Puppeteersharp waitforselector async Problem: When I run my normal scraper everything works well, but when I run the (slightly modified but essentially same) code within the API framework, waitForSelector suddenly always times out. Ensure that the selector used in `page. await page. Oct 30, 2023 · using PuppeteerSharp; namespace PuppeteerSharpProject { class Program { static async Task Main (string [] args) { // download the browser executable await new BrowserFetcher(). ConfigureAwait (false). Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of XPathAsync method from our library. Edit: Html example bellow: I need to return the radio input based on Attack Name and Type. Aug 29, 2020 · Note, All the answers submitted until today are incorrect. IsNullOrEmpty (isTagName)) return; var tag = page. Dec 18, 2019 · The image result is like below. waitForSelector('xpath/h2'); This release of Puppeteer also ditched the waitForXPath method. The right answer is to check an element size or visibility using page. $("#myElement"); const html = element. waitForSelector('::-p-xpath(h2)'); While on the documentation (even though it's some legacy stuff) const node = await page. using Page page = _browser. Dec 18, 2019 · I use puppeteer-sharp to render html into pdf - for performance reasons I use WaitForSelector - a JavaScript function inside my html adds a css class during rendering, which I looking for. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of WaitForSelectorAsync method from our library. WaitForFunctionAsync to delay execution until the result of a javascription expression is truthly. waitFor(linkEx), waitForSelector(linkEx) but it's not working. waitForSelector suddenly no longer working in puppeteer. You need to take one chunk of problem at a time. Apr 4, 2019 · We cannot convert the whole code for you but here are some pointers. Also, I would like to replace that a in the second line of code with the actual id ( #activities ) or something like that but I couldn't find a proper example. The application visits the google maps site. length; i++) { await page. JS Puppeteer API. Since this is run inside an async function if leads straight to the catch portion of the code. Puppeteer Sharp - Examples. WaitForSelectorAsync is not enough, you want to wait for a more complex javascript expression to be truthly. 2. com/web/"); // Type into search box. Locator("button"). const element = await page. OK now let's create the script on that use Puppeteer to get this selector text content. Puppeteer Sharp is a . waitForSelector('#element', { visible: true, }) Conversely you can wait for an element to be hidden, via the hidden option. waitForSelector() Skip to main content. Jan 20, 2025 · To click a button using Puppeteer Sharp, you can follow these steps: Basic Click Operation await page. Use Page. I tried await page. TypeAsync("#searchbox input", "Headless Chrome"); Discover how Puppeteer-Sharp's WaitForSelectorAsync and other methods efficiently handle async behaviors in web pages by waiting for elements and conditions. innerHTML; I'm expecting the HTML to be printed, but instead I'm getting undefined. Break the while loop. Use the WaitForTimeoutAsync method in PuppeteerSharp package in your next Puppeteer-sharp project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. If it's a simple expression you can use WaitForFunctionAsync: Apr 21, 2021 · PuppeteerSharp is an async library. GetAwaiter (). I've tried to put a setTimeout in an evaluate function but it seems to be simply ignored console. I have tried all the usual workarounds Want to learn how to use WaitTask class in PuppeteerSharp package for your next Puppeteer-sharp project? LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor has code examples of WaitTask class to help you get started, for free. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of EvaluateExpressionAsync method from our library. Oct 13, 2020 · The way it works is I use waitForSelector on the form's selector and then I use frame. querySelector within the page. Once the username is entered the next button is enabled, once I click on it, it shows a password field and once that's entered, it enables the n At the moment, I'm trying the following: const element = await page. Jan 19, 2020 · From puppeteer docs:. waitForFunction(), see explaination below. OK nice, now we already get the ElementHandle from that XPath expression. waitForSelector() method, requiring a CSS selector as a parameter. Because it answer for an element if Exist or Located but NOT Visible or Displayed. Nov 4, 2018 · Cannot convert async lambda expression to delegate type 'Func'. 1) null doesn't have length. Use the ClickAsync method in PuppeteerSharp package in your next Puppeteer-sharp project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. The google page opens up a Cookie Pop-up I am trying to click on the "Ich stimme zu" (I agree) Button. waitForSelector()` is accurate and unique to avoid timeouts due to non-existent elements. Puppeteer waitForSelector not working as Use the WaitForSelectorAsync method in PuppeteerSharp package in your next Puppeteer-sharp project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. waitFor() or page. waitForSelector(selectors[i]); } } The first parameter in the function recieves an array of selectors, the second parameter is the page that we're inside to preform the waiting process with. Notably, this method includes a {visible: true} flag, instructing Puppeteer to wait until the element is present in the DOM tree and does not possess CSS properties like {display: none} or {visibility: hidden}. Apr 1, 2019 · puppeteer waitForSelector and "none-existing" element. You should async all the way if not you will have issues like this. Use the XPathAsync method in PuppeteerSharp package in your next Puppeteer-sharp project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. NewPageAsync()) await page. Yes, it makes sense, but I was not able to found another approach with linq, to make it at least legible and small. 1. Use the SetContentAsync method in PuppeteerSharp package in your next Puppeteer-sharp project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. . If no element matches the selector, the return value resolves to null. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of ClickAsync method from our library. The method runs document. Let us look into the JS code, Nov 6, 2020 · I have a puppeteersharp application. Adjust the timeout settings in `page. Common issues. Basic Usage Take screenshots using var browserFetcher = new Nov 10, 2018 · I use a module called Puppeteer. NewPageAsync (). NET port of the official Node. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of WaitForTimeoutAsync method from our library. log('before Puppeteer facilitates this process through its page. Is there a chance that if page. GoToAsync("https://developers. In puppeteer I would like to wait a defined time before going to the next line of code. WaitForExpressionAsync or Page. using (var page = await browser. QuerySelectorAsync (isTagN Use the WaitForSelectorAsync method in PuppeteerSharp package in your next Puppeteer-sharp project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. waitForSelector()` and `page. Jan 23, 2020 · I have a form with two fields username and password. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of SetContentAsync method from our library. google. evaluate. Oct 21, 2020 · async function waitForMySelectors(selectors, page){ for (let i = 0; i < selectors. You need to wait for a selector to exist before operating on it. I tried waiting for a selector on my page that may not appear. I wasn't aware of the latter option, but it lets you wait until an element is visible. waitForSelector, via its visible option. ClickAsync(); This command ensures the button is clicked, but there are several preconditions that Puppeteer Sharp automatically checks: Use the EvaluateExpressionAsync method in PuppeteerSharp package in your next Puppeteer-sharp project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. GetResult (); page. DownloadAsync(); // browser execution configs var launchOptions = new LaunchOptions { Headless = true, // = false for testing}; // open a new page in the controlled I found that Puppeteer has an API method for this purpose: Page. Out of the two approaches I took, only the try-catch method worked. WaitForSelectorAsync() to delay execution until the selector is available. waitForTimeout()` to suit the expected load times and responsiveness of your target website. Load += (sender, e) => { try { var _page = (Page)sender; if (string.
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