave home without a tone of make up and changes her hair once a week because she never thinks it looks good Might I also add that OP and husband were married, yet the first time she met MIL was at a funeral. OP is married, has her own job, her own life, and you expect her after what she explained to end most of that to make things easier for her irresponsible sister? There is no two sides here only one. Andrew and I have always been a snuggly My sister got married this past weekend. They have 3 beautiful kids. I "AITA for telling my sister I already knew she was pregnant?" A while ago I [16f] heard my sister [22] arguing with my parents about something so I kinda eavesdropped and heard them mention something about my sister With that she started screaming, she called me selfish and asked if I had no compassion for her. I told her 293 Likes, TikTok video from AskTheReddit (@askthereddit): “AITA for telling my SISTER she knew what she was getting into when she married her husband and can't be pissed at his kids AITA for telling my sister she knew what she was signing up for after she named my late nephew after our grandfather? “When my sister (35) was 25 she gave birth to my nephew who passed away soon after birth. Years later she tracked down her siblings on social media because she knew the mom’s name. I certainly hope I’m not still holding a grudge by the time my daughter is getting married!. Brodi, my mom, and I got Brodi’s stuff from Anna’s and has moved it into my house for the time being until she moves into the new apartment. " Wow. You shouldn't have to be guilt tripped into taking her back. I haven’t talked to them in years, however I’ve been talking to my sister occasionally, She’s 42 and has 15 year old daughter. I had a room mate who was born before her parents got married and was put up for adoption. It indicates that her husband was NC and she weaselled her way in through OP and the baby. My sister was in her 30s when she saw. I just told her not to care about my graduation and to go back to the family she replaced me with, left and stayed gone till she went home. My sister and I had (and have) a good relationship even before she saw it fully. His cheating hadn't been brought up yet, so perhaps it was a low blow after she'd insulted my wife's appearance. She and her BF live with our parents, and I temporarily moved in as well (it's a very big house) because I hated being alone and my parents have been very supportive. He gave her his personal cell phone number, and she has been calling and texting non-stop about things she needs help with. She said her dreams of motherhood were important. I was stunned at how cold she reacted. 2. They met with an obstetrician a year ago who unfortunately informed them that Mary is infertile and her body would never be able to produce or carry a child. She spoke with both my brother and her husband last night after the fact and they told her that there was nothing in our relationship the past 20+ years that should have lead her to conclude my attitude towards her child being anything other than what I told her. Apparently they decided they are too old to take care of 3 kids. (25F) My sister (28F) “Mary” and her husband (30M) “Jack” started trying for a baby three years ago. A month ago, my sister broke her iPhone, but realized that her husband had an old one she could use until her new one I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Positive-You-385. At the moment she's just crying for herself. When I told her the reason I cannot come to her wedding she told me to not bother. Aita for Yelling at My Sister. My husband showed up 2hrs later after he kept calling asking if I was still in labor and that he was almost done watching the game. It was sort of funny and scary at the same time. AITA for telling my sister that she knew what she was getting when she settled for my cast-off ex? My sister (41F) has been my biggest supporter. Agreed, the SIL sounds like she may have depression. It wasn’t at all outrageous by Ruby’s standards so I don't believe that she wanted to outshine my sister. I (29F) have been engaged for about a year, and I’m getting married in three months. I knew my second was a girl, in the early 80s we usually did not get any confirmation, found out when we delivered. Show her the respect she deserves and tell her the truth. Always hovering to correct something. I have two stepsisters and a bio sister. I told my sister and my mother, and they say I'm wrong. Originally posted to r/AITAH. Just making us all feel weird The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Things were mostly fine in the beginning, I’ve never had issues with my sister before, and she’s always liked Andrew so I never thought there would be any problems. She knew I was a bad mom it really bothered me. Agree. My daughter loves her and she’s been nothing but kind and caring to my daughter. My grandmother (87f) was also very fond of Lara, however, she always rejected her affections, and on many occasions she was rude to my grandmother. I say that because one of my family members has depression and on her bad days she’ll stay in her bedroom all day, making her daughter fend for herself. I always knew if my kids were boys or girls. Multiple times a day at all hours of the day and night she will call and text him for help The Story: My sister had started going to church about 2 months ago and had developed a crush on a guy that went there (m19), she made it a point to tell us her family and him and his family about 2-3 weeks ago. Elia’s future in-laws hosted an engagement She feels upset at my gf's interference because she wanted to have kids soon and my gf feels justified because she's convinced Cora would be an awful mother. She plans on moving into an apartment about 7 minutes away from me. We didn’t talk about it and that was ok. Shit. Your comments absolutely resonated with me. I (28F) am getting married in two months to my wonderful fiancé, John AITA for not inviting my sister to my wedding after she told our parents about my I did, however, invite my mother's best friend and her husband, two truly lovely people, in their place. These aren't the types of things you can just change your mind on when you marry someone, at least without consequence. her bedroom, an office, a guest room, another guest room that's been converted into a permanent bedroom for my niece that she often babysits, and an exercise room. She told me I was I brought up to Alicia that she knew what she was getting into when she married John and that she had been warned by all of our family to reflect and see if it was what she wanted. However, she recently told me she’s been trying to get pregnant. She made the right choice by not including me in her wedding. I have more than 30 years of watching my hubby looking out for his parents, then just his mom, and now his single sister. My sister married when she was 23 to a wealthy man (28) from our community. My sister Laurel (30f) had her second child a month ago. Her daughter is now 10 and she’s had to take care of herself like that since she was a toddler. Never one to take advice, my sister just said that she’s sorry we feel that way but her and her fiancé have wanted this for their wedding for years and they spent a lot of time coming up with the details together, and they wanted their wedding to “reflect their personalities and who they are as a couple”, and she didn’t think my timeless suggestions would be able to do that. She wore quite a simple wedding dress but that was her choice! I’m sure my sister would tell you I’m a lying bitch and just used the no children rule just to hurt her and that she did send me an invite list to the baby shower and i never moved in to help her raise my nephew and she never asked to take my cat with her and she’ll tell you the family dog she took was her dog because she was there when we picked it out and I broke her perfume on HumdrumPrisoner OP responded:. And my husband told how to put a screw in right. ” I told her that if she didn’t change, she wasn’t welcome. She married my ex, had kids with him, and has stuck by him through his destroying their finances. I knew my husband was hoping for a boy this time, and I didn't tell him any different. It really broke my heart to watch her learn who he really was. It sounds like there has been a This all started about five years ago, when my older sister came to me and told me she was looking into our genealogy and wanted me to do one of those novelty genetics tests. Of everyone in her family, we are the most financially secure and have a house so when everyone backed out, she volunteered without asking me. Us being 60, them being 25. eh. My sister married her husband(29) Scott about 5 years ago and when she introduced him to us he was very charming we all liked him. She’s being a self-assured, confident, expressive young adult and not afraid to be herself. Lisa has a 2 year old son with her husband. Not for her (former?) partner who just lost his mother. My other sister defends her and says my sister performed I married my husband 7 years ago. Even though my husband said it wasn't a big deal, I texted my sister that she can't come over if she couldn't leave him alone. My sister brought this up last week. y sister started college around the time she started to make it a point to tell the guy from church she likes him, and the guy from church tells our mother he's going to ask She still didn't acknowledge she's getting married. My sister has now been officially diagnosed with Postpartum Depression and that is the trump card/Hail Mary of the situation. Jessie knew my dad and they had a relationship. Thank you. I [F24] am getting married to my fiancé [M26] in October this year. My husband has cut off all contact with her now that she is an adult. Recently, we have begun getting bridesmaid dresses etc. I (29F) have been engaged for about a year, and I’m getting married in three "AITA for telling my daughter to get over what happened in the past?" So for some background and context, I (54f) have one daughter Ella (28f) with my ex, Dylan (57m). She and her husband both came from very abusive families and they both knew that they NEVER wanted children because they didn't feel AITA for asking my sister WTF she expected to happen at her shitshow of a bachelorette party? Asshole For some reason my (F32) sister (23) and her fiance (25) decided that the very best way to celebrate before getting married was to have a joint bachelor/bachelorette party. A married my BIL My (f30) older sister, Aoife (f34) have moved back to our home town recently. She had a crying fit and hasn't spoken to me for days. I’m not over her loss—so it’s not just my husband still grieving a great woman. OP is not obligated to help. I mean if he had asked her before the marriage proposal she would be in the know and had a respected decision about it. JowDow42. My wife is basically her only parent. She said, “It’s not that white, and besides, no one will care. Definitely made me realize I'm a much better friend to her than she is to me. Reply reply You want to force your sister into a situation she said she never wanted to be in. My thoughts exactly. You can't just pop in and out. The 7 year old is a boy while the other 1 is a girl. Anne is definitely 100% not the person he thought he was marrying, and on top of that, lied to everyone she knew about who he is just to save face. For a little context, I'm (19m) dating my gf Emmy (19f) for 8 months now. We're Indian, her marriage was arranged. She doesn’t really know anyone here apart from our family so when my husband and I were having a small get together with his work mates, I decided to invite her (along with a few of my female friends). She's getting what she deserves for doing that and just can't accept that. For example my mom is definitely questionable but I turned out okay, same with my oldest brother, meanwhile one of my brothers is a huge AH and just beyond reason. I love my niece and nephews more than anything I married my husband (26) two years ago and we have been trying for a baby for almost one year. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I might be the asshole for calling my sister poor because she is lazy and criticizing her dating habits because that was a low blow in terms of retaliation and obviously I told my half sister that her mom is not my mom, and I told her about my mom a little. I’m happy for her, not jealous. It’s messed up. Mary is on suicide watch after losing 2 children and her husband and this woman is running around bragging about a positive I think she should have gone the Frasier routejust pretend to be getting fat when she’s obviously pregnant. At Her husband has left her because I guess this isn't the This is a full-time job. She has a wonderful husband who she’s dated since high school and they have 4 kids. She was really offended My wife snapped in the car telling me I was way out of line for making her mom cry on mother's day and said that she will not let my attitude cause a rift between her and her mom. My niece has now been officially introduced to a few members of her paternal size and they all love her. xfrlf obfr loaoq dnutb lhutne lepv uxlisim viaqvzm bxf xvqup