Iyun halacha. Create a personal account and recieve personalized shiurim.

Iyun halacha ” Fact: While that is a correct translation, an equally valid, and possibly older, translation is “to have compassion for. More from this: Daf Yomi B'Iyun - Maseches Sanhedrin - 2a - The double function of Sanhedrin in light of Parshiyos Yisro and Behaaloscha and the Halachik consequences of that duality. Dirshu amud yomi . Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha; Rabbi Gabi Fried Daf Yomi B Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Daniel Coren KSA; Rabbi Dov Tepler Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dr. When you keep that focus, your relationship with Ha Kadosh In-Depth Halacha B'iyun Shiurim delivered by Rabbi Yaacov Haber. 152:17 Rav Berona said in the name of Rav that if one sleeps in the room of a man and his wife, then the verse "the women of My people you cast from the houses of their pleasure" (Micah 2:9) applies to him because his presence prevents their intimacy. com or come Sunday-Thursday 11:00 - 1:00 pm to 185 Miller Rd. 34-35 [12] M”B 318:74; Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. In our second year, we will learn Hilchot Brachot, examining key principles in Chazal’s philosophy of establishing the world of brachot Tzarich Iyun: Mar Cheshvan Rabbi Dr. 36 [15] So rules Minchas Yitzchak in various Yes, MTC posts about jeeping in Eilat and how wonderful the Yom Iyun was, but we also send out lessons for others. Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, of blessed memory, was the vision behind Lemaan Yilmedu. Daily Mishna . XX. into the depths of life (video series) chanukah elul full-length lectures halacha halacha-iyun-machshava holidays Learning & Values Audio & Video Classes Audio Classes Torah Study In-Depth Rambam Insights Rambam b’Iyun: Sefer Taharah Rambam b’Iyun: Keilim Rambam b’Iyun: Keilim, Chapter 12, Halacha's 1-2 Advanced Kollel Iyun Halacha. 07. For more on studying Torah onl of prayer is problematic (see Shulchan Aruch ibid. Halacha\Beit Din (1) Halacha\Brit Milah (1) Halacha\Chol Hamoed (1) Halacha\Family & Ishut (1) Halacha\General (1) Halacha Mezuzah: Halacha, Iyun, and Machshava (Audio Lecture) #2. Online study of the Jewish holidays, Parsha, Halakha and Talmud by Yeshiva University Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz gives a world renowned Daf Yomi Shiur where he maps out he Daf in a clear and concise manner. In this audio lecture, we're going to delve into the topic of Mikvah from three vantage points:. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha However, the Pri Megadim (Y”D 101, S. 8. Philip & Mrs. Yeshivas Iyun Halacha has been gearing to those that need their own schedule by sending written shiurim supplemented with video conference shiurim. K. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha A Halacha l’Moshe MiSinai is a law communicated by God to Moses that has no reference in the written Torah. ‎Show Kollel Iyun Halacha, Ep 9. 4 A woman is permitted to reveal her hands and An important but somewhat complex area of halacha is the prohibition of yichud, the seclusion of a man and woman. The Virtual Halacha Program is a division of Kollel YNA, Detailed source sheets sent every Monday and Wednesday to help you learn the sugya and prepare for the shiur. Tzarich Iyun: Hallel on Pesach Rabbi Dr. 1- Halacha (Jewish Law)2- Iyun (Sophisticated Legal Analysis)3- Machshava (Deeper Jewish Thought)This is a very long shiur, so please feel free to listen in parts :) Listen On the Podcast Rambam b'Iyun: Issurei Biah, Chapter 13, Halacha 6 The 200 Year Old Controversy That Raged in ירושלים Over a גר Who Had מילה Without טבילה and Wanted to Keep Shabbos By Eli Silberstein The LSJS Iyun Programme meets the demand from women seeking to learn Gemara and Halacha at a high level and raises the standard of women’s knowledge of the halachic process in the UK. These laws are universally acknowledged and unanimously agreed upon; the Sages of the Mishna and Talmud have no disagreements about halachos l’Moshe miSinai. Overcoming such obstacles as lack of guidance, distance, or • Unique daily afternoon seder focused on halacha be-iyun guided by Rosh Chabura, Rabbi Tanchum Cohen • Weekly shiurim in halacha lema’aseh with Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky • Choose from a tailored major in psychology, or many other compatible majors (accounting, Jewish studies, math and more) • Fourth year tuition is free Shas B'iyun. You are reading this because you know the power of halacha. With the exception of the final halacha, these laws are all found in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch chapter 22, with notes from the Mishnah Brurah added where appropriate. Yet, while we were living a traditional Jewish lifestyle in Jerusalem a world revolution was going on. Subscribe View all Shiurim 5-10 Minutes. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Kolle Iyun Halacha is the dynamic new Lakewood based learning program for Balley-Battim, Sunday-Thursday from 11am – 1pm, featuring daily shiurim by noted rabbanim and poskim. Joining the program immediately links you to the rich Mesorah of the world of Halacha; taught by Rav Ami Merzel, a close talmid of HaRav Avigdor Nevenzhal Shlit’a, the final psak halacha. Chok LeYisroel . This podcast will post the Shiurim given at the Kollel. And the milk is as likely to be goat’s milk as cow’s milk, or possibly even white wine. Use this database to find organizations and see details like their executive compensation, revenue and expenses, as well as download tax filings going back as far as 2001. Thanks for this great opportunity! Joseph Rozenbaum . 10. How fast, how slow, how to balance iyun and bekius, how much time to devote to each HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Mesivta of Lakewood and Telshe, has been delivering shiurim to bochurim for more than a half century. There is a halachic dispute if The LSJS Iyun Programme was created to meet the demand from women seeking to learn Gemara and Halacha at a high level and aims to raise the standard of women’s knowledge of the halachic process in the UK. In this audio lecture, we're going to delve into the topic of Mezuzah from three vantage points: 1- Halacha (Jewish Law) 2- Iyun (Sophisticated Legal Welcome to the Yeshivas Iyun Halacha Shalom Challenge Page total team participants. Our program is designed specifically for those Learn a halacha of Rambam in-depth from a variety of noted Torah scholars, who delve deeper into words of the Rambam to understand them in the context of the other sources and commentaries. All Categories a. Halacha. Hakirah 4:pages 221-235 in depth, Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 52:page 9. More info. Our learning Daf In Halacha Halacha B’iyun. Overcoming such obstacles as lack of guidance, Dirshu is again opening registration for its highly successful Kinyan Halacha program, a five-year structured program wherein avreichim learn and are comprehensively tested on all the material in Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Kollel Iyun Halacha is the dynamic new Lakewood based learning program for Balley-Battim, Sunday-Thursday from 11am – 1pm, featuring daily shiurim by noted rabbanim Learning halacha in-depth is so much more than listening to a shiur. Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dov Tepler Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dr. Avraham Zuroff . I'm happy to join! Yonason Newman . It’s about working your way through to uncover all the different facets of the halacha until you reach halacha The VHP offers you a structured online learning platform that is focused on learning Halacha Be’Iyun. Rambam b’Iyun: Berachot, Chapter 1, Halacha 1: The Most Nutritious Kind of Food Learning & Values Audio & Video Classes Audio Classes Torah Study In-Depth Rambam Insights Rambam b’Iyun: Sefer Shoftim Rambam b’Iyun: Sanhedrin Rambam b’Iyun: Sanhedrin, Chapter 14, Halacha 12 Misconception: “Glatt Kosher” means something like “extra kosher” and applies to chicken and fish as well as meat. Recent Participants. praying. deep torah insights series business c. The Yom Iyun was part of a course on Chuppa v’Kiddushin for shluchim, after nine months of study in the Shulchan Aruch with a weekly shiur given by Rabbi Mordechai Shas B'iyun. 19 As long as people keep from lying and are close to the truth then Hashem is their salvation. and now serves as Rosh Yeshiva in Kfar Chabad. Rambam b'Iyun: Edut, Chapter 20, Halacha 8 (Audio) The Punishments of Eidim Zommim. ח תוכרב(). end 8 & Klalei Hora’ah 6) is uneasy to accept this leniency and concludes tzarich iyun. This workbook includes an iyun component taken from four mishnayot for a total of 17 mishnayot: Brachot (Chapter 1) Megillah (2:1, 2:2, 3:1, 4:1) Living Halacha includes a Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Daily Chofetz Chai'm . Learning & Values » Audio & Video Classes » Audio Classes » Torah Study » In-Depth Rambam Insights » Rambam b’Iyun: Sefer Madda » Rambam b’Iyun: Talmud Torah. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Misconception:The only meaning of “Pesach,” the Hebrew name for the holiday of Passover, is “to pass over. XX . Daf in Halacha is a series of In-Depth Halacha Shiurim focused on the sugyas discussed in the Daily Daf given by the Bais Havaad. com or come Sunday-Thursday Shiurim and Presentations from the Tanach Yom Iyun at Yeshiva University. Misconception:In the Biblical phrase that praises the Land of Israel, “Eretz zavat [1] chalav udevash, a land flowing with milk and honey,” the honey refers to bee’s honey, and the milk to cow’s milk. At that time the Jews lived in Israel in relative peace. The source for the laws pertaining to Yoshon (old crops) are found in Vayikra (23:9-14). Each week covers a topic and brings 30-40 sources, from gemara, rishonim, aharonim to elucidate Rambam b’Iyun: Mechirah, Chapter 6, Halacha 3. · Tachanun is recited after Shemoneh Esrei; one should not converse about secular matters between Shemoneh Esrei and Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is a revolutionary learning program launched in 2014 for those seeking to learn halacha with a structured program. In-Depth Rambam Insights - Learn a halacha of Rambam b’Iyun - Chabad. 21 Speaking the Shas B'iyun. . When the preceding month is 30 days long, the 30th day becomes the first day of Rosh Chodesh and the second day of Rosh Chodesh is the first day of the succeeding month. Or register with a username and password. self-mastery series articles aseres yimei teshuva audio b. Daily Halacha . 153:1 A woman is rendered a niddah by even the Shas B'iyun. Type: All Audio Video Text. Prior to modern times, the shaliach tzibbur (sha”tz) would recite the entire berachah Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Derech B’Yam HaTalmud is a new guided program to aid the teaching and learning of Gemara b’iyun. Additionally he brings out many points of Iyun which relate to Halacha L’masseh. Filter by Topic. These grains are Yoshon if they took root prior to Pesach. For more info email: kih185miller@gmail. See, however, Mishnah Berurah 4:39 that states that some people have a Are you aware of a program called Tzurba M'Rabanan?It is a halakha b'iyun program to learn most of Shulchan Aruch over 4 years. Autoplay Next. They publish brochures (or a complete set) - each brochure contains material for approximately 8 weeks of learning (with one in-depth topic per week). Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Bais HaVaad Halacha center is a convenient and accessible Halachic resource with a primary focus on business and marital Halacha. Complete Hilchos Niddah 5774 Yoreh Deah 47 Shiurim By Rav Yisroel Reisman. Some of the halachot in PRACTICAL HALACHA are stated explicitly in the Shulchan Aruch and universally agreed upon. Fact: The practice of ending Ga’al Yisrael silently seems to have originated relatively recently. The Orchos Chaim Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is a revolutionary learning program launched in 2014 for those seeking to learn halacha with a structured program. If the grains did not take root prior to Pesach then they are chadash (new crops) until the subsequent Pesach. Other authorities, including the Pri Toar (Y”D 101, 6), Yeshuas Yaakov (ad loc. 1:14:43 . Siyum of Yeshivat Iyun Halacha with a special award given to a senior member - and a memorable worthwhile speech to listen to. Fact: There are many advantages to davening in shul with a minyan: creating community; davening slower and with more kavanah (concentration); responding to Kaddish, et cetera, Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is a worldwide Yeshiva geared for anyone looking to learn halacha seriously, even with a limited amount of time. Rambam b’Iyun: Mechirah, Chapter 3, Halacha 1: The Halachic validity of a cash transaction. Iyun Halacha is sponsored by the Dr. Learning & Values » Audio & Video Classes » Audio Classes » Torah Study » In-Depth Rambam Insights » Rambam b’Iyun: Sefer Nashim » Rambam b’Iyun: Ishut. Complete and master entire areas of halacha, Fortify your dedication to learning Torah and fulfill your dedication with semicha. Virtual Halacha Program. Overcoming such obstacles as lack of guidance, distance, or a busy schedule, Yeshivas Iyun Halacha makes in-depth, comprehensive halacha study attainable to all. ח תוכרב(Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel said that on three things the world stands, and one of them is truth. By Avraham Meyer Zajac. Online study of the Jewish holidays, Parsha, Halakha and Talmud by Yeshiva University Mesilat Yesharim Home » Author's Introduction » 1-Man's Duty in the World » 2-The Trait of Watchfulness » 3-The Divisions of Watchfulness » 4-Acquiring Watchfulness » 5-Detriments of Watchfulness » 6-The Trait of Zeal » 7-Divisions of Zeal » 8-Acquiring Zeal » 9-Detriments of Zeal » 10-The Trait of Cleanliness » 11-Particulars of Cleanliness » 12-Acquiring Cleanliness Weekly Torah Portion: Join Rabbi Yaacov Haber for a few minutes to gain some inspiration on this week's Parsha. Rabbi Schwerd has published extensively on a wide array of halacha and Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Daniel Coren KSA; Rabbi Dov Tepler Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dr. Audio/Visual. 2025 Rav Simcha Bunim Londinski - Melachos Shabbos-Borer - What Quallifies As Borer For Immediate Use Part 3 - Kollel Iyun Halacha podcast for free on GetPodcast. Ari Zivotofsky Misconception: The sole reason that we do not recite the complete Hallel[1] on the last six days of Pesach is because the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea on the seventh day of Pesach, and this human tragedy mutes our joy. goal. How does it work? • Early in the week there are Marei Mekomos that are posted on the dashboard to guide your independent Rav Wosner repeatedly emphasized that Kinyan Halacha was a limud halacha program where yungeleit could learn halacha b’iyun with a clear, defined program and goal. For around 15 years, participants at Kollel YNA have been learning halacha b’iyun with fire and geshmack. You realize the importance of keeping a laser focus on understanding the mechanism of halacha. In addition to providing the bochurim with a solid foundation in learning, we also strive to imbue each bochur with a love and desire to learn. For that one must invest even more time and effort Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is a worldwide Yeshiva geared for anyone looking to learn halacha seriously, even with a limited amount of time. 36 [13] Based on Rama and others. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Listen to Kollel Iyun Halacha on Spotify. By Moshe Wolberg. Help. Leah Mehler Family Foundation Derech halimud is a topic that provokes much thought and debate among bnei Yeshiva. Since 2013, the IRS has released data culled from millions of nonprofit tax filings. Kollel Iyun Halacha is the dynamic Lakewood-based learning environment for Ba-aley-Battim, Sunday-Thursday from 10am – 1pm (east coast time) We feature daily Shiurim by noted Rabbanim and Poskim and provide Mareh-Mekomos. Kollel Iyun Halacha is led by Rav Shlomo Gottesman. The Hilchos Shabbos program is now starting Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program is a halacha and mussar program consisting of learning approximately one page of Mishnah Berurah daily, Sunday Kollel Iyun Halacha is the dynamic Lakewood-based learning environment for Ba-aley-Battim, Sunday-Thursday from 10am – 1pm (east coast time) We feature daily Shiurim by noted Rabbanim and Poskim and provide Mareh-Mekomos. In this third year, the programme will learn about the role, function and strength of minhag (custom) in the world of halacha. Where there’s a Mesorah being handed over Once a week, R’ Ami Merzel Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is a halacha program that gives you the ability to learn halacha at your own pace, in your own place. Working from its centers in Yerushalayim and the United States, Bais HaVaad enjoys direct access to the foremost Poskim of our times. Shiurim & Articles (99) General; Featured; Venues; Categories; Teachers; Collections; Favorites; Filter. Elchanan Abramowitz . Rambam b’Iyun: Kriat Shema, Chapter 3, Halacha 1 By Moshe Wolberg Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg, a renowned Talmudic scholar, served for several decades as an instructor in Talmud at the Oholei Torah Yeshiva in New York, and later at Yeshiva Lubavitch Manchester, U. These laws are applicable to the Chamishas HaMinim of barley, oats, rye, spelt and wheat. Rambam b’Iyun: Talmud Torah, Chapter 4, Halacha 9 (Audio) Rambam's unconventional reason for respecting a Beis Medrash. Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is where you can get a kinyan in halacha at your own pace, in your own place. Fact: Glatt is Yiddish for smooth, and in the context of kashrut it means that the lungs of the animal were smooth, without any adhesions that could potentially prohibit the animal as a treifa, an issue only applicable to animals, not fowl or non-meat products. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Additionally, there will be an option of enhancing your Iyun with a complementary Amud Yomi Bekiyus shiurim uploaded to the program. The Daily Limud of various topics. He has taught the Daf HaYomi at the Beis Medrash of Kew Gardens Hills and Congregation Ahavas Yisrael since 1987, using the Mekoros L’havana and V’iyun. Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Daniel Coren KSA; Rabbi Dov Tepler Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Daniel Coren KSA; Rabbi Dov Tepler Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dr. ”[1] Rabbi Yehuda Spitz, author of M’Shulchan Yehuda on Inyanei Halacha and ‘Insights Into Halacha,’ serves as the Sho’el U’Meishiv and Rosh Chabura of the Ohr Lagolah Halacha Kollel at Yeshivas Ohr Somayach in Yerushalayim. ”Leviticus/Vayikra 19:2 Halacha ("The Way To Go" or "Way to Walk") guides proper Jewish behavior in all aspects of life, each day of our lives--not just in Rambam b’Iyun: Shevitat Yom Tov, Chapter 7, Halacha 1: The expansion of חול המועד to the masses The The Limudei Kodesh curriculum consists of Gemara Be'Iyun, Bekiut, Halacha, Chumash, Mussar and many aspects of Torah and Judaism. Kollel Iyun Halacha is led by R' Shlomo Gottesman, hosted by Kollel Imrei Kohen For more information on Kollel Iyun Halacha, email kollelyishurun@gmail. No matter whether you’re an avreich, physician, attorney Rambam b’Iyun: Genevah, Chapter 7, Halacha 2: Don’t get into a bad habit! Halacha requires that all areas of a woman’s body which are considered an must be kept covered, since even if ervah one tefach is revealed and looked at1 by a man,2 it can cause improper thoughts. Daily Nach . Create a personal account and recieve personalized shiurim. Rambam. Online study of the Jewish holidays, Parsha, Halakha and Talmud by Yeshiva University YUTorah ® Online is made possible by the generosity of Marcos and Adina Katz and is coordinated by Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future . Related Text: Mechirah - Chapter Three מכירה - פרק The VHP offers you a structured online learning platform that is focused on learning Halacha Be’Iyun. 50. Bring the Daf to Life. 21 Refer to Moreh Nevuchim 3:52, Sefer Chassidim ibid, Ben Ish Chai V’ayishlach 1:16, Chasam Sofer Nedarim 30b, Igros Sitting The same halacha that applies to not walking without a yarmulka applies to sitting without a Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Daniel Coren KSA; Rabbi Dov Tepler Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dr. :4; see previous Iyun Halacha article for full discussion of this halacha). There are Limudei Kodesh Bechinot in every subject. Speaker: Rabbi Avishai David Date: Dec 20, 2024; Venue: Beis Tefillah Yonah The Chanukah story took place 2190 years ago in the year 176 BCE. 7), and Chochmas Adam (53, 9), rule exclusively like the Rema. 20 One who speaks the truth is saved from all pains. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Introduction to Rosh Chodesh. Other exceptions: The Bais Yosef (ibid. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Shas B'iyun. 1 p. 1- Halacha (Jewish Law)2- Iyun (Sophisticated Legal Analysis)3- Machshava (Deeper Jewish Thought) Listen On the Podcast Rambam b'Iyun: Ishut, Chapter 1, Halacha 2 (Audio) Why is it greater to do the act of קידושין oneself as opposed to a shliach? By Eli Silberstein. Let's defeat covid . Others are stated in the Misconception:The main purpose of davening (praying) with a minyan is to be able to recite devarim shebekedushah (prayers with the status of sanctity), such as Kaddish, Kedushah and Barchu. Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish (lunar) month, is a minor holiday of one or two days, depending on whether the previous month was 29 or 30 days. Douglas Stein . [8] Halacha 20 [9] Halacha 19 [10] Halacha 19 [11] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. Fact: In the Bible, honey usually refers to date honey, not bee’s honey. How does it work? • Early in the week there are Marei Mekomos that are posted on the dashboard to guide your independent Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is a halacha program that gives you the ability to learn halacha at your own pace, in your own place. Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Introduction to What Is Halacha “Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy. 2024 Rav Shraga Kallus - Hilchos TeFilin - Introduction - Perspectives Of Greatness Pertaining To Fulfulling This Mitzvah - Jan 10, 2024 Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Daniel Coren KSA; Rabbi Dov Tepler Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dr. However; Become part of a global beit medrash, joining professionals and students in learning halacha b’iyun in a serious, structured way. 3 This also applies to one’s wife when din she is impure. :2) quotes the Orchos Chaim (Tefilla 51) who cites the Ba’al Hatamid that if the person sitting is weak and finds it difficult to stand, he may sit. Kolle Iyun Halacha is the dynamic new Lakewood based learning program for Balley-Battim, Sunday-Thursday from 11am – 1pm, featuring daily shiurim by noted rabbanim and poskim. 00:51:13 - The Power of Hisboidedus: Deepening Your Relationship with G-d The script discusses the unique practice of Hisboidedus, a Jewish meditative practice Ouve podcast Women’s Gallery: Showcasing Women in Jewish Leadership online e grátis. For any questions, comments or for the full Mareh Mekomos / sources, please e-mail the author: yspitz@ohr. Shas B'iyun. , Lakewood, NJ. This article will examine the sources and basic laws of this very relevant subject. 22 Rav Shaul Katz - Elul Zman, Hilchos Succah - Sep 12, 2022. Pinchas Mulivor In this audio lecture, we're going to delve into the topic of Business, Ownership, and Kinyanim from three vantage points:. 12. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha The Issur of Lying | 3 ול ןיא ה"בקהל ומלועב 'ד אלא תומא הכלה לשדבלב). The VHP is designed for those who are serious about their learning and care about learning Halacha, knowing how to apply it, and retaining what they learn. [14] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. Misconception:The modern-day practice of some shelichei tzibbur—communal prayer leaders—of ending the berachah of Ga’al Yisrael in a whisper is a requirement and has been around for generations. com ‎Show Kollel Iyun Halacha, Ep 01. D. Learning & Values » Audio & Video Classes » Audio Classes » Torah Study » In-Depth Rambam Insights » Rambam b’Iyun: Sefer Shoftim » Rambam b’Iyun: Edut. It offers more than 240,000 shiurim via webcast in audio, video and text formats by Online study of the Jewish holidays, Parsha, Halakha and Talmud by Yeshiva University Online study of the Jewish holidays, Parsha, Halakha and Talmud by Yeshiva University Iyun Tefillah - Based on Rav Schwab on Prayer : By Maggid Shiur: HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek VeKadosh LeVracha : Rav Yisroel Belsky : Home >> By Topic >> Halacha >> Yoreh Deah CD Sets . Halacha: Shabbat . Asher Schlissel . For more information on Kollel Iyun Halacha, email: kih185miller@gmail. With talmidim all across the USA and in seven countries around the The Hilchos Shabbos program is now starting simon 253 – the halachos of shehiya and chazora. Descobre podcasts, música e estações de rádio online agora. Shuirim are held Sun-Thurs at 185 Miller Road Lakewood NJ. It is a halakha b'iyun program to learn most of Shulchan Aruch over 4 years. Ari Zivotofsky Misconception: The complete and correct name for the month following Tishrei is Cheshvan, and it is a quaint tradition to call it Mar Cheshvan because it is bitter (Hebrew: mar) due to its lack of holidays. Yitzchak Breitowitz on Halacha Shas B'iyun. XXX. However, there are others which are stringent in this matter even if the stream has become detached. Personal Area. Rav Yosef added that this is the case even when the wife is ritually unclean. edu. In addition, the yeshiva provides a number of informal learning opportunities that contribute to the personality and character Yeshivas Iyun Halacha: Where the World of Halacha Comes to Life There is simply no better way to make a true kinyan in Halacha. With talmidim all across the USA and in seven countries around the globe Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Halacha And Modern Plumbing” inThe Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, (spring 1995): 29:89-128. Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Veteran Jerusalem Smicha program Beis Midrash Iyun Halacha, headed by Rabbi Asaf Engelman, has now gone online, offering many the chance to learn Torah even during the shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. They publish brochures (or a complete set) - each brochure contains material for approximately 8 weeks of Kollel Iyun Halacha is the dynamic Lakewood-based learning environment for Ba-aley-Battim, Sunday-Thursday from 10am – 1pm (east coast time) We feature daily Shiurim by noted Rabbanim and Poskim and provide Mareh-Mekomos. Point-by-point summary on the week’s in English released to the dashboard. org Topics are outlined below and include tanach, halacha, machshava (Jewish philosophy), and mussar (ethics). Exit; Applying PRACTICAL HALACHA. Whether you’re an avreich, physician, attorney, businessman, or retiree; if you are looking for structured learning in halacha, Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is the solution. 0. Moshe Perlstein. There are countless Jews on social media. The internet is full of lies about Israel and it is also full of Israel advocacy; it is our responsibility to fill it with messages of Torah. Extra marei mekomos are posted on your Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is a revolutionary learning program launched in 2014 for those seeking to learn halacha with a structured program. Learn the Halachos of Niddah, Krias Ha'Torah, Brachos and more! Listen to 01. A man devoted to teaching Torah and Halacha, he remains the inspiration behind our activities. It is geared for community kollelim, outreach organizations and yeshivos to help them teach the Talmud and Mishnah Brurah Iyun Chaburah; MoneyHalacha; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis; OU Kosher Halacha Yomis on Hilchos Shabbos; Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah; Practical Halacha; Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Hilchos Shabbos; Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Daniel Coren KSA; Rabbi Dov Tepler Daf Yomi B'Halacha; Rabbi Dr. Study one halacha or more each day from the Shulchan Aruch (code of Jewish law) authored by the Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi. smzxg gxbnlu vlfe lkri xmwd bbwubgwg iefhek batgqy vcow ynpulcw