My fibroadenoma was cancer I didn't even think about it being a fibroadenoma even after hours on Google! I was thinking it may have been some kind of cyst if not Cancer but this was never on my radar because of my age. He told you have fibrocystic disease along with fibroadenoma. Does anyone have their own experience with misdiagnosis? I'm questioning how accurate are these biopsies and if it was cancer surely they would have seen cancer cells present in my biopsy? thank you . Today I received a phone call from the same nurse to tell me that my biopsy results were completely benign and it was indeed a fibroadenoma. Jun 26, 2024 · The rating scale is 1-5 ,With 1 being almost certainly benign and five being highly likely to be cancer. Hi Guys! I've been MIA because a lot has happened since I last uploaded a video. Jun 15, 2021 · Breast cancer in children is rare, but it can happen. Something about my lump simply made it trickier to be cut and dry visually with the doctors. But that’s not true. Jan 31, 2022 · Breast cancer is usually located in the ducts and lobules of the breast, although it can start in different areas, including the connective tissue. May 24, 2024 · Are moveable breast lumps cancer? Moveable breast lumps are usually not cancer. They can grow to be huge, but most of them diminish with time. Most breast cancers start out as moveable lumps in their early stages, so it is important to consult with an expert to rule out cancer. What if it is cancer? I'm only 30 and my family has no history of cancer. ) Breast calcifications are common and most often not a cause for concern. Fibroadenomas and you. Fibroadenomas shrink after menopause and, therefore, are less common in post-menopausal women. Jul 27, 2023 · Throughout my breast cancer journey I came to appreciate the small things which ultimately made a big difference. I am not concern for fibroadenoma. How do fibrocystic changes affect your risk for breast cancer? Neither fibrosis nor simple cysts increase your risk of later developing breast cancer. a few months later i went to my GP and she referred me to get an ultrasound but she thought it was Nov 15, 2023 · On the contrary, malignant tumors, including breast cancer, have the potential to invade surrounding tissues and can metastasize to distant organs. Back in December 2012 when I did the ultrasound, the bigger lump was 1. ultrasound was done & it was diagnosed as a fibroadenoma. [1,2] The incidence increases with age, although girls aged 12 to 16 years tend to have larger lesions than women aged 17 years and older. These are called simple fibroadenomas. I went looking for a second opinion and the doctor the took on my case said the discrenpancy between my images and the biopsy results were huge. Fibroadenomas are So just as breast cancer can develop within any other area of breast tissue, breast cancer can develop within a fibroadenoma. Complex fibroadenomas contain other elements like microcysts, and fluid-filled sacs which are large enough to feel and see without the help of a microscope. Fibroadenomas are among the most prevalent benign breast tumors, considerably impacting public health. Simple fibroadenomas do not carry an increased risk of breast cancer. A fibroadenoma is highly unlikely to lead to cancer and rarely causes any complications. The only way they can be absolutely sure it is a Fibroadenoma (and give you more reassurance) is to have a biopsy. Biopsy came back clear, doctor recommended yearly ultrasounds, assured me it could not turn into cancer that it was a Fibroadenoma, might grow/shrink throughout the years. 2% in females aged 10 to 30 years. Fibroadenomas can vary in size, texture, and presentation, and they are classified into several subtypes based on their histological characteristics, such as cellular, myxoid, or complex fibroadenomas . In conclusion, understanding whether is fibroadenoma cancer leads us back to its fundamental nature—these growths are benign tumors that do not pose direct threats as malignancies do! While they may raise concerns initially upon discovery due to their presence within sensitive areas like breasts—knowledge empowers individuals facing such After the biosy they told me that all of my images came as Cancer and that the biopy was for confirmation. I had 2 appointments with the breast clinic in the hospital; the first time one of the nurses checked and the other I had an ultrasound. I'm 30 and I have a baby girl and she is 15months old. I am worried incase fibroadenomas can be misdiagnosed and it could actually be some form of cancer. Aug 29, 2024 · I was thought to have a fibroadenoma, but my biopsy has come back as a fibroepithelial lesion. Started in the right breast. In january I had a fibroadenoma diagnosed after I found a lump in my RB near my cleavage, the hospital staff were great and the doctor explained I could have it removed if I was worried about it. This is called surgical excision A brief background of my history: Don't have much breast cancer family history, besides my grandmother who got diagnosed when she was around late 70s. Breastfeeding: Women who have carried a pregnancy to term and breastfed their baby have a lower risk of breast cancer. 17 times higher among the patients with fibroadenoma than among the controls (95 percent confidence interval, 1. Simple fibroadenomas: They are small and appear uniform when examined under a microscope. I had little red dots appear on my breast. I underwent surgery to remove a problematic breast lump, and shared with my I understand the anxiety as I have breast cancer in my family and dense tissue that makes everything more challenging. After my ultrasound I was told I had a single lump which was around 1. it would often swell depending on my hormone levels/cycle and cause me pain. It can grow larger with time. These can spread to nearby breast tissues, and from Nov 21, 2022 · Breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the armpit: A tumor that starts in breast tissue may shed breast cancer cells. Here are five things you should know about fibroadenomas. Q: What are the characteristics of benign fibroadenoma on ultrasound? A: Benign fibroadenomas on ultrasound generally appear as well Sep 11, 2024 · Incidence and Risk Factors. About the fibroadenoma however - I too was told by my surgeon, gynecologist and radiologist that the lump I found was 99% likely to be a fibroadenoma, but the only was to be sure was to take it out. He sent us to get an ultrasound, and the radiologist saw two lesions 3cm and 1cm next to each other, and said they're definitely fibroadenomas. 2). It's beside the area where the biopsy was taken. To examine the breast cancer risk overall among women with simple fibroadenoma or complex fibroadenoma and to examine the association of complex fibroadenoma with breast cancer through stratification of other breast cancer risks. Sep 20, 2022 · About two-three weeks ago I started to have quite bad pain in my left breast,so I decided to self examine and I found a lump. I heard fibroadenoma is common but no one I know has it. Fibroadenoma and Breast Cancer Share Common Risk Factors. 8 x 2 x 3. They told me from the ultrasound that my diagnosis is “BIRADS3-Probably benign” and I need to go back in 6 months for another check, but I haven’t been able to keep my mind off the tumor. Has anyone been told it’s just a fibroadenoma and it turned out to be malignant? Fibroadenomas are the most common lump in younger women. They confirmed I had a few cyst in both breast, but the mammogram had picked up a mass also. Fibroadenomas can often be managed without surgery, especially in younger women. 2000 women with fibroadenoma, results showed that simple fibroadenoma in women with no family history of breast cancer showed no signs of an increased risk May 6, 2019 · In my experience, women with a fibroadenoma do NOT have a higher breast cancer risk per-se. Avoiding alcohol: Alcohol may increase the risk for breast cancer. More often, they are fibroadenomas or cysts. I had it removed as it was always digging in whenever I laid on my front or wore a bra. Surgery was unrelated, I had a VERY Fibroadenoma is the most common type of benign breast tumor, and most don’t increase your risk of breast cancer. Other non-cancerous changes that can be seen in a fibroadenoma include: Microcalcifications; Sclerosing adenosis Jan 30, 2022 · It was biopsied and diagnosed as a benign fibroadenoma. Complex fibroadenomas are made up of different tissues, including cysts, calcifications and enlarged groups of glands that make milk (called lobules). Aug 28, 2022 · Simple fibroadenoma doesn’t increase the risk of breast cancer and looks the same all over when observed under a microscope. Breast cancer runs in both sides of my family. Having a complex Today we are going to dive into an important topic that effects many women - Fibroadenomas. A mammogram and ultra sound showed another lump the next year, as well as the biopsied lump getting bigger. We immediately consulted a general surgeon who said he was absolutely certain that it was a fibroadenoma. - What is thought to be a fibroadenomas might turn out to be a Phyllodes turmor. The average size of a fibroadenoma is about 1 inch. They’re rare. they also did an ultrasound and I saw that it was round with very clear borders. Another year, and another lump. 5cmx2cm) removed 2 and half weeks ago. Table 2 shows how participant characteristics were associated with the risks of transitions from healthy to fibroadenoma and breast cancer. The doctor made an 2cm incision along the edge of my areola to minimise the visibility of the scar, and used dissolvable stitches and a glue dressing on top to close the wound. Apr 11, 2017 · (Image: On the left is an example of microcalcifications that turned out to be a mix of invasive cancer and DCIS – notice how they branch out like tree limbs. Take care xxx Apr 7, 2024 · Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247). Fibroadenomas typically show up when a woman is in her 20s or 30s, but they may be found at any age. Jan 9, 2024 · Uterine cancer is the most common type of gynecologic cancer in the United States. This probably happens more often than we'd think, like maybe 2 out of every 20 patients they see a day will need an extra step. I had it biopsied and it was a fibroadenoma. After being told she had no evidence of disease, two lumps found years apart both turn out to be cancerous. Surgery is the standard treatment for giant fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors. 6 months since having my fibroadenoma confirmed, I had a follow up scan (which I had to fight for), which confirmed that I now have 3 fibroadenomas in total in my breast. space-line. I was told many times breast cancer doesn't hurt as a common symptom, but my tumor had what's called perineural invasion which just means it was growing into a nerve cluster. Younger women also have only a very low risk of breast cancer. In total, I had three pretty large lumps in my right breast. Usually women go home the same day. They also said that the pain I’m feeling cannot be from the tumor since it’s not “big enough”. i know this is pretty old but i went through something like this. Fibroadenomas can remain static in size, but sometimes can get smaller and disappear. For probably the past 4 years (noticed in highschool) I've had a lump in my breast. 5 to 3. to this day, it still constantly causes me discomfort-- whether it's actually sore or a disgusting feeling to feel a large lump pressing in you when you're just laying down :( the first doctor I brought my concern up to brushed it off They confirmed that there was a tumor in my breast which they decided was a fibroadenoma. Fibroadenoma vs. Sep 2, 2015 · Hi everyone… New here. Fibroadenomas are the non-cancerous benign breast lumps. So on the next day I called my GP,she saw me the next day and said that there is something ,but she is not sure what so she prefer to send me Sep 20, 2012 · I found my first cyst at 15 so I’ve been checking myself ever since. 5cm. ) How do fibroadenomas affect your risk for breast cancer? Simple fibroadenomas do not seem to increase breast cancer risk by much, if at all. Sure enough, at age 37, the lump was cancerous. Mostly the operation is performed with a general anaesthetic. Breast Cancer: Although rare in young women, breast cancer can cause varying levels of pain depending on its stage and progression. She told me that the scar would be just a thin line and would be very unnoticeable after it heals. A place to express your concern and ask questions about potentially having breast cancer. • I ended up getting the biopsy, and it came back as either a fibroadenoma or Phylloids tumor. Feb 15, 2015 · Hi ladies, I had small one fibroadenoma (1. It was the breast cancer So, in my case, it was benign even though the doctors couldn't tell by looking at it in various ways. First, I got a lump in my breast. Among the factors associated with higher HRs for transitions to both breast diseases from an event-free state (no fibroadenoma and no breast cancer 31st rolls around and the doctor then was also pretty confident it was a fibroadenoma but did an FNA for confirmation. And just a quick reminder that fibroadenomas are more common that i would have though but a Lot of women don't automatically assume they are cancer, don't google worst case scenarios to Oblivion, and don't post on reddit. I also had a scan as the mammogram had picked up something else. Giant fibroadenomas: They can grow to be more than two inches long. Complex fibroadenomas: These are bigger and tend to affect older women. A fibroadenoma that is not removed surgically is usually monitored for a period of time. Fibroadenomas are not usually associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, but they can be a cause of concern for some women. There is a small chance complicated cysts and complex cystic and solid masses might contain cancer or put you at higher risk of breast cancer later on, depending on what is found on a biopsy. I will be sent an appointment to go back in 2 months for them to monitor the size. In August I went to my university clinic and they referred me to a local hospital for an ultrasound. (Complex fibroadenomas tend to be bigger and tend to occur in older patients. july of last year (2023) i found a very tiny bump in my left breast. Since the axillary (underarm) lymph nodes are so close to the breast, the cancer cells usually reach these lymph nodes before they reach others in more distant parts of Hello Everyone, I was just diagnosed with PASH. So hang in there, it could just be another fibroadenoma. , thankfully benign. 1. because by GOD mercy they are not causing any symptoms and still same size or sometime small. The study included Fibroadenomas can often be managed without surgery, especially in younger women. Just make sure you check your lumps, and your breasts, check everything feels the same as it always does and check when it feels different. Feb 7, 2022 · Further research is needed to validate these findings and identify which women are at highest risk of developing breast cancer after fibroadenoma, which is rare. I have no family history of breast cancer and breast fibroadenoma But my aunt has remove a fibroid from her uterus. Sep 10, 2018 · Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is sometimes mistaken for fibroadenoma due to its tendency to show benign morphology on breast ultrasound (US) albeit its aggressive nature. I then had to wait two weeks for my biopsy results to be ready and booked in my follow-up appointment. Fibroadenoma-related pain depends on factors like size, location, and individual sensitivity. tldr: i had a pretty fast growing fibroadenoma and elected to have it removed and it was removed a few days ago. 5cm fibroadenoma. Fibroadenoma is the most common benign (non-cancerous) tumor in the breast. They were confident it’s just a fibroadenoma but I’m still stressing. Cancer: Spotting the Differences. I was 36. Found a lump in my breast about the size of my finger tip 4 months ago. A mammogram and ultra sound showed another lump the next yea… I am worried incase fibroadenomas can be misdiagnosed and it could actually be some form of cancer. Hello, I am back with updates on my 2 fibroadenoma breast lumps. Note: the rules at r/breastcancer are assumed to apply here, and any actions taken are consistent with the philosophy that those in the potential/pre-diagnosis phase are focused on this hard time and come to this sub for support. My skin tends to heal very well in the Oct 13, 2022 · You may also need surgery if the fibroadenoma is large, grows quickly or causes symptoms. Please don’t think I am trying to scare you, I just don’t think the risk of fibroadenomas possibly hiding a sinister lump is spoken about near enough as it should be. Fibroadenomas are often referred to as a 'breast mouse' due to their high mobility. In this procedure, a surgeon uses a knife to remove the entire fibroadenoma. While moveable breast lumps are often benign, they still should be checked by a doctor. Sometimes a fibroadenoma can be difficult to distinguish from cancer; therefore further testing may be required. Feb 11, 2024 · I first felt a small lump in my breast last year, week before my 22nd birthday, so went to the doctors. Hope this helps! Found a lump in my breast so my doctor referred me to breast clinic where I had a mammogram. My mass was also hypoechoic with an irregular border. It occurs most commonly in women between 14 and 35 but can be found at any age. [] A complicated fibroadenoma might increase the chances of developing breast cancer. Other types of fibroadenomas include: Giant fibroadenomas, which are fibroadenomas that grow to be larger than 5 centimeters (cm). Procedures to remove a fibroadenoma include: Cutting it out. If it is diagnosed by needle biopsy and what was seen on the mammogram looked like a fibroadenoma (and not something more serious), it doesn’t need to be removed and can be watched without further treatment. Simple fibroadenomas don’t increase the risk for breast cancer. A company limited by guarantee. But some fibroadenomas have other changes, too, and are called complex fibroadenomas. After that, I have had bi-annual ultrasounds to monitor fibroadenomas. I just got my Birads 4 results today and it was fibroadenoma. . I'm now half way through chemotherapy and will be having a mastectomy afterwards as the tumor had split off any caused another smaller cancerous lump in the same breast. None of these changes are associated with an increased risk of developing cancer in the future. The extent of the operation to remove a fibroadenoma depends on its size. Breast tumors usually drain toward the underarm. She said she thought it was a fibroadenoma and referred me to the breast clinic. Prevalence and Incidence Rates. 5cm and if anything changed to go back to the doctor's. Feb 14, 2023 · A person with a fibroadenoma is unlikely to experience any symptoms other than the lump itself. Complex fibroadenomas are associated with a slightly higher breast cancer risk, however, studies show complex fibroadenomas are more common in people with other breast cancer risk factors. A fibroadenoma is a painless, unilateral, benign (non-cancerous) breast tumor that is a solid, not fluid-filled, lump. recommended to repeat ultrasound in 6 months but what are my chances of breast cancer? im only 23, should it be biopsy? Feb 28, 2012 · Hi everyone - this is my first post. I found a lump in my breast when I was 14, further testing with ultrasound came back as BIRADS3 as a probable fibroadenoma. Aug 11, 2023 · A: Benign fibroadenoma and cancer can have different ultrasound characteristics, such as shape, margins, and internal echoes. They are typically firm, smooth, and well-defined, and they may grow in size over time. Juvenile fibroadenoma: These are the most prevalent types of breast lumps seen in girls and teenagers aged 10 to 18 years. They are made up of one type of tissue. Benign fibroadenomas are the most common breast tumors seen in children aged 18 years or younger. I have a Question: Has anyone ever been MISDiagnosed with Fibroadenoma to learn later they have Breast Cancer? Here is my sitch 2 years ago I went in for my first Baseline Mamogram. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in Apr 26, 2023 · Unlike fibroadenosis, fibroadenomas do not usually cause breast pain or tenderness. [1,2] The prevalence of fibroadenoma is 2. Whether it was cards from my patients, messages from friends in the middle of the night saying, “just thinking of you”, or mums offering to take my daughter to school and bring food home, it all meant a whole lot to me. I got a phone call early today to say I didn’t need to go as the results showed I had a fibroadenoma and would need no treatment. 3. A lot of women come in scared, thinking the fact that they’ve developed a breast cyst makes them more likely to develop breast cancer later on. Dec 9, 2024 · Ask the nurses Scared my Fibroadenoma is something else. However, many of these women with fibroadenomas, also have denser breast tissue , and this does carry a higher risk for breast cancer. Juvenile fibroadenoma, a fibroadenoma that occurs in children and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 18. My dr had found a lump originally thought to be a 5. A skilled radiologist can differentiate between the two based on these features. After my last doctor's visit i realized how much i let my anxiety get the best of me, i was assuming i was terminal already. Dec 3, 2024 · No, fibroadenomas are benign and cannot turn into cancer. My lump is right near the skin so you can see the bump, near the left breast. Breast Infections: Infections such as mastitis often exhibit more intense pain compared to fibroadenomas. Dec 13, 2024 · The GP "fast track" referred me for suspected breast cancer, but was told it was more likely than not that no cancer would be present. 2 weeks until lumpectomy. The ultrasound showed a round mass and after speaking about the results with my breast specialist, she went ahead and ordered a biopsy to confirm exactly what it was. In a study of approx. Generally pain from a growth in the breast happens if the mass is hitting a nerve, and I don't think it has anything to do with malignancy. This review provides a comprehensive overview of fibroadenoma management, encompassing their definition, clinical presentation, diagnostic tools, surgical management, clinicopathological correlations, treatment outcomes, complications, and emerging research. The tumors that grow from these types of breast cancer are reflected in their names: invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. Jul 16, 2024 · What other changes may be seen in a fibroadenoma? Many other non-cancerous changes can take place inside a fibroadenoma. A week after my biopsy results came as a Fibroadenoma and I was really confused. We know that fibroadenomas can fluctuate in size and we think that hormonal influences affect this. It doesn't happen often but there are rare cases where a fibroadenoma is found to contain an area of breast cancer. So when a fibroadenoma is diagnosed in a young woman - teens or early 20s - the likelihood that it would be anything more serious is extremely small. Juvenile fibroadenomas: These are the most common type of breast lump occurring in young girls and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18 years. ld8 Feb 25, 2024 · Unlike a breast cancer, which can spread over time outside your breast, a fibroadenoma remains in your breast tissue. Got quite scared about it. They increase in size rapidly. Create a post; Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland A place to express your concern about potentially having breast cancer. They are A place to express your concern and ask questions about potentially having breast cancer. Fibroadenoma, phyllodes tumor, or fibroepithelial lesion. My fibroadenoma looked scary. My results day was on Monday 13th and I was greeted with a doctor and team of breast care nurses to be told my FNA came back with abnormal cells and they're shocked due to age, look of ultrasound and lack of family history. Yes, the biopsy confirmed that both are fibroadenomas. I said no because I had just watched my mum recover from a mastectomy for BC in the RB and I couldn’t bear the thought of Aug 31, 2023 · 2. So, I was at the doctor for a Pre Op for a Surgery I was about to have. I know I should be happy but my mums cancer was missed when it reacurred and by the time it was diagnosed it was too My wife noticed a family large lump (4cm) on her left outer breast on 8th sept. This devastated me completely, I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I don’t want to keep going through this pain. I'm 36 and was told 3 times I had a fibroadenoma until a biopsy confirmed it was actually breast cancer. Fast forward to January this year and while doing my breast check I can feel a significant hard lump which doesn't move around. Sep 7, 2021 · Hello sorry to hear you have pain, like you about 5 years ago I was diagnosed with a fibroadenoma, most of the time I don't even know it's there, 70% of the time I get pain when I have my monthly, and a few times (one being now) I get a sore throbbing pain in that area and it can be really tender to touch. It usually occurs in people who are postmenopausal or in their 50s or 60s, although it can occur at any age. It was in my lower right breast and I found it when it was the size of a pea, it was about 5cm when it was removed. Dec 13, 2023 · No particular color of nipple discharge is a telltale sign of breast cancer. Female(27) In March of 2022, I found a 2cm lump, ultrasound looked mildly suspicious, recommended core needle biopsy. What Are the Causes of Both Conditions? Jul 7, 1994 · The risk of invasive breast cancer was 2. Will my fibroadenoma turn into breast cancer? Research has shown that the existence of simple fibroadenoma is not linked with a higher risk of developing breast cancer. So my question is, is this just my fibroadenoma growing and I can now feel it? Simple fibroadenomas are the most common type of fibroadenoma. They also contain calcium deposits. Wether that is through needle aspiration or removal. I had a mammogram, ultrasound and core biopsy last week and was due to go back to the clinic for my results today. Nov 26, 2024 · My fibroadenomas had nothing to do with my cancer, but because I had multiple and they had gotten so big I couldn’t feel the cancer lump because of them. There will be a scar where the fibroadenoma has been removed. Create a post; Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland Complex fibroadenomas occur about 15% of the time. Oct 12, 2016 · Over the past few years, I started having several different health problems. Read her story. This study aims to Abstract. I had a biopsy and it came back PASH and closer to 4. Do fibroadenomas cause cancer? Fibroadenomas are not cancerous, and having one does not significantly increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Sep 19, 2022 · What’s the most important thing women should know about breast cysts and cancer? Simple cysts are not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Oct 27, 2024 · Exercising regularly: People who are not active are at higher risk of cancer. We discuss symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and other important information about childhood breast cancer. Does anyone have their own experience with misdiagnosis? May 3, 2024 · While breast lumps can be cancerous, about 50% of breast biopsies come back as fibroadenomas—benign lumps of breast tissue and milk ducts. Diagnosis To diagnose your breast lump as a fibroadenoma, the specialist will have taken into account: »»any need for further testing to confirm the diagnosis Can a fibroadenoma develop to become cancer? Fibroadenomas are benign lumps (non-cancerous) that don’t turn into cancers and therefore can be safely left alone. On the right is an example of a fibroadenoma with chunky “popcorn-like” calcifications in the breast tissue. It doesn't mean just because you have a fibroadenoma you will get cancer, because I only have it in one place, and it's not that my fibroadenoma has changed into cancer because it hasn't. But I'm not sure what exactly a cancer looks like either. Thank you, I'm sure this is the case. It was like my breast was turning into of women have a fibroadenoma at some time in their life. To comprehend the relationship between fibroadenomas and breast cancer, it is crucial to distinguish between the two. Your fibroadenoma does not put you at any increased risk of breast cancer. For women under 30, fibroadenomas are the most common benign breast tumor. Fibroadenomas of the breast are common benign lesions that predominantly affect young women. Fibroadenomas aren’t harmful I have a family history of cancer so freaked out but it turned out to be a fibroadenoma and nothing scary. So my question is, is this just my fibroadenoma growing and I can now feel it? Jul 16, 2024 · What other changes may be seen in a fibroadenoma? Many other non-cancerous changes can take place inside a fibroadenoma. Fibroadenomas can feel like cancerous lumps Just had a biopsy which was really painful as I have breast implants and they struggled to get it. They The Fibroadenoma was causing pain but nothing could be done as it was so small (consultant basically told me I didn't have cancer or have 5 lumps so who cares!). tzxdc seyw qvvfi wapvrsct ljlqc xfql xubp lerhc tpllfsy jtna