Off meta bot lane s14. com/lol 𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐄: http://goo.
Off meta bot lane s14 You have a strong level 1-3 (then play passive until 6). If you know of a good off-meta support champion that you feel deserves his/her spot on this list, please tell us about them in the comment section. Envision yourself as Jhin whose every shot is a masterpiece. Mar 2, 2024 · And so, this opens the door for lots of off-meta top laners! In this post, I’ll list the 15 best off-meta top laners you can play in LoL. Nov 19, 2024 · A League of Legends Tier List created by SammyStarlight: Off meta ADC tomfoolery (In progress). With Karma, he can make it through laning phase safe and sound and let him carry the game in the later stages of the game. Anivia throws up a wall and poppy slams them into it, guaranteed kill with your combined burst and lockdown on any bot target, even tank sups. 1 the best build for Yasuo is Blade of The Ruined King, Berserker's Greaves, Immortal Shieldbow, Gunmetal Greaves, and Infinity Edge. glhf! Yasuo Bot has a 51. Also full bot Roams are quite fun. Some other off meta supports I personally want to try: Heimerdeiger as the fake Zyra of bot lane. r/OffMeta: Discuss League of Legends off-meta builds. Stupid Bot Lane comps So some friends of mine have been looking for a few off meta combos for bot lane in Norms. Early s14 isn't looking exactly good but I haven't bought into the copium train about ADC being trash (it's not season 8 c'mon). With MF support and Ziggs Apc being meta now, this seems the easiest way. Shen support. You'll just become a shielding machine, her E not only shields but also gives armor to the ally it's attached to. 13 / Qiyana Release Grandslammers/Divers. I've always defined off meta in the bot lane as an off meta build. I hit master every season since like season 10. Like singed and Quinn who are off meta tops at like 2% pickrate, when even the most solidly of meta tops at their peaks like Ksante right now or OP malphite earlier Tanks are also good into assassins. This guide is mainly just about the APC potential for Cassiopeia so if you want more tips and other in-depth information about Cassiopeia it would probably be best to look at another guide in addition to this one. Personally, I think it'll be a Lethality bot + heavy ganking bot, slingshotting one of the botlanes into the stratosphere with a side of toplane snowball carry and burst mages/assassins feasting on the remains of the losing bot. gl/kGvFCu 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃: https Off-Meta. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world so ive been playing a very pyke like strategy with reksai support (its really fun, v high risk, v high reward) but when my games go really well i accumulate a bounty very fast and come late mid game i fall off very hard and am GOING to die, and if the wrong person gets the bounty that can flip the winning game. gl/kGvFCu 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃: https Nashors conq is already popular against tanks, one of the best "off meta" biulds for Ekko. the new buffs to seraphine made me play her a lot on the mid lane, thats the basic off meta pick i could recommend you since is super fun or if you want to make someone miserable you should try mid twitch full ap, it clears like crazy when you have enough ap and you get to perma roam to every place that you think could net you a kill Off-Meta. Cait & Lux/Morg/Sejuani. I know ppl hate him and he isn't too off meta, but into a double adc bot lane (Ashe, twitch, miss fortune or even senna) he is sooo underrated. Kayn Top. Use Attack Speed, Adaptive Force and Health as your shards. Taliyah APC with Pantheon Support. Try to get a kill top/mid (or enemy jungler shows bot) rotate to Herald and use this to set up a dive or break open a lane. 1. His kit isn’t impressive during the laning phase, but he becomes a great pick once you unlock his game-changing ultimate. 577 matches in patch 15. youtube. Decent picks, may have some bad mus. com/channel My buddy and I are trying out a bot lane that runs two support champs with tons of CC and double Targon’s Brace. As Vi has more innate Poppy support with anivia carry. Oct 22, 2023 · This lane is so much fun man, holy moly. Please give me and my friends some fun (good or bad) bot last combos Off-Meta. 7% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. 2 826 matches in patch 14. 3 368 matches in patch 14. wukong saves his I was an ADCarry main for seasons 11 and 12 and the bot lane meta is so fucking stale. A Patch 14. Jan 13, 2024 · ADC Thresh with the new Voltaic Cyclosword can One Shot more now than ever in Season 14!Gameplay streamed on my Twitch: https://www. This duo can also gank mid from near dragon pit, finally giving bot lane revenge on mid lane roamers. Discover the best League of Legends champion picks for Low Elo for patch 15. Jan 2, 2024 · 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄: https://www. Spliting or fighting are the funniest parts of Tank Yasuo. 17 All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable. Malphite & Yasuo These two Cuties are as iconic as they are deadly, one malph ult = one penta for yasuo The only Duo Tier list you need for the newest patch. tv/jackspektraFOLLOW Apr 14, 2024 · Mastering the bot lane in League of Legends Season 14 involves more than just individual skill—it requires picking the right duo that synergizes well to dominate the lane and influence the game. 4% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Zeri Image: Riot Games. Note that the more ratings this guide gets, the more people can start playing this off-meta, and by the way, I'm making this tutorial for more than one year. Vote Vote. Build Guide By Arturiju 9,063 Views 0 Comments. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. To Split, make sure you are close to the minions to deal damage with Bami's Cinder and clean up quickly, and your tankness is essential to survive, and perhaps win, 1v2 or 1v3 situations. If you want to try an Off-Meta Cho'Gath Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Teleport as your Summoner Spells, Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Conditioning and Overgrowth as your primary rune tree, and Approach Velocity with Magical Footwear as your secondary tree. Jan 25, 2024 · Riven is the most reliant on matchups from the champions in the S tier. Remember to leave a like and subscribe for more content! Click the bell to be notified as soon as a video goes live! https://www. As for Vayne, well for starters litterly all her items got buffed this season across both her builds (BotRK, Rageblade, Terminus, Essence Reaver, Stromrazor, Statikk Shiv, Ghostblade) secondly she can easly get 2-3 damage items or hybrid damge/defence items like terminus or wit's end or defensive boots and then go tank items with resolve secondary doing really good damage while being I think the meta build will be PTA Kraken>RFC>IE>BT 5th crit item for 100%. ive tried a lot of them with my friend, the most successful was wukong adc/orianna support. Jul 31, 2022 · In the mid-lane, you’re going to find AP-scaling mages paired with bursty assassins. I decided to make a short 5 minute guide on how to play this off meta pair. 8% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. The amount of ganks i did on toplane in 3 years of jungling is extraordinarily low in comparisson to mid/bot. 1 the best build for Twitch is Blade of The Ruined King, Berserker's Greaves, Runaan's Hurricane, Gunmetal Greaves, and Infinity Edge. Mar 2, 2024 · The 5 Best Support Picks for Yasuo ADC in League of Legends 5. She's a bit weak in the early game but once she gets Shurelya, she pops off. Jun 25, 2021 · The best bot lane combos (ADCs and Supports) require skillful teamwork. Personally I like to run Phase rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Waterwalking, magical boots and Approach Velocity on Jungle for fun. What are the 2 - 3 best supports to pick for every ADC? (I want to have a synergistic pick for every ADC. Mar 2, 2024 · In this post, I’ll go over the 15 best off-meta ADCs in League of Legends. If you want to try an Off-Meta Tristana Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Barrier as your Summoner Spells, Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity and Coup de Grace as your primary rune tree, and Taste of Blood with Treasure Hunter as your secondary tree. But I really miss playing my chunky chime muncher and was wondering - Are there any good off-meta duo bot lanes that we could go that includes bard? Actually played it quite a bit. Vi's always been a fun off meta pick for me as a laner. The range is beautiful however with E you can make up for the lack of range with stronger CC. rumble apc is a lot of fun, you build pretty much the same as vanilla rumble, with either rocketbelt or harvester as mythic start e level 1 to safely farm from a distance, and level 2 either go q and look for trades with e q e or go w if you're getting poked a lot and want to play more safe early on, at level 3 wear down your lane opponents with e q e then use w shield so that they can't Nov 27, 2023 · Are you getting bored because there aren't many ADCs in the Bot Lane? Are you looking for a great combo to make climbing in Ranked easier? Don't worry, I'll tell you about a unique Bot Lane choice that works really well – it's not what most people use, but it's one of the best options you can try right now. Pro players in league specifically are awful at pushing the meta and experimenting, and solo que often isn’t too much better. otherwise, they just make the laning phase super slow and boring only to fall off if you don’t feed them kills. Expecting many dives. gl/kGvFCu 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃: https u/Vooffle "most hilarious way to make a kill lane with vayne" If you do this comp, expect the enemy bot lane to flame you for being sweaty. U max q first so u can blind one of them (usually the adc since they deal more dmg) and it makes the lane basically into a 2v1. New Guide. Navori doesn’t really feel good since his cd’s are already low. tv/cryobeatsWe hav Apr 10, 2023 · Perfected Bruiser Zeri Top Off-Meta Build | CHECK OUT I KEEP IT TACO'S IN-DEPTH ZERI GUIDE. 1% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. com/lol 𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐄: http://goo. Your W reduces enemy MR and slows, so if you pair up with an AP bot laner (e. another throwback lane to when soraka could give mana is the soraka anivia lane, it went pretty well. Ideally, the two of you want the exact same things in the lane, whether that be to scale, get kills, or just go even. ADC plays a very crucial role in every game. From the scaling power of Kog’Maw and Lulu to the aggressive lane control of Nilah and Pyke, each of these top duos offers unique advantages that Feb 16, 2022 · Contrary to popular belief, the Meta is pretty malleable and can easily change, so it’s good to experiment. I’ll talk about why they’re a good fit for the role, which supports you should pair them with, and which build you should go for when you play them. GG takes a data science approach to the best top champions for Patch 15. 2 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. May 26, 2021 · This is 8 Minutes of Off Meta Bot Lane Comps That Are Actually 200 IQ in League of LegendsJoin as a member of the Igloo Crew: https://www. The beauty of trundle is that his E is a flash or die spell vs anyone that doesn't have a dash, like most mages and half the ADCs. S1. W max has a slight issue in that ranking it adds 1% which against the low HP pool of bot lane has little impact. If you want to try an Off-Meta Brand Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Ghost as your Summoner Spells, Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence and Scorch as your primary rune tree, and Presence of Mind with Cut Down as your secondary tree. Neeko. And I’ll also give you the runes and items that give you the biggest advantage for doing that. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. They are the source of consistent AD damage during fights Malzahar Bot has a 51. I dodge these if it gives even a hint of looking like a bot lane duo. Jun 29, 2016 · Great to do as a premade bot lane because some supports might be slightly unnerved at an off-meta ally. 1% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Similar level to those meta mid laners that always fall at the bottom of the tier list. Jan 3, 2022 · While this fun lane is more about reenacting Arcane, the lane can get super powerful upon hitting level 6, as both of their ults are great for picking off a single target. If you want to try an Off-Meta Jhin Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Barrier as your Summoner Spells, Fleet Footwork, Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline and Coup de Grace as your primary rune tree, and Celerity with Gathering Storm as your secondary tree. Also it gives a suprising amout of early kills, concsidering Bard's crazy lvl1 and Quinn's good early game. But how do these off meta mid laners work? Senna Bot has a 45. as an enchanter main, they just make the lane super uninteractive as i just have to farm under tower and dodge poke because if you mess up an engage and feed them a kill they snowball. Not sure if it's super off meta, but I enjoy playing Trundle/Poppy support, depending on the enemy mobility. Long Range snipe after a broken 'q' root = "500 damage at lvl 3" Debates over who is better, lux or morg, personal preference is key here. 1] squareular's "The Fast" Off-Meta Jhin Guide. ADCs are known for getting most of their damage from auto attacks, so Zeri feels strange to play in many wa Jul 9, 2021 · He’s drastically declined in this role since then, but he remains one of my favorite off-meta picks. Rumble support is a pick ive been playing recently with good results. League of Legends Premiere Zeri Strategy Builds and Tools. Malphite is an awesome off-meta support in LoL, especially when paired with Yasuo. And then after that you so easily influence the map and bring that chaos to the game that low elo games strive off of. #leagueoflegends #kennen #amumu #facecam #commentary #moba #riotgames Explore top League of Legends builds, skills, and runes from Korea's best players. If you are in a duo, you can co ordinate so that you can roam like a bard for kills up mid and ult back down to bot lane for another gank back into lane. If your support player likes to play fasting Senna, then that opens up a bunch of champions in bot that are good to take and farm with. Don't be rude and please read the rules, namely rule #1: "Any form of hate speech involving racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. My friend and I have recently done pyke/karma, sona/taric, teemo/shaco all in the bot lane. And when support leaves lane, adc gonna be in a really bad spot. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ) Looking for perfect spell synergies, like: · Lucian / Braum · Kog’Maw / Lulu · Kalista / Alistar · Xayah / Rakan (?) Jan 24, 2024 · 2. The key to Zoe’s support success lies in the item Imperial Mandate. Feb 12, 2024 · Rell S14 (+ Off Meta Build) Rell S14 (+ Off Meta Build) Updated on February 12, 2024. Most other “off-meta junglers” flop pretty hard unless they’re given just the right circumstances to succeed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Heimerdinger. Pick Ban Influence. And all of these qualities make him a great off-meta support pick in LoL! A subreddit for all Kassadin mains from League of Legends. By FroszTyzada Views: 6K mainly artillery mages like xerath, and the usual mage supports like brand, velkoz, and zyra. g KogMaw) then you can amplify their damage and make it easier to chase them down. You get gold and xp off of the enemy bot side jg, putting them really behind letting your jungler take more and more. i love me some yorick mid. The only Top Lane Tier list you need for the newest patch. He can summon turrets, deal burst damage, and stun multiple enemies at once. You also have more synnergy with mage/seraphine supports. Orianna support is off-meta but she is not troll at all. Both of these champions possess semi-global ultimates, allowing them to travel extremely quickly around the map. ivern with rengar/maokai for brushes on lane yasuo with zac/gragas dont know how some of those combos are holding up nowadays, some stuff is so hard to pull off, that it is hardly worth the setup. Tons of kill pressure in lane especially since most bot laners don't know how to play against him at all, decent engage and good dive setup, lots of fun Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size Hecarim Top will always be my favourite pocket pick. That extra income really helps her wreck people and stay alive, and with AS she's a pretty good duelist! Trinity against bruisers and Sunderer against tanks. Jan 25, 2024 · But with over 150 champions in LoL currently, the bot lane combinations are nearly endless! However, today we’re not talking about the best bot lane duos in League of Legends. 4 days ago · [25. it's SO good. 24 the best build for Senna is The Collector, Boots of Swiftness, Rapid Firecannon, Infinity Edge, and Black Cleaver. The first 2 resets are game-definingly important: Now to get by on a weaker skirmishing jungler you have to farm up to the point where you can skirmish - I play mostly Zac and from lvl 6+ that champion can do some 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄: https://www. Twitch Bot has a 51. Jan 24, 2024 · A League of Legends Tier List created by Metallichydra: My personal experience with "off-meta" supports. Apr 11, 2024 · 5 Must Pick Duos in the Bottom Lane for Patch 14. The role never really got nerfed, some supports got. Their passives are what make their bot lane combos excellent. Archived post. To expand on this start even more, take smite and jg item. 5. Given the considerable range of her Beat Drop ability, it's strategic to remain concealed in a safe location. . Based on our analysis of . Nautilus + Pyke This combination works exactly as you’d expect. These “right-click champions”, as some may call it, are rendered useless for a good while because of Teemo’s Blinding Dart . Jhin and Pantheon. Dominate the meta & climb ranked with our challenger curated LoL Low Elo Tier List. Malphite. Playing an Off-Meta ADC is a bit riskier than other lanes. Their favorite right now is Swain/Mord for the double claw grab. In a role where like Kaisa, Lucian, Ezreal and a few others have hit 45% pickrates when they were meta it's really hard to look at something else at 1% pickrate and call that meta. The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. Use Attack Speed, Health Scaling and Health Scaling as your Mar 2, 2024 · Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in LoL 15. If you want to try an Off-Meta Kled Bot build in the current patch, try Exhaust and Flash as your Summoner Spells, Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Haste and Last Stand as your primary rune tree, and Overgrowth with Conditioning as your secondary tree. orianna maxes w first, and then e, so it also just does a lot of damage. For years, it’s felt like the only way to find any consistent success in bot is to pick Kai’Sa, and getting shoehorned into picking a particular champion to try to climb, especially when it’s not a champion that really appeals to you, feels really bad. Try tryndamere if you're playing with a Yuumi, can work like a charm against low cc lanes. No amount of theory crafting and planning will ensure success if you don’t have the skills to back it up. 4% win rate with 0. Similar champion to this is Teemo as a support, except so much more painful to deal with! Quinn gets a pass in the bot lane because she isn’t as much of a bully there, but Teemo trades her roam for the poison and map control and general tilt factor. With top lane’s isolation from most of the map’s objectives, you’ll want a Champion that can handle a prolonged 1v1 fight and exert enough pressure to help your team keep map control elsewhere. In this video we will be taking a look at when two supports go in the botlane in Leona and Nautilus and how they can fare up against other botlanes in Season Off-Meta. If you want to try an Off-Meta Kai'Sa Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Barrier as your Summoner Spells, Hail of Blades, Taste of Blood, Grisly Mementos and Treasure Hunter as your primary rune tree, and Magical Footwear with Biscuit Delivery as your secondary tree. Slightly off meta: Warwick Olaf Rengar Cassio Anivia Vayne Ryze Kalista Sylas Akali Pretty Off meta: Draven Ashe Morgana Blitzcrank Thresh Azir Galio Veigar Caitlyn Ezreal Senna Soraka Super off meta: Yuumi Sona Janna Taric Khazix Leona Tank Ekko (probably will be much stronger in the preseason) Nautilus Pyke Sep 16, 2023 · Comparable to weak meta midlaners Tier 2. Sep 2, 2024 · Summary of Best Bot Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14. I'm interested in hearing any suggestions, no matter how off-meta they may be. Does shen things. Updated daily for patch 25. 1 the best build for Swain is Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Plated Steelcaps, Winter's Approach, Liandry's Torment, and Unending Despair. Taliyah is my personal favorite off meta support. Perfect for climbing Solo Queue. Guides by Type Hardware & Settings Guides Jungler Skins Mechanics & Strategy Guides Mid Jan 23, 2024 · Karma seems a little bit off in this constellation, however, she is an insane lane bully, compensating the biggest problem Aphelios got, his early game. level 9 and 11 are enormous power spikes for her, and in the very late game, 16 is quite a large spike too. Always up-to-date, U. Inherently, Kennen Apc or support wouldn't be off meta (support has been played since s4 anyway), but adc kennen with an actual AD build is considerably off meta (though not completely off meta as AD kennen top is currently meta) As the mid-game phase unfolds, it's essential to position yourself near the mid lane, ready to rotate to assist teammates in need. I'm currently looking for some unconventional bot lane combinations to play in the current version of the game. With her unparalleled long-range poke and powerful crowd control, she brings a unique dynamic to the bot lane. Feel free to discuss builds, plays, art, etc. So it's going to be very engage and disengage heavy. Cho doesn’t need any. Akali Aug 13, 2021 · 6 / 8. Dec 25, 2023 · Brand and Nami are both beasts in the early game. Heimerdinger is a champion of many talents. I was recommended an off meta duo bot lane that's super fun to play (only have tried it in normals) where you go Senna support and combine it with Chogath as your lane partner. Credit to u/Quantuis Oct 29, 2021 · Traditionally, the top lane in League of Legends is dominated mostly by bruisers who can go toe-to-toe or tanks that simply outlast their opponents. Maybe there's a champion that's not typically played in the bot lane or a combination of champions that haven't been tried before. She is kind of a double edged sword since you'll probably have a handful of matchups that are either hard or annoying but if you manage to get a lead you'll snowball the hardest compared to the other champions in this tier. Early, unorganized meta is always very bursty, which is unfavorable for adc. one time we even double jungled this, once we got rolling nothing could stop the ganking. In this video, I bring you an off-meta Kog'Maw build in the bot lane that turns him into an unstoppable tank! Watch as I dominate the rift with this surprisi Now, this one defs needs more tuning and more testing as both games were super early surrenders, but me and ozuna both agree this is a hot combo. Also read: Best Off Meta ADCs. By tteokkaebi Views: 555. She's a lane bully early on but with non existent utility other than the ability to check bushes without dying and a kit that demands gold to stay relevant she's the very definition of win lane lose game. Still, I could see it being useful to have a tank pocket pick to balance out our comp when my team drafts 4 squishies, lots of damage, no frontline/cc. twitch. I have a 5 stack so I won't be ruining anyone's day. All of these picks are strong in their primary role but they can carry games from the top lane too. Combined, this duo is one of the strongest lanes in the game. A season or 2 where adcs were popping off insanely. GG takes a data science approach to the best champion duos in bot and mid jungle for Patch 15. The thought is that our bottom lane will end the laning phase with more gold than the opposing bottom lane due to the shared Targon’s brace procs. orianna shields wukong and then wukong uses e auto q to trade, and as he goes in orianna uses her w, which is effectively undodgeable, and it simultaneously speeds up wukong and slows down the target. Lucian and Braum are the pinnacles of bot lane synergy. If you want to try an Off-Meta Ezreal Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Barrier as your Summoner Spells, Lethal Tempo, Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste and Cut Down as your primary rune tree, and Biscuit Delivery with Jack Of All Trades as your secondary tree. The dmg you can output is unmatched in the botlane. However, she is also the one that snowballs the HARDEST. Blue reliant until you learn to clear) Ornn (never recall, surprising ganks past 6) I’m trying to find a fun top lane champ to add to my pool and possibly main but I don’t want to be a meta slave and a lot of them don’t seem too fun. Happy Chime Noises on YouTube highlights a lot of off meta picks, and I've had fun (and some success!) playing them. I remember back in S9 when I first started playing it, it was super fun, tryed it our recently and depending on the Matchup you can definitly make it work again with build adjustments. evelynn guide (wip, all jg matchups and build explanation) By idontwannagoalone Views: 770. so im looking for some strategy to lose the bounty without soft throwing the game. I usually put 3 points in Q to harrass the enemy duo in lane, then i max E (the shield) and W. 2 066 matches in patch 15. 8% win rate with 0. ER might be meta but AD tf doesn’t really go oom since you basically only use W. The main reason he fell out of the support role was because the overall bot lane meta shifted so drastically. If you want to try an Off-Meta Ezreal Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Barrier as your Summoner Spells, Lethal Tempo, Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline and Coup de Grace as your primary rune tree, and Biscuit Delivery with Magical Footwear as your secondary tree. 0% win rate with 0. 5 293 matches in patch 15. May 7, 2024 · league of legends needs off-meta, and the off-meta needs players, so if you were ever wondering who is the best off meta support then here is the list for yo Oct 29, 2021 · Best Off-Meta Mid Laners in LoL: Top 4 Champions. yasuo kalista is a bot lane i used to play a lot, kalista ult into yas ult. He likes pickong her when I pick Bard, cause he well knows that after my level3 I won't be in lane, lamao. I’m making a comprehensive list of the best bot-lane synergies from a Support perspective. With the recent season ending very soon, the removal of mythic items and the map revamp, what cheesy / off meta picks for the botlane came to your minds? Jan 20, 2024 · Malzahar Jungle, AP Kog'maw, Top Jinx, Tank Karthus, Support Orianna, APC-Bot Vel'koz, and Top Kha'zix return for a new season, this time abroad! All 7 guide Dec 19, 2024 · Zoe has started to make waves as an unconventional off-meta as a support pick in recent patches. 7. That said, she's probably an enormous lane bully in bot lane, and has fantastic kill pressure throughout the lane. Her damage seems amazingly high, she scales well with gold from kills but doesn't need it, and her ability to get picks with a max rank charm is amazing. 9,063 Jul 27, 2023 · After the Lane phase, that's when the fun starts. Ruthless Scaler Twisted Fate. anything related to Kassadin. I like different comps in the bot lane that could either really work of fail miserably. Just keep in mind that most of the top lane enemies have a tendency to be on the tanky side, which means that your burst junglers might not have the damage required to eliminate the target. Anivia is a different story and Vayne/Anivia is classic cheese. Example: Ivern and Rengar Xin Zhao and Pantheon Bonus points… Jul 31, 2022 · Some people might call this a “devil’s pick”, but a Teemo, as an off meta bot lane pick, can destroy certain matchups, especially enemy champions that heavily rely on auto-attacks. Jul 31, 2022 · When paired with Junglers that don’t have CC, Taric is one of the best off meta top picks. I’ll start my list of the best s12 off-meta junglers in League of Legends with Neeko for an excellent reason – she’s simply one of the greatest trickster champions in the game! And if you want a champ that can consistently outplay their enemies, no matter the situation, Neeko is definitely Jul 25, 2020 · Taliyah and Pantheon's synergy actually extends out of the Bot lane as well. Lucian’s passive allows him to pop Braum’s faster than any champion in the Gonna get downvoted like usual, but off meta support player here- Quinn is (imo) the strongest off meta support in low elo. With S14 almost here I want to know what you guys expect to see once it arrives. I made a post yesterday on this sub, compiling people's favourite off meta, Wombo combo bot lanes. Jan 25, 2024 · So there you have it – the top 10 best off-meta support champions in LoL. 24 the best build for Malzahar is Blackfire Torch, Sorcerer's Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Rabadon's Deathcap. The standard off meta picks at bot are generally mages. Swain Bot has a 52. Role: Bot Core Items: Trinity Force, Titanic Hydra Runes: Lethal Tempo + Domination Tree Zeri is possibly the most unusual ADC in the game right now. Tahm Kench, Cho, Rumble and Zilean come to mind. You’d rather do more damage in a stun than build navori for just 1-2 seconds off w. Use Attack Speed, Adaptive Force and Health Scaling as your shards. Once you establish an advantage in Bot lane, then, you can look to extend your advantage to other parts of the map. Sona burst i always worry about syndra bot lane because her power spikes are so dictated by levels in the mid game - e. Zeri build guides on MOBAFire. Before we begin, remember that your success with off-meta picks will still be dependent on how good you are with the Champion. 0% win rate with 1. g. Here's a compiled list that is up to date with 9. Some I've tried are; Akshan (early pressure and spam ganking with invis) Mordekaiser (honestly just good) Taric (surprising duel potential. It’s fairly common knowledge that mages are incredibly strong right now in bot lane, they just don’t get picked very often. Jan 6, 2025 · Since Karthus’ abilities can grant vision in bushes, that is a plus for the bot lane. With Nami's E being a slow, which can be applied onto abilities, she's the perfect set up for Brand. Heimer can hold lane when Teemo roams, and benefit from the Teemo support recalls exp, and outpush any adc-----Think you need to have a power-jgl and double frostfang botlane, so powerjgler can farm some botlane like Teemo-Sion botlane Mar 2, 2024 · Top 15 Best Off-Meta Supports in League of Legends (Exotic Picks) 15. Dec 2, 2024 · In League of Legends, with over 150 champions available, breaking away from traditional mid lane picks can give you a significant competitive edge. skill-capped. However, if you’re the type of player that likes to shake things up from time to time, this doesn’t always have to be the case. In lane, it’s also quite good for the same reasons, but up close and personal with the added benefit of their shorter range spells as well. Off-Meta. We ran 10 games as Ornn + Leona and had fantastic success. By revielfrank Views: 1K. I've been playing a lot of Ahri support on and off for the past while and just recently it went from a fun off-meta thing to do with friends to something I feel comfortable doing with randoms. Anivia pretty good with her wall being a nice way to punish bad positioning or engages. To climb in League of Legends as an ADC or Support, you will increase your chances by playing a champion that synergizes well with your lane partner. (Your scores won't be that great with this) What are yalls favorite off meta mid laners. Could easily be in the tier above. If you want to try an Off-Meta Thresh Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Barrier as your Summoner Spells, Fleet Footwork, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity and Coup de Grace as your primary rune tree, and Cheap Shot with Eyeball Collection as your secondary tree. And then we just sticked to it as a better bot usually won. While established meta choices dominate high-level play, innovative off-meta selections often catch opponents off guard and create unique opportunities for victory. He works because he’s both anti-tank and anti-assassin, and scales infinitely. Credit to u/Witchergoals. If you want to try an Off-Meta Draven Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Barrier as your Summoner Spells, Press the Attack, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity and Last Stand as your primary rune tree, and Grisly Mementos with Treasure Hunter as your secondary tree. 22 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. #leagueoflegends #braum #nami #moba #commentary #facecam #riotgames #botlane #offmeta It’s entirely possible they are, just nobody figured to check. Bot is going to need to be able to deal with ganks, or help with ganks. There is a reason to pick these over a meta midlaner. I want to point out that if you want to play ranked and make your opponents cry, you will probably have to play some failed games because it can take a while to get used to the bad CS When I say off-meta I mean what are some champs that are not bot laners that work well. The Plague Rat - Twitch ADCarry S14 / S15. Today, we are going to give you a list of the best off meta mid picks. 6% win rate with 3. is not tolerated. The only off-meta jg I’ll even entertain is Cho’Gath in this current meta. Use Adaptive Force, Adaptive Force and Health Scaling as your shards. We hope this list helps you find the off-meta support champion you’ve been looking for. Honestly to bear this scaling double support lanes, it comes down to picking an aggressive lane like draven naut, these lanes excel at getting to team fight and scaling to their strengths so you have two options to beat it, option one is go draven naut and stomp lane and get a 10k gold lane that scaling can’t overcome Oct 18, 2023 · This was super fun to play, and want to run it again at some point. 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄: https://www. Less off meta is Sejuani, she's real fun to play and once you have Cinder item and Fimbulwinter you're a menace. PBI = (win-AvgWinofTier) x 100 x pick / (100 - ban) Champions with a high PBI are very likely to be contested picks, very strong in the current meta and are optimal global bans against the enemy team. Has some weaknesses. You never know when you’ll discover the next Meta and break the game. If you want to try an Off-Meta Lucian Bot build in the current patch, try Flash and Barrier as your Summoner Spells, First Strike, Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight as your primary rune tree, and Manaflow Band with Scorch as your secondary tree. Your ally, Pantheon, is the embodiment of warrior spirit, ready to dive into battle at a moment’s notice. Heimerdinger, Syndra, Vlad, Karma and Brand for example. You're sticky, can escape and can ditch you teammates during a fight. By squareular Views: 488. Malzahar thrived when everyone was playing healing supports (usually with Ardent Censer) and bot lane Champions like Kog’Maw. In fact, we’re even going to throw away the idea of playing the lane with a mix of a support and an AD carry. So as the meta begins to settle, I think tanks will rise to counter all the mages + assassins, then naturally ADC's are more needed to kill them. You can either safely poke with Brand W into E onto the wave to safely apply the Brand E in combination with Nami E Also an honorable mention is teemo. jdqgjo vowcjq wxbc jzhuj oasyt hyutxoa stfmnbp piifht nszhg rta