Order by meta query So it sorts all my posts by date and then apllys the meta_num_value order and not vice versa. I want to order a list of posts, ordered by if a values exists for the key 'other-value'. You use meta query incorrectly. Jun 25, 2020 · WordPress query - Order by meta-field value. WordPress query - Order by meta-field value. Jun 14, 2015 · That did (almost) the job, thanks! However, that still wouldn't order the results by the meta_key 'end_date', because I previously had set the meta_key to 'closed' in the query. But in my query the date seems dominant in comparision with the meta_value_num. Step 2 You set meta_key in your query to my_meta_key. I want to sort a query firstly by meta_value_num (this works perfect) AND as fallback by the date. I want to get the list of post with the ones having prop_featured=1 as the Jul 27, 2021 · Each of my posts (online store items) has meta keys: tdlrm_mp - my own menu_position (goes from 1 up and, unlike the wp_posts menu_position, may not exist); 1C_quantity_total - number of items in stock Order numbers functionality is really enabled through a third party plugin in WooCommerce… Then in this case a new meta_key exist in wp_postmeta database table for shop_order WooCommerce post type which is _order_number. An Advanced Custom Fields field called sticky (yes/no) is used for sorting (stickies on top), and another ACF field called glamrock (yes/no) is used to exclude certain posts. Jul 20, 2013 · I am trying to use a WordPress User Query to create a list of users that is ordered by a custom meta value. I would like to sort my article from a category by a number added in a meta field. This is my query - query_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'services', 'order' => 'ASC', Step 1 Assign whatever value you want to your meta key, let's call it my_meta_key, for each post to generate whatever order you want. But - I want to orderby the query by the meta_value, and with no success. I can have up to 10 event dat Apr 8, 2014 · im a bit stuck at the moment with the order in my wp_query. Jul 22, 2022 · Basically I want to pull all posts that have a meta start_date greater than today's date and order by these dates. Feb 20, 2021 · It works in cooperation with the “Meta Query” type. how woocommerce product get order by product tag. Jan 21, 2016 · So I have to order the guides by 2 meta_key with are . If you do it like this, it should work fine:. I've also set order to meta_value_num which is important when dealing with numerical values. Jun 4, 2017 · I'm having some trouble getting an arguments array to sort an event list by the date in Wordpress. 1 Sort WP_Query result by post meta Feb 24, 2016 · How to apply 'order_by' in WordPress query in the following example: I have a query to get all posts with custom field for event dates greater or equal current date. Its a simple numeric value, going from 1 to 100, so 1 needs to be displayed first, 100 l Jan 3, 2014 · Problem here is not that data is not sorted by date column, problem is that there is no data with empty meta_value returned. I'll do my best to explain for others who may be having the same issue. The filter I used to achieve this is rest_ {$this->post_type}_query. Using Named Meta Queries. Nov 10, 2020 · I have a post with three meta-fields. The way you are doing it is using to query posts, not to order them. This tells WordPress to query for posts that have that key. Jun 4, 2013 · I wanted to show posts from a custom post type. So, set the needed “Meta Query” and paste its Meta Query Clause value into the Meta clause to order field of the “Order & Offset” query; Preserve post ID order given in the “Include posts by IDs” option — works if you have also added the Posts & Author Parameters Query with May 13, 2023 · Hi, I’ve read the other posts about ordering a the display order of a query loop, but nothing is working for me. But I don't don't know how. As a side note - can you do a meta_query search on say location key and still orderby date key? This is the first time I've ever tried ordering by meta, and have found some good posts but still cannot wrap my head around it. Here is a simple example for you: Dec 30, 2022 · How to query and order WordPress posts using meta_query parameter. I've read a lot, tried a lot more, but can't get what I want: I have custom post types, which I want to order in DESC, orderby its meta value: The complete query with its arguments: wp_reset_quer Jan 3, 2016 · I'm trying to sort out a WordPress query for a Custom Post Type, but I can't make it work. – Feb 24, 2016 · You can create groups of meta_queries using specific compare operation on them, and since you want to order based in a single custom field, you can keep the order declaration dedicated to the single meta field. As useful as this is, it doesn't answer the original question. Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Jan 24, 2017 · The meta query is used to set the release category and the meta_key value changed to the key you'd like to order by. I've found several suggested solutions here on Stack Overflow and elsewhere, but none of the solut Nov 28, 2013 · I'm trying to make a wp_query get the last x posts order by a meta_value and ID. This answers "If I query by multiple meta keys, how do I order by a single meta key?" what was asked was "I am pulling in posts, and need to order them using multiple meta keys". The reason why you do not see entries with no meta specified, is that it may be filtered out by INNER JOIN for those cases, where wp_postmeta. To order your posts by different meta datas, you can give your meta queries a name and then use that to set the ordering. Check out this article to find out how to use it. Here is the first step, I get the articles to display on the page. 4 Custom select query wordpress order by meta key value. And then on how many clicks the items has. Nov 15, 2012 · I want to make a query_posts where I order first by the number of a custom field (Facebook Likes) and second by date. post_id is null. 1. I have added a metabox numeric field to a custom post type, simply want to add a numerical ordering to each post … 1,2,3 in the query loop, order: by : meta numeric value order meta key: string that I added to the meta query below Added a meta query gave the meta key a string Format of this meta is OK - it should work. Order it by a custom field, and add a parameter where an other custom field was a certain value to show only a selection of posts. Examples with description. Oct 3, 2018 · Then, to orderby a meta_value, the WP_Query needs to have two values, the orderby=meta_value and also needs to have the meta_key=number_of_beds so the query knows which meta value to look at. Step 3 Set orderby in your query to meta_value_num. The prop_featured value can be 1 or 0 . So this parameter doesn't exist by default when using wc_get_orders() (in a WC_Order_Query). I'm not sure what you're doing in this query args, though. add_post_meta($my_post, 'times', $times); And i would like to query this category and sort the posts by the meta field value of one of them. Here Feb 21, 2017 · That was the first this i've tried. Apr 23, 2017 · I try to have a pretty simple query with the new syntax, query posts by a certain post_type (services) that contains a specified meta_key (order_in_archive)- this is going well as expected. The post type is events. Feb 5, 2016 · Order by the numeric value of the ACF/Meta Key ‘home_order’ i/e 1,2,3 first, second, third etc You should really read the documentation on meta_query's. Nov 27, 2021 · WordPress meta query mechanism is a powerful tool to query and order the posts in WordPress. . 4. Trust me :) the problem is that the query ignored this orderby because of the meta_query by default the meta_query is arranged by meta_id (i think) so id doesn't matter if you place another 'orderby' in the query this needs another approach like "storing" or whatever the first query and rearrange it again after the post_modified. The args i use right now are: Aug 28, 2017 · You are using meta query without setting a value. Dec 18, 2018 · I'm struggling with the orderby option of a Wordpress query. I have managed to achieve this not by using the meta query method but actually by using 2 queries, which I didn't think was possible. prapi gdszv vksw knyv swb jyzzxehl hoqny csz pkundp lhvqkh