Usaid projects Facing a fragmented tourism sector, USAID’s investment promotes Timor-Leste’s vision of becoming a competitive international tourism destination while preserving the country’s unique environmental and cultural heritage. USAID Southern Africa Mobilizing Investment (USAID Mobilizing Investment) is a five-year project to promote inclusive economic growth and self-reliance in the Southern Africa region. As an important partner in East Africa, Kenya is a significant recipient of U. Georgia’s 2012 Parliamentary Elections were historic and represented the first Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project The USAID Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) project was a five-year, $47. . Today, the United States and Vietnam are trusted partners with a friendship Although Nigeria has the largest national economy in sub-Saharan Africa, it must overcome significant development and governance challenges to fulfill its potential. 8 million project, which fostered the development of conditions for broad-based, inclusive and resilient economic growth of cities and surrounding areas outside Metro Manila. To inform the CKM II project strategy, the team worked with USAID to schedule a participatory stakeholder mapping exercise for December. Nepal, nestled in the Himalayan mountains between India and China, is an important long-term partner for the US, and critical to regional stability and connectivity. The USAID Expanding WASH Project will use USAID’s Local Solutions Framework to strengthen social accountability within complex, dynamic local systems. USAID works to prevent and counter violent extremism and to build resilience to mitigate chronic humanitarian needs. 8 million project, which fosters the development of conditions for SURGE leverages and works with existing USAID projects in economic Since the establishment of bilateral relations in 1995, the U. In the past year, the U. supports ASEAN efforts to enhance regional policies, cooperation, and capacity across its member states and partners to tackle shared challenges and strengthen common values. GOV 10 Tips for Working with USAID Implementers | 1 10 TIPS FOR WORKING WITH USAID IMPLEMENTERS . USAID Project Design Guidance Executive Summary . government objectives in the country by helping BiH progress toward a harmonized economy, effective and transparent government institutions with a strong civil society, and a multi-ethnic, tolerant society. OurFish OurFuture is a five-year (2021-2026), $15 million regional project that aims to address the social and ecological drivers of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing that are degrading coastal fisheries and biodiversity, For over 50 years, USAID's global health programs have saved lives, protected people most vulnerable to disease and promoted the stability of communities and nations, while advancing American security and prosperity. USAID’s efforts provide humanitarian assistance, reduce poverty The USAID Open Government Plan 2. With an annual program budget of about $100 million, we carry out programs in democratic governance, anti-corruption, climate and the environment, economic growth, education, and USAID’s efforts provide humanitarian assistance, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, advance economic opportunities, and help achieve progress beyond programs. Foreign Disaster Assistance and Food for Peace regional offices and the USAID's West Africa Regional Mission in Accra, Ghana share the management responsibility USAID projects support the Ministry of Health’s ability to deliver health services more effectively across the country, especially to underserved rural areas, with direct financial support for hiring new staff and staff training. 5 results . Normally the discrete development result on which a project focuses will be one of the IRs under a Mission CDCS. that have been funded by the U. foreign assistance—the The USAID ClimAct Project will catalyze local and global expertise, while leveraging on-the-ground networks to generate systemic and transformative change for Bangladesh’s transition to net-zero, climate-resilient development. USAID Senegal’s Sahel Regional Office, Office of U. 1 USAID project mini-survey. USAID’s current Country Development Cooperation Strategy focuses on supporting the people of Cambodia through broadened inclusive and sustainable economic growth; improved health, education, and welfare for Cambodians; greater protections of human rights; and greater government accountability and transparency. This is through a cooperative agreement signed with Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) on 2 nd March 2021. usaidassist. Through our assistance programs, USAID plays an active and critical role in the promotion of U. If Through a course at Columbia University, five teammates and I wrote a mock USAID project proposal following the agency's official proposal guidelines. Published by the USAID ASSIST Project. It aims to improve How Asia develops is critical to U. With USAID support, the Government of Malawi is working to strengthen governance, expand the educational and economic opportunities available to its people, and promote the growth of its private sector. See how our work - on behalf of the American public - spans the globe. i CONTENTS Contents i ACQUISITION: Contracts: USAID purchases technical assistance services, goods, products, or other services from a responsible party to implement a project as directed by the Agency. Government has delivered foreign aid to support Albania's development, stability and integration into Europe. A small nation of more than 4 million people, Lebanon’s strategic location, the diversity of its citizens, and its entrepreneurial spirit have long made it a center of trade and culture and a bridge between Europe and the Middle USAID Media Empowerment for Democratic Integrity and Accountability (USAID MEDIA) Additionally, the project successfully trained and supported 832 rights defenders and 352 local civil society organizations (CSOs), enabling them to The United States seeks to promote the emergence of a democratic and market-oriented Belarus that respects human rights. Department of Energy national Through results-driven investment, USAID works with the Government of Indonesia, local leaders, the private sector, civil society, and other development partners to strengthen a just and accountable democracy, expand basic services, and enhance mutual security and prosperity. ENERGY SECTOR ADVISORY SERVICES PROJECT 2015-2025 Total Estimated Cost: $8. SOLICITATION NUMBER: 72049725R10002 ISSUANCE DATE: January 2, 2025 CLOSING DATE/TIME: January 31, 2025, 4:00 PM, Jakarta time SUBJECT: Solicitation for a Cooperating Country National Personal Service Contractor (CCN PSC - Local Compensation Plan) USAID Project Management Specialist (Tuberculosis), FSN-10 (Full Performance Level). We are working side-by-side with the Afghan people to lay the foundation for a brighter future driven by Afghan growth and ingenuity. Tanzania is one of Africa's fastest growing economies, however, widespread poverty persists. We assessed regional climate variability in the Mekong Delta and the impacts of this variability on food security for smallholder farmers. USAID’s wide-ranging effort to modernize foreign assistance, spotlights the importance of high-quality monitoring and evaluation, along with active-learning and adaptive management USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Affairs (BHA) has established a Sub-regional Office in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which is responsible for BHA programs in Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo as well as in DRC. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. S. The addition of 38,000 health extension workers has helped reduce the under-five child mortality rate by more than six percent a year since 2000. com. Given India’s dynamic economy and growth, its leadership in innovation, and its diverse set of private and public sector stakeholders, USAID is working with the Government of India, the private sector, and civil society to facilitate and test innovative development solutions that can USAID’s efforts provide humanitarian assistance, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, advance economic opportunities, and help achieve progress beyond programs. Driven by tourism, mining, trade and communications, the private sector has grown considerably, with economic growth averaging seven percent since 2000. While Tanzania's natural resources are an DAR ES SALAAM: The USAID’s Afya Yangu Southern and USAID Kizazi Hodari Southern Zone projects funded by PEPFAR/USAID and implemented by Deloitte Consulting Limited joined WiLDAF Tanzania to launch the campaign of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Implementers are organizations that carry out development projects through USAID contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements. POSITION TITLE: FSN-08 USAID Project Management Assistant (Democracy, Rights and Governance (DRG)) the SPC/USAID Project. SOLICITATION NO. Our portfolio in Ethiopia is one of the largest and most complex in Africa. Health Projects Database (HPD) isa comprehensive inventory of health related projects . It will also be an opportunity for project stakeholders to increase their awareness of the project achievements and provide input to the two project assessment reports. R. U. Get involved! Our global initiatives, ranging from Central America to Ethiopia, are focused on equipping youth-led institutions, fostering community engagement, and providing tools for youth to unlock their USAID Tujitegemee is a five-year project funded by USAID Kenya and East Africa to implement OVC and DREAMS activities in Mombasa and Kilifi counties under the KHPQS. A Story of Struggle and Victory: Sardor and His Family. Fundamental to MOMENTUM is the recognition that USAID-supported countries have different epidemiologic and demographic profiles and unique, country-specific challenges that require tailored support at national and sub-national levels. 5 million (nationwide) Implemented by: U. The projects collection is not a database of documents, but of project descriptions. High population growth and low productivity in labor-intensive sectors like agriculture, which employs 75 percent of the population, limit broad-based economic growth. Whether private or non-profit, implementers commonly execute programs across sectors and geographical regions. Georgia is a key U. We also help the Ministry to expand access to voluntary family planning services to improve family health, reduce . These partners are located around the world, including local partners in our The following map depicts the locations of USAID-funded projects to better monitor development results, improve aid effectiveness and coordination, and enhance transparency and social accountability. Through its humanitarian, stabilization, and development assistance, USAID is responding to the immediate needs of conflict-affected Libyans, supporting Libyans to address drivers of instability and USAID activities in Sri Lanka align with the U. The Database includes about 300 long-term country projects and regional or short-term projects. Agency for International Development (USAID) provided approximately $150 million to support education, health, economic growth and agriculture, On July 14, 2020, U. During the celebrations of the World Aids Day which were done one week before the climax, the USAID Afya Yangu (My Health) Southern and USAID Kizazi Hodari (Brave Generation) Southern Zone projects offered various services which included testing services as well as connecting In January 1983, USAID and the Peace Corps launched a joint initiative to support grassroots, locally led development projects: the Small Project Assistance Program (SPA). Agency for International Development (USAID) project dedicated to expanding the evidence base for what works in positive youth development (PYD) and applying improved approaches across programs and The USAID-NREL Partnership. generous support of the American people through USAID and is produced and managed by the MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator project Meet the Challenge of Rising Standards. USAID assistance in Zambia focuses on: (1) effective, citizen-responsive governance; (2) rural poverty reduction and sustainable natural resource management; (3) utilization of quality health, water and sanitation, and social protection services; and (4) primary education quality. USAID currently has staff located in Fiji, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands. Helping 75,000 people get access to basic or improved sanitation services, and 3. The poor living conditions, unhealthy 1. For over four decades, the American people have invested in Egyptians through USAID. This website is made possible by the generous support of the American people through USAID and is produced and managed by the MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator project through cooperative agreement #7200AA20CA00003. Agency for International Development (USAID), generated growth, jobs, and income by increasing the competitiveness of Indonesia’s labor-intensive manufacturing industries, PROJECT OVERVIEW The USAID Global Waters Communication and Knowledge Management II (CKM II) task order . Examining the local conditions, design standards, methodology, and knowledge is key to understanding the local capabilities and potential of implementing the IBC for USAID projects. USAID will work to build at least 50 public-private partnerships and reach at least one million people through campaigns promoting WASH USAID advances the PNG Electrification Partnership, established during the 2018 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit between the United States, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and PNG to increase PNG’s electricity access to 70 percent by 2030. Our current programs in economic growth, education, health, and governance are partnering to improve lives and build a more Project overview. Each record contains a substantive abstract of the project's scope. Never before have our fates been so intertwined, especially in matters of health and the economy, as COVID-19 has proven. Adequate number of experienced customs agents are willing to be reassigned to land/road posts from the capital city. USAID/PERU HEALTH PROJECTS IMPLEMENTED BY THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH: VIGIA COVERAGE WITH QUALITY IMPROVED HEALTH FOR POPULATIONS AT HIGH RISK FEBRUARY 2010 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. For nearly 60 years, USAID has worked closely with the Kenyan government, Kenya’s private sector, and the Kenyan people to: MOMENTUM is partnering with nearly 40 countries to accelerate progress and advance USAID’s work to save lives and improve health outcomes for women, children, families, and communities in all of their diversity. Government development activities in country. CLOSING DATE/TIME FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: 12/31/2024 (11:30 PM Nepal time) 4. Asia is home to 4. Discover initiatives boosting youth capacity, engagement, and potential for impact. By investing in breakthrough innovations driven by rigorous evidence, USAID impacts millions of lives at a USAID remains focused on supporting Libyans in choosing their leaders through inclusive, democratic processes and helping the country capitalize on its economic potential. ASSISTANCE: Grants: USAID provides funds to a Мета підтримки, яку USAID надає у сфері розвитку – допомогти Україні стати демократичною країною з високим рівнем добробуту та дієвими, підзвітними, прозорими інституціями. Projects were identified and information collected by the six Implementing Partners (IP) of the ENGAGE USAID PROJECTS WITH A HEALTH, CHILD SURVIVAL OR AIDS COMPONENT FY 1. POINT OF CONTACT: USAID/Nepal HR office, email at usaidnepalhr@usaid. Recommended citation Kimble L, Massoud M. Federal government websites often end in . 1): 15 October 2023 Contract No: 72052018C00001 les D. Less frequently, a project's focus could be a DO, for a small program, or, for a large program USAID in Niger is a limited presence office that serves as core advisors for U. Management may consider the following when determining successful candidacy: nepotism, conflicts of interest, budget, and USAID Mission to Poland List of Projects ACTIVITY NAME POLISH COUNTERPART IMPLEMENTING PARTNER START END FUNDING ($) Polish American Children's Hospital (1) Project HOPE 1997 1997 132,901 Sustaining Growth CASE Foundation CASE Foundation 1997 1999 230,000 Flood Damage Assessment While standard approaches to Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) work well for many USAID projects, when specific outputs and outcomes are not as easily identifiable up front, and where change might happen in a non-linear manner, The USAID Jordan Tourism Development Project II (2008-2013) built on this success and resulted in several great achievements. org or write assist-info@urc-chs. Development now takes its place alongside defense and diplomacy as the three essential components of American foreign policy. Our economic and Projects. USAID’s partnership with Indonesia in this area began in 2006 to combat bird flu and is anchored in One Health, an Kenya Horticulture Competiveness Project (USAID-KHCP) Annual Report 2014 Prepared by Fintrac Inc. 2 USAID and customs agency records . June 21, 2024 | Press Release; Novi Pazar, Sombor and Veliko Gradište the Most Transparent Local Governments in Our Partnerships and Projects. Black & Veatch met with USAID’s Project Partners, local ministries, associations, and contractors to gain further information on the This DDI Toolkit guidance is current with USAID’s policies and requirements, including the 9/28/2022 update of USAID’s Automated Directives System (ADS). ally in the Caucasus region and a gateway for energy resources from the Caspian Sea to Europe and beyond. Agency for International Development (USAID) since 1975. Successes, Results, and Impact Across USAID’s MOMENTUM Projects to Reduce Maternal, Newborn, and Child Deaths and Disability Share Over the past four years, since USAID’s MOMENTUM suite of awards was launched at the beginning of 2020, MOMENTUM has been delivering effective interventions and programs that support local leadership, strengthen Project Descriptions is a legacy collection of over 9,100 USAID and predecessor agencies projects from the 1950s through the mid-1990s. Joining him are project representatives (clockwise) Jenina Joy Chavez, Chief of Party (COP) of COLLABDev, implemented by Action for Economic Reforms; Laura Thisted, for Assets, Agency, Trust, implemented by Global Giving; Magdalena Lopez, USAID programs foster artisanal and small-scale mining supply chains that are legal and environmentally and socially responsible. The BHA Project Management Specialist will ensure effective management of BHA resources primarily in the USAID is a business-focused development agency focused on results. Over the last decade, Ethiopia has made tremendous development gains in education, health and food security, and economic growth. This approach entails a flexible and tools and strategies for adaptation projects mobilizing private and other investments. 5 million people access safely managed drinking water and at least one million people gain access to safe sanitation services. USAID CEP builds the capacity of community members, municipalities, and NGOs to identify and alleviate stressors affecting the population in order to leave behind stronger, more cohesive and resilient For more information on the work of the USAID ASSIST Project, please visit www. The project focuses on two main objectives to achieve that vision. We have an interest in Africa’s success and sustainable development; we want to be partners in creating The . : 72036724R10016 2. by . The Government of Georgia is committed to advancing democratic and economic reforms, strengthening the rule of law, and improving social services. This project is the ninth in a series of Demographic and Health Surveys in Indonesia conducted since 1987. Subscribe to Winrock's Newsletter. USAID uses strategic planning USAID provides equal opportunity in employment to all qualified candidates without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. Through USAID SINAR and its predecessor programs, USAID has The Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project is a five-year, $47. ISSUANCE DATE: 12/17/2024 3. The . The United States and India are partnering to advance and achieve shared global development priorities. Maximizing Options to Advance Informed Choice for HIV Prevention (MOSAIC) MOSAIC is a five-year (2021-2026) global project to help adolescent girls and women prevent HIV by accelerating the introduction The USAID Global Health Supply Chain (GHSC) – Technical Assistance (TA) Francophone Task Order (FTO), a five-year project awarded to Chemonics International on February 9, 2017, provides specialized supply chain expertise to Benin, A Project MEL Plan is technically an annex to a Project Appraisal Document (PAD). region, state, province). foreign policy interests. Our team operates in over 30 countries to proactively strengthen health systems to detect The friendship between the Republic of Kenya and the United States dates to the dawn of Kenyan independence. 90 per day, Nigeria is home to the world’s largest population living in extreme poverty. USAID turned over 150 laptop computers, printers, projectors, and 80 sets of learning materials to the DepEd as part of the U. The collaboration harnesses the unique capabilities of both agencies, combining the Peace Corps’ deep connections with remote communities — often outside the reach of traditional development assistance — with USAID’s funding and technical USAID Project Design and Project Management courses or their equivalent are recommended. USAID’s Plain Writing Act Compliance Report , of July 13, 2011, details how the Agency aggressively pursues the goals of the Plain Writing Act of USAID projects do not stand alone; rather they are USAID management arrangements through which elements of a CDCS strategy are achieved. Furthermore, USAID commits to target socially marginalized Somalis in a defined geographic focal zone and work toward shared humanitarian and development objectives in key sectors including governance, stabilization, education Implementing agencies: The Pacific Community (SPC) in partnership with Secretariat of the Pacific Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS). A Pacific country, the United States—through USAID—partners with 12 Pacific Island nations to bolster their ability to lead their countries to stable, prosperous futures. It was prepared by Stanley Terrell and David Nelson USAID projects do not stand alone; rather they are USAID management arrangements through which elements of a CDCS strategy are achieved. Chevy Chase, MD: few exceptions, USAID Project and Activity Design Teams are required to identify relevant climate risks and then qualitatively assess them as low, moderate or high, unless the project or activity falls under a development objective (DO) or intermediate result (IR) that was rated low risk as part of a strategy-level climate risk screening. USAID works with a cross-section of the population to stimulate the country’s JAKARTA, Indonesia — The United States, through the U. It is divided into four segments, as listed in the menu below. Affecting input-to-output link. The Energy Sector Advisory Services Project is a partnership between USAID and the U. The DFA role would empower this person to align and coordinate the countless foreign Meredith has almost 30 years of development experience with USAID. Functionally it is a separable document that provides guidance to USAID staff over the life of a project. 90 per day. The United States is Ghana’s largest bilateral development partner. 2020. We engage African countries early and often as partners in pursuing our shared interests and values – from security, global health, climate change, freedom and democracy, and shared prosperity. 5 billion ($213 million) is enabling USAID projects to boost local economies through and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. LEARN MORE. The USAID/Pakistan Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for 2023-2028 aims to make Pakistan USAID Tourism For All. gov means it’s official. Project design should be informed Through its established field presence, global and country-level industry networks, and long-standing relationships with government and private sector partners, USAID embraces an integrated approach to energy sector Through the ASEAN-USAID Partnership for Regional Optimization within the Political-Security and Socio-Cultural Communities (PROSPECT) project (2018 – 2023), the U. USAID and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are partnering to support clean, reliable and affordable power by helping developing countries with policy, planning and deployment support USAID in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) contributes to U. 987 OBLIGATIONS. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency of the United States government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance. The U. USAID also oversees a large humanitarian assistance portfolio in Bangladesh in response to the Rohingya crisis. They are where 75 percent of total global resources are used and pollution is Suaahara is a five-year, comprehensive, community-focused project dedicated to improving the health and nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of two. Kegiatan baru ini akan membantu Indonesia menyeimbangkan pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif dan pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui penggunaan energi terbarukan yang The United States has an unwavering and longstanding commitment to Africa. USAID ASSIST Project Country Integrated Design: Strategic Approach and Country Examples. ongoing commitment USAID and Impact Hub Partner to Empower Women to Play a Greater Role in Serbia's Economy . Under the new project, Strengthening Infectious Disease Detection Systems (STRIDES), USAID will work with partner countries to build more reliable, safe and secure laboratory and disease surveillance systems, as well as more effective data management and reporting platforms – systems that are critical to preventing new and emerging infectious USAID JALIN PROJECT DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN 6 POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR PROTECTING, ACCESSING, SHARING, AND REUSING THE DATA Jalin databases will be backed-up automatically on a regular schedule and a New U. The investment we make in developing countries has long-term benefits for America and the American people. USAID funded projects. The outcomes of this discussion will complement the findings from the SPC/USAID end of project assessment and the gender impact assessment. Almost half of its population is living on less than $1. USAID and the Ghanaian Government work together to generate prosperity and security for both the Ghanaian and the American people by increasing agricultural production, employment opportunities, and income for the poor, improving the quality of health services These projects have reduced more than 990,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, while providing more than 1. The information provided on this website is not official U. The Specialist reports to the RPRM Deputy Office Director and provides policy and technical advice to the Mission and the OUs it supports in If you are currently implementing USAID activities, or are simply interested in learning about how USAID designs and implements its projects and activities, this module is for you! This module provides an overview of the project and activity design sections of USAID’s Program Cycle Operational Policy (ADS 201). USAID projects also align with the Government of Timor-Leste (GOTL) objective to support the transition from subsistence to commercial farming and to increase the production and productivity of key agricultural commodities. At the core of USAID’s mission is a deep commitment to work as partners in fostering sustainable development. Videos. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Western Kenya Water Project (WKWP) supports decentralized county governments to deliver the inclusive and sustainable services that strengthen water security. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ministry of Home Affairs has announced a new program to help local governments deliver quality public services in such areas as health services, nutrition, sanitation, and education. (DEC), the largest online resource for USAID-funded technical and project materials, makes nearly 200,000 items available for review or download, and continuously grows with more than 1000 items added USAID Project Management Assistant; The basic function of this position is to provide essential administrative, program management and technical support critical to USAID/Ethiopia’s Office of Democracy and Governance (ODG) based in Addis Ababa. Malawi has enjoyed more than 60 years of peaceful independence and has long been a close partner with the United States. The project will provide electricity to at least 350,000 households in PNG. The map depicts the total number of unique projects at the administrative one boundary level (i. Administrative functions cover essential office management, filing, travel and logistical support Explore USAID's YouthPower projects enhancing Positive Youth Development globally. Number of shippers that can and want to qualify for the accredited economic operators program meets or exceed baseline survey Tanzania's political stability, sound economic management and considerable resources all contribute to the country’s great potential for sustained growth. With an estimated population of 214 million, of which approximately 96 million people live on less than $1. The USAID/FGI activity achieves these targets by taking a market systems approach to bolster growth in key economic sectors. 3. Stories. USAID’s approach to infrastructure development is more USAID Water and Sanitation Project Annual Report ² FY2022 3 PROJECT OVERVIEW The USAID Water and Sanitation Project is a , 5-year activity with three primary goals: 1. Less frequently, a project's focus could be a DO, for a small program, or, for a large program SENADA, a four-year project financed by the U. Department of Energy national Civic Engagement Project Increased Political Competition and Accountability Program The USAID program in Bangladesh is the largest in Asia, with some of the world’s most important food security and health programs, along with strategically important democracy and governance, basic education, and environment activities. 2 million people with improved energy services. USAID and donor partners have been and remain committed to the people of Afghanistan. Haykin joined Bauchi State Commissioner of Women’s Affairs and Child Development, Hajara Jibrin at the virtual launch of a new activity designed to protect more than 76,000 vulnerable children and their households made vulnerable or orphaned by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Since 1992, the U. tools and strategies for adaptation projects mobilizing private and other investments. The project will also assist The $38. Supported . The USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) project is an initiative that seeks to advance Indonesia’s own development goals of balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihoods development. Our proposal recommended three interventions to improve The Teacher Education Project has three objectives: Improve systems and policies that support teachers, teacher educators, and educational managers; provide support to the Pakistan's Higher Education Commission and provincial departments of education, colleges, and universities in developing two new degree programs; improve, revise, evaluate, and standardize curriculum Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) is USAID’s open innovation program that tests and scales creative solutions to any global development challenge. 9 were trained on soil analysis, use of sticky traps which uses a pheromone bait to trap fruit flies, tree fertilization, and a systematic program of pruning, grafting, and top-working of mango trees to improve 2025 Presidential Transition Project The USAID Administrator should be authorized to take on the additional role of Director of Foreign Assistance (DFA) with the rank of Deputy Secretary at the Department of State in charge of all U. foreign assistance. 3 CCN PSCs may participate in temporary duty (TDY) travel to USAID/Washington and other Missions in order to participate in The overarching objectives of the USAID/FGI project include generating 20,000 new and improved jobs, facilitating $50M in financing and investment, and boosting sales of assisted firms by 30 percent. aid has helped Albania transition from the most isolated and repressive communist state in Europe to a ALSO READ: USAID projects, WiLDAF launch 16 Days of Activism against GBV. The Listening Tour and Advisory Resilient and reliable infrastructure is a critical foundation for inclusive, sustainable growth, supporting nearly all sectors—including health, education, and the environment. In January 1983, USAID and the Peace Corps launched a joint initiative to support grassroots, locally led development projects. Currently USAID supports 35 projects that work at the national and local USAID. This blog, “Celebrate an Unlikely Conservation Hero,” describes how USAID and its partners are YouthPower is a U. Learn how to access USAID's collection of Peer Reviewed Publications! What is the Development Experience Clearinghouse (aka the DEC)? Submit USAID project records, preserving knowledge for future use; Search a half-century of The Anticorruption Projects Database (Database) includes information about USAID projects with anticorruption interventions implemented worldwide between 2007 and 2013. 7 billion people—over The project seeks to improve Pakistan's international and regional trade environment by supporting the development of more tradefriendly regulations, policies, and systems. The Specialist reports to the RPRM Deputy Office Director and provides policy and technical advice to the Mission and the OUs it supports in the The Chu family exemplifies the transformation brought by the USAID HIV Care and Treatment Project that supports the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance and civil society in ensuring that all people living with HIV receive the necessary treatment and achieve viral suppression through high-quality, non-discriminatory care and treatment services. The 18-month USAID Economic Growth Through Sustainable Tourism Project (2013-2015) continued to improve Jordan’s competitiveness as an international tourism destination in order to boost the country’s GDP, create USAID’s Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance (IDDS) project was a 6-year project in more than 20 countries in Africa and Asia where there are significant gaps in health systems’ ability to detect, track, and rapidly respond to infectious diseases and drug-resistant infections that pose a major threat to public health and global health security. USAID works to help governments meet the family planning needs of their people by partnering with a variety of institutions, including faith-based and community organizations, private companies, colleges and universities, and non-governmental organizations. USAID's Work in Afghanistan. Funded by: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Participating countries: Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and The USAID Project Management Specialist (Gender and Inclusive Development Advisor) is a key member of the Regional Office of Program Resources Management (RPRM) Activity Design Team, USAID/Philippines. Department of Energy . Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. mil. For more than 60 years, USAID has worked with the Philippine government and local organizations to achieve shared development goals and build a more prosperous, resilient society for all Filipinos. This section of the kit is designed to help you develop a project MEL plan. gov 5. We work together with individuals, communities, and countries globally to improve everyday lives. Learn more . Please note that as a public site, there are some resources, particularly around Project Design, which are behind USAID firewall and are not available to non-USAID personnel. USAID, through the SINAR project, is expected to mobilize $5 billion worth of private and public financing for investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other advanced energy systems. The Pacific Ghana is a dynamic, democratic country with a free press, active civil society, independent judiciary, and a growing economy. Learn more about USAID’s work on land and resource governance. Pollution and Green Cities. USAID partners with Armenia to promote a resilient and democratic society, strengthen economic growth and energy security, and support social sector reforms. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director Stephen M. -Vietnam relationship has become increasingly cooperative and comprehensive. Body. USAID projects are bringing sustainable harvesting techniques to fisheries to benefit both humans and other creatures. supports (1) the work of the USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security’s (RFS) Center for Water Security, Sanitation, and Hygiene (“Center for WSSH”) and other Agency operating units with Through partnerships, finance, and data, the USAID project plans to help at least 1. government information and does not represent the views or positions of Ghana is a stable, democratic country with a free press, active civil society, independent judiciary and apolitical military. A long-time ally of the United States and the oldest democracy in Southeast Asia, the Philippines is a key partner in promoting resilient and inclusive development in the Indo-Pacific. USAID Holds School Construction Projects to the Highest The USAID Project Management Specialist (Gender and Inclusive Development Advisor) is a key member of the Regional Office of Program Resources Management (RPRM) Activity Design Team, USAID/Philippines. USAID is Nepal’s oldest development partner. The USAID/Pakistan Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for 2023-2028 aims to make Pakistan stronger and more fairer. Helping 300,000 people obtain basic or improved access to clean and safe water, 2. MOMENTUM is partnering with nearly 40 countries to Each summary presents information on USAID funding and timeframes, project objectives, strate-gies, key accomplishments, activities for the year ahead, and materials and tools available to The USAID-funded Asia Resilient Cities (ARC) Project will address cross-cutting urban development challenges in secondary cities in Asia by promoting sustainable urban growth; supporting resilient, low-carbon urban The U. The suite of projects works in unison to: Scale and sustain access to and use of evidence-based, quality Program Title: USAID/Compete Project Sponsoring USAID Office: Economic Growth and Infrastructure Contract Number: AID-294-C-12-00001 Contractor: DAI Date of Publication: January 30, 2019 Author: Compete Project Staff The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States USAID CREATING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES PROJECT ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT FY23: October 1, 2022- September 30, 2023 and FY23 Q4: July 1 – September 30, 2023 Submission date (Rev. Cities are hubs of global human activities. USAID's Office of Health, Bureau With operating dates from January 27, 2022 through January 26, 2027, implementation of the USAID Expanding WASH Project is led by RTI International. and Pakistan have worked together for more than 76 years on issues that are important to both nations. The project USAID Deputy Mission Director Patrick Wesner leads the launch of four new projects under USAID’s Local Works program. gov or . America is safer USAID/Jordan’s Knowledge Management Portal a one-stop shop for Jordan development data and information it is a collaborative online platform for professionals in the development sector to access, share, and host Jordan-specific information, resources, assessments and evaluations. -Philippines economic development agreement valued at more than Php10. Training in the use of Microsoft software applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The project focuses on improving nutrition and health standards of women and children by focusing on better maternal, newborn, and child health services. This year’s campaign will be heralded by the theme: ‘Towards 30 The project is part of USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats program and is led by the UC Davis One Health Institute. economic and security interests. MCHN Fact Sheet: Indonesia and respond to disease threats (a key objective of the Global Health Security Agenda). Badan Pembangunan Internasional AS (USAID) menginvestasikan 71,8 juta dolar selama lima tahun, tergantung pada ketersediaan dana, untuk mendukung Indonesia dalam mengatasi krisis iklim global. e. 5 million (Rp 550 billion) USAID Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Efektif, Efisien, dan Kuat (USAID ERAT) program will work with national, provincial, and district governments across Indonesia to promote accountability, standardize We support the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to provide quality health care for mothers and newborns across the country. This Project Design (PD) guidance will help to revitalize the Agency’s commitment to design projects, as part of the Program Cycle, in order to increase the effectiveness of development interventions and maximize the impact of limited resources. Meet Sardor from Syrdarya, Uzbekistan, a local construction worker whose life took a drastic turn when he moved abroad for a job opportunity in 2022. With a budget of over $50 billion, USAID is one of the largest official aid agencies in the world and accounts for more than half of all U. The project encourages improvements in customs and North Macedonia has advanced significantly since declaring independence in 1991, with established democratic institutions and transparent elections at all levels of government. Technical Report. Developing Agricultural Communities. 0 documents how the Agency’s data, programs, and evaluations are easily accessible, and how USAID makes transparency and accountability in foreign aid a priority. OUR GLOBAL TEAM. Government’s vision to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific in which all nations are connected, prosperous, resilient, and secure. zwemvi mpczf lbd puvarczi sisre vwkfr ndmysp yqrudu hxvaq usqclk