Usps postcards size. Large envelopes (flats) start at $1.

Usps postcards size For the U. 4-1/4 inch max. The reason for the standard size is its alignment with USPS regulations for lower postage rates, which apply to postcards no larger than 4. Oversized postcards need letter stamps, which start at $0. Some mailers want to attach stickers, magnets, or other items to their postcards. However, it's important to note that the USPS has specific requirements for postcard dimensions, including size, thickness, and shape. 2 entitled "Personal Stamped Envelopes. We discuss official postcard sizes below as well as the three main USPS postcard rates. Depending on the actual dimensions, the specific rectangular sizes range from definitive to jumbo. Maximum for letters and other cards: 11-1/2 inches long, 6-1/8 inches high, and 1/4 inch thick. com. Maximum size for Letters 11-1/2" long x 6-1/8" high. POSTAL CUSTOMER GUIDE 5 * For commercial mailers, larger-sized postcards have a maximum size of 6 inches in length and 9 inches in height. 25″ x 6″. Maximum thickness for Letters 1/4" thick. The Postal Service offers commercial prices because you do some of the work that otherwise would have to be done by the Postal Service (for example, sorting the mail by ZIP Code or taking your mail to a certain postal facility). Mailable Postcard Sizes Price is less than a one-ounce letter. Standard postcards are usually made of paper, are between 5" to 6" long and 3-1/2" to 4-1/4" high, and are between 0. 40 and include the following sizes: 3-inches x 4-inches; 4-inches x 6-inches; 4. Unusual Shapes and Sizes Jul 1, 2024 · Please note that only the first three USA postcard sizes from above are considered postcards by the USPS. Explore all the ways you can customize your USPS ® mail, then select a link to get started. EDDM flyers, postcards, and other flats are considered USPS Marketing Mail ® products. Then the postcard must be at least 3. First-Class Mail ® postcards are a great value, too. $15. The new maximum size for a postcard is 6 inches high by 9 inches long. Standard-sized, rectangular postcard stamps start at $0. You pay a lower price than for letters and get all of the benefits, such as forwarding and return services, that come with First-Class Mail service. Save money using a $0. 59" tall. Pieces over 6 inches in length or 4. Emilio Sanchez Oversized Postcards. " The Postal Service's costs are reduced, and you pay less postage. 007" and 0. Choose from a variety of templates and stock photos or add your own. 5” x 5 inches and 0. Top Searches. Standard Postcard size. Postcards. com Postal Store Prices - USPS Marketing Mail Flats up to 3. 56 postcard stamp to send a standard-sized postcard anywhere in the U. 870" wide by 0. Share Mail letters or postcards must meet the First-Class Mail eligibility, machinability, and other specifications of the Mail Classification Schedule and Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM ®). First, it must be rectangular in shape. Turn digital photos into personalized greeting cards or postcards with our third-party vendors 1. Thickness: 0. 50. 016 inch thick. Size requirements: Minimum Size: 3½ inches by 5 inches. Maximum weight for First-Class Mail letters is 3. 016" thick. 255" wide by 1. Press offers all of these sizes on our postcard pricing page. 25 Jun 21, 2019 · Postcard dimensions determine the cost of mailing. Postcard Size Quantity Price Cost; Total: $0. PO BOXES; PASSPORTS; FREE BOXES . However, when you send postcards via USPS Marketing Mail™ service (formerly called Standard Mail), there’s no price break. Maximum thickness for Large Envelopes 3/4" thick. Maximum Size: 4¼ inches by 6 inches. 016 inch Pieces that do not meet the minimum dimensions are nonmailable Postcards exceeding the size requirements are subject to letter-size pricing Dec 29, 2024 · Mailing date must be between 12/29/2024 and 2/27/2025. You can also personalize pre-stamped envelopes with your return address in a unique font. Jun 26, 2024 · The most popular size is 4 inches by 6 inches, which meets USPS postcard regulations and is affordable to print. Square: These stamps are used for specific designs, and have included stamps in the Music Icons ® series and the Total Eclipse of the Sun stamp. You need enough space to highlight your business' big announcement or greet your customers for the season. Sizes we offer : 3” x 3”, 4” x 4”, and 5” x 5”. Jan 18, 2024 · Unfortunately, square postcards will not meet the size requirements for USPS postcard postage rates. Shop our selection of Stamped Cards, Postcards Cards & Envelopes on the USPS. Other popular sizes include 5 inches by 7 inches and 6 inches by 9 inches. Half-fold postcard sizes include: Postcards. 73. 007” thick. 219 per piece USPS postage rates offer low-cost mailing and shipping prices for domestic & international customers. 5 oz; for large First-Class Mail envelopes, the maximum weight is 13 oz. Large Envelopes exceed one of the letter size maximum dimensions. Large envelopes (flats) start at $1. The size should also follow the USPS requirements for affordable and convenient mailing to your target market. Uses a Postcard stamp. Jan 22, 2023 · On August 29, 2021, the Postal Service published in the Federal Register (86 FR 43415–43418) a revised standard to increase the maximum size of a postcard permitted for mailing at the commercial postcard price. 5 with the intent of applying an aspect-ratio requirement to commercial postcard In the event of a conflict between USPS Web site information and Mail Manual information, the USPS Mail Manuals will control. 56. EDDM Retail ® USPS Marketing Flats currently $0. Size & Weight Requirements – Postcards & Envelopes Maximum for First-Class Mail card prices: 9 inches long, 6 inches high, and 0. 00 Minimum size for Postcards and Letters 5" long x 3-1/2" high. The USPS also accepts folded postcards as long as they fit within the US postcard sizes' restrictions. The Postal Service has increased the size of a commercial presorted or automation First-Class Mail (FCM) postcard. Enter Search term for Search USPS. But make sure that your postcard is no larger than 6-1/8" x 11-1/2" x 1/4" thick. Set of 8 | Stamps Included. Sizes for postcards; Sizes for Letters; Sizes for parcels that weigh 13 ounces or less. See full list on mailing. Everyone benefits from this "work-sharing. The new extended dimension of the postcard piece will have a minimum thickness of . Weight, Size, & Shape Requirements. This revision also included a change to DMM 233. 98" tall to 1. 5-inches Knowing the shape of your mail determines the price you will pay. 11-1/2 inch max. ". Postal Service to charge the lower postcard rates, the size of a postcard must meet specific requirements. com Jan 9, 2024 · USPS Postcard Sizes and Postage Rates. 009 to a maximum of . The maximum weight for a Share Mail letter is 1 ounce, including its envelope. 4. Rectangular, with four square corners and parallel opposite sides. Or, when you use enhanced Click-N-Ship service, for $1. 016 and is eligible for the card size prices. Different sizes are okay; different shapes are not. Standard Postcard Sizes. 6 inch max. Large Envelopes. 55 per label, we’ll print the mailing label and deliver it to you. 223 per piece; EDDM BMEU USPS Marketing Mail Flats currently as low as $0. 007 inch to 0. S. This means that square postcards will likely have an increased postage cost. All the remaining postcard sizes will be charged more and sent through marketing mail. Aug 1, 2017 · Choosing the right size for your postcards is essential to communicating and delivering your message. 25-inches x 5. Contact your Business Mail Entry Unit for more information. Mailpiece Design Requirements. There are special size requirements for mailing flats at automation prices and carrier route prices. The most common sizes for postcards are 4” x 6”, 5” x 7”, 6” x 8”, 6” x 9”, 6” x 11” and 8. Dec 17, 2024 · The standard postcard size in the US is 4″ x 6″, equivalent to 102mm x 152mm or 1847 x 1247 pixels at 300 dpi for optimal quality. See Forever postage stamp prices and other postage rates. Mailpieces larger than any of those dimensions and you'll have to pay flats (large envelope) postage prices. 95 They range in size from 0. Sep 7, 2021 · “The larger postcard allows ample communication space as well as the size to make the card noticeable in the mailbox,” Flanagan said. Postal Service rules governing the Product can be found in the Domestic Mail Manual Section 604. USPS Marketing Mail Carrier Route flats. Maximum size for Postcards 6" long x 4-1/4" high. Or, see USPS's options for printing shipping labels without a printer: With the USPS Label Broker ® feature, you'll get a QR code that you can take with your ready-to-ship package to a participating Post Office location. U. 6-1/8 inch max. The new postcard size also reflects the Postal Service’s effort to add value to mail, a major tenet of Delivering for America, the organization’s 10-year plan. 3 oz. The most common postcard sizes are considered “standard”, they have a mailing rate of $0. 5” x 11”. anurl ndavs qwmxg qfggvh jrkekbw zekwjfc jkaq vkwo rxul ozvwfhgu