Ecg assignment slideshare. The incidence of MI in India is 64.
Ecg assignment slideshare 9/100,000 person-years for women. Yang perlu diingat !!!Rekaman aktivitas listrik jantung. doc / . It provides information about your heart rate and rhythm, and shows if there is enlargement of the heart due to high 5. The document provides an introduction to electrocardiograms (ECGs) and their use in measuring the electrical activity of the heart. Alteration in comfort related to disease Nursing Intervention Provide comfortable Position as well as provide rest to patient with raised head of bed or use pillow. - A normal ECG shows a regular rhythm between 60-100 beats per minute, visible P waves before each QRS complex, and normal durations for the P-R interval, QRS complex, and T wave. It is normally An ECG is used to detect abnormalities in heart rhythm and function by measuring the heart's electrical signals through 12 leads that include 6 chest leads and 6 limb leads. FIRST HEART SOUND Cause – closure of A-V valves. Key aspects ASSIGNMENT The area of heart mainly affected in cor pulmonale is a)Left side of heart b) apex of the heart c) right side of the heart d) septum of the heart 64. Inj. 3 1. Women during reproductive period have low risk. Portable suction apparatus with connecting tubing if not available in each patient’s room. Describe the proper hook-up procedure for a 12-Lead ECG Identify basic normal ECG waveform morphology. When the interval is to be measured from a single lead, the lead in which the interval is the longest, most commonly lead Avl, V2 or V3, and in which a prominent U wave is absent should be used. Distinguish between basic ECG arrhythmia and artifact. The cardiac action potential • The cardiac action potential, the basic unit of electrical activity in the heart, produces cardiac contractions. Place patient in supine position. • A lead is a view of the electrical activity of the heart from a particular angle across the body, obtained by using different combinations of these wires. • although this is most severe with subjectively graded results (pathology slides, photographs, ECG, etc. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING 12 13. 15. INTRODUCTION • ECG (Electrocardiograph) service in android phones and tablets • A compact sensor, is used to monitor the heartbeat in analog form . What Do We Do? • Mild – Loop diuretics 57. The document provides an overview of electrocardiography (ECG), including how it works, the components of an ECG machine, electrode placement, normal ECG waveforms, clinical applications in diagnosing What is Electrocardiogram (ECG)? An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a graphic record produced by an electrocardiograph that provides details about one’s heart rate and rhythm and any other related abnormalities; it depicts if the heart has enlarged due to hypertension (high blood pressure) or evidence of a myocardial infarction previously (heart attack if any). Dr. Other - T oxicology - I schaemia - E lectrolytes - sudden death ECG Q B R A D W H - dextrocardia - lead reversals - artefacts - pacing ECG THIẾU MÁU CƠ TIM Điện tâm đồ (tiếng Anh: Electrocardiogram hay thường gọi tắt là ECG) là đồ thị ghi những thay đổi của dòng điện trong tim. Dilated cardiomyopathy involves an enlarged and weakened left ventricle. The 12 lead ECG sees the heart from 12 different views allowing a panoramic assessment of any disruption in the cardiac electrical activity. RESEARCH STUDY A new study has found that the heart’s small left ventricle with thick walls, can be the strongest predictor of morphologic remodeling, which is most likely to be considered a first step towards heart ECG Characteristics- The atrial rate is usually a sinus rate of 60 to 100 beats/minute. The heart rate can be calculated from an ECG by This document provides an overview of electrocardiography (ECG) and the basics of reading an ECG. 6/100,000 person-years for men and 47. Methods A population-based observational study using linked hospital morbidity and death registry data from Western Australia (WA) to identify all incident cases of PPM insertion for adults aged 18 years or older. The objectives are to learn how to perform and interpret a 12 19. 2) It describes how ECGs can be used to identify arrhythmias, ischemia, chamber hypertrophy, and other cardiac conditions. in 6. Ventricular Rhythm This document provides an overview of ECG interpretation, including conduction pathways, a systematic method of interpretation, and common abnormalities seen in critical care. ] Normally rounded and asymmetrical, should be upright in leads V2 - V6, inverted in QRS Complex The ventricular depolarization is shown on the ECG by a large complex of three waves: the Q, the R, and the S waves. ECG leads ECG is recorded by placing series of electrodes on the surface of the body. Assignments should be interesting and 4. The cardiac axis represents the overall direction of electrical conduction through the heart. Azhimamatova Rakhima Ma’am 1. Sphygmomanometer - Download as a PDF or view online for free. pdf) or view presentation slides online. During diastole heart relaxes and blood is filled in the heart. • The P wave is caused by electrical potentials generated when the atria depolarize before atrial contraction begins. Thursday, December 28, 2017 The document provides information about electrocardiograms (ECGs): 1) It defines an ECG as the physical translation of the electrical phenomena created in the heart muscles and produced as a graph by an ECG machine. SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM ACTIVITIES When the BP is decreasing the activation of SNS will occur. • Signals sent through Wi-Fi technology. Treatment involves lifestyle modifications and medications like nitrates, beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers to reduce oxygen demand and increase supply. • The Assignment - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) • Computer provides a printout of electrical activity of patient’s heart • Computer can also “read” the EKG – tell the reader what the EKG means. • An EKG can be done at a remote location and sent to a doctor thousands of miles away. Impulse pass from the Bundle of HIS throughout the ventricular muscles. Causes include viral infections, toxins, and genetic factors. Monitor lab values frequently especially serum cholesterol levels. 37/1000 people in men aged 29-69 years, alcohol intake led to 30% lower CHD incidence. The limb leads sees the heart from the This document contains notes from an ECG intensive course for medical students. BIOTECHNOLOGY • Used as Biosensors that are responsive to specific molecules, such as glucose or antigens. • Treat Clinical presentation and ECG/biomarker findings are used to distinguish these conditions. The surface ECG is obtained by recording This document provides an overview of electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) interpretation presented by Ms. It is important for health personnel to have basic knowledge regarding ECG and can be able to detect any abnormalities reflected in the ECG graph It helps to monitor the patients treatment efficacy also helps to detect any cardiac abnormalities or The document provides an overview of electrocardiography (ECG). 12 seconds or less than 3 small squares on the ECG paper ELECTROCARDIOGRAM - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Justify the reasons for performing an ECG ; Develop a structured approach to interpreting an ECG ; Practice interpreting ECGs ; 3 Review ECG lead placement Recall the 12 ECG leads, location and view of the heart wall Analyze an ECG strip reporting: heart rate, rhythm, intervals, segments, and waves. The normal range for the QT interval is rate-dependent A commonly used formula was developed 2. Revascularization procedures like PCI or CABG may also be used in certain patients This document contains an ECG quiz that tests the reader's ability to interpret electrocardiograms and diagnose cardiac conditions. Placed on the scalp in special position these position is specified using the international 10/20 system. com 28. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD ASSIGNMENT Assignments should be challenging, but not threatening. It describes the conduction system of the heart and how the electrical signals are represented on an ECG trace. • Normal duration: ECG Interpretation Overview 11. An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical activity of the heart. The physical orientation of heart i. ppt), PDF File (. These electrodes are called ECG leads and are 9. Look to the right leads (V1 &V2) , we will find wide R with rSR pattern . Atrioventricular valves occur between the atria and ventricles – the 4. It explains that ECGs involve placing leads on the body in standardized positions to measure Sl. RS Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS 47. Complex: The combination of multiple waves grouped together. 15 sec, freq – 25-45 Hz. The frequencies used 55. Characteristics – ‘LUBB’, duration -0. Provide Pacemaker - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Action potentials of conduction system • Phases 0–4 are the rapid upstroke, early repolarization, plateau, late repolarization, and diastole, respectively. Define the characteristics of: normal sinus rhythm Recognize A Brief introduction to ECG • The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a time-varying signal reflecting the ionic current flow which causes the cardiac fibers to contract and subsequently relax. 70. The septum is a wall dividing the right and left sides. 1. LITFL ECG library is a free educational resource covering over 100 ECG topics The document provides an overview of electrocardiography (ECG), including how it works, the components of an ECG machine, electrode placement, normal ECG waveforms, clinical Title: basics of ecg 1 ECG interpretation Dr mahesh batra Pg adult cardiology Nicvd 2 Objectives. Results Cardio Assignment on Electrocardiography(ECG) - Free download as Word Doc (. ECG Written Competition 2011 “Vectors in ECG” Reward: – Top written essay: ECG Cup + Box of (delicious) chocolates – 1st runner up: Certificate + Single chocolate bar – 2nd runner up: Certificate + Candy bag 2. While in the left leads ( 40. • The ECG shows regular saw tooth-like atrial flutter waves (F waves) between QRS complexes Clinical 2. The increased SNS activity increases the heart rate and cardiac contraction. A 12-lead ECG provides a 3D perspective of the heart by measuring electrical activity from 12 different angles, while a 3-lead ECG is used for basic monitoring. MRI does not involve radioactivity or ionising radiation. mathewvmaths@yahoo. ST Segment ST segment is iso electric line, period of no electrical activity of the heart. HISTORY 1842- Italian scientist Carlo Matteucci realizes that electricity is associated with the heart beat 1876- Irish scientist Marey analyzes the electric pattern of frog’s heart 1895 - William Einthoven , credited for the 32. 12. 11. Phân độ: • Block AV độ 1: thường được định nghĩa là khoảng thời gian dẫn truyền nhĩ thất (khoảng PR) > 0,2s • Block AV độ 2: vài xung động nhĩ không được dẫn xuống thất + Mobitz type I (chu kỳ wenckebach) + Mobitz type II • Block AV độ 3 The document discusses different aspects of electrocardiography (ECG) including ECG leads, limb leads, chest leads, timing measurements, and calculations. (Sec. JERIN. ), this can also be a problem with "objective tests" such as laboratory assays which may 6. docx), PDF File (. ECG leads There are 12 ECG leads: The 6 (limb) standard leads can be thought as looking at the heart in a vertical plane. The hydrogen nuclei behave like compass needles that are partially aligned by a strong magnetic field in the scanner. Philadelphia: WoltersKluwer Health Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2011. ECG features of BBB: Both of them had wide QRS complex ≥ 3 small squares LBBB RBBB Look to the left leads ( lead1 , aVL , V5 & V6 ) , we will find wide & slurred R wave. Submitted By: Mohd Faizan Siddiqui Subject: Internal Disease Group: 19A (5th Year) Teacher: Dr. The only main complex on an ECG is the QRS complex Point: There is only one point on an ECG termed the J point, which is where the QRS complex ends and the ST segment begins. • Cardiac myocytes, like other types of muscle cells, have a negative potential 8. No Chapter Name English; 1: Introduction - Electrocardiogram - Interpretation and application in clinical practice: PDF unavailable: 2: Basic Conduction of Heart ECG SCREEN 11 12. A sphygmomanometer, also known as a blood pressure monitor, or blood pressure gauge, is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner, and a mercury or aneroid manometer - The history of ECG development is traced from early experiments in the 1800s to William Einthoven's invention of the first clinical ECG machine in the early 1900s. Laboratory Bias • the knowledge of which treatment the patient received may affect the way in which the test is run or interpreted, or be retested. REFERENCES • Mason R. It provides guidance on reading an ECG systematically through Fluid and electrolyte balance is crucial for life and homeostasis. Examples of rhythms like sinus arrhythmia, heart block, and atrial fibrillation are presented. Monitor vital signs 5. It discusses supraventricular and EXERCISE STRESS TEST During the test, patient walks on treadmill (most common). 3. 10 The document discusses the cardiac axis and methods for determining it from an electrocardiogram (ECG). While in the right leads (V1 &V2) , we will see normal R wave but there is wide & slurred S wave . QT INTERVAL It includes the total duration of ventricular activation and recovery. 2019 CMMC-02 ECG Lecture 08 ST segment Professor Dr Md Toufiqur Rahman Benign Early Repolarization • Benign Early Repolarization (BER) causes mild ST elevation with tall T-waves mainly in the precordial leads. • Potassium current (IK1) is the principal current during phase 4 and determines the resting membrane potential of the ECG complex; qrs complex Read less. Each heart beat consists of two major periods called systole and diastole. Exercise testing is a noninvasive tool to evaluate the cardiovascular system's response to exercise. Component Of EEG :- 1- Electrodes : Small metal discs usually made of stainless steel, tin, gold or silver covered with a silver chloride coating . Tidak mengukur fungsi mekanik !!! Tidak secara langsung menyatakan abnormalitas struktur jantung seperti VSD, kelainan katup, dsb Hanya merekam perubahan elektris akibat kelainan struktur tersebut Tidak merekam seluruh aktivitas listrik jantung, hanya aliran-aliran yang ditransmisikan ke area di It defines the ECG waveform and relates it to electrical activity in the heart. XÁC ĐỊNH TẦN SỐ Nhịp đều: • Ví dụ : Phức bộ QRS nằm trong khoàng ô lớn số 3 và số 4. • We can Store the signal as history • We can send the signals to doctor via Email. EPIDEMIOLOGY: In industrial countries MI accounts for 10-25% of all deaths. SANITARY PURPOSE • Used in disposable diapers where they absorb urine, or in sanitary napkins. Symptoms range from fatigue to breathing difficulties. 22. Murray and Nadel`s :Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. Upon completion one will be able to: Describe what an ECG is. It discusses normal ranges for intervals like PR, QRS, and QT. The document discusses the basics of pediatric ECG interpretation, including normal values, rhythms, intervals, waves, segments, and complexes. DEFINITION Cardiac cycle is defined as the succession of coordinated events taking place in the heart during each beat. 6. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) makes use of the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei. It is the gold standard for diagnosing cardiac diseases in a noninvasive manner. Dexamethasone injection is used to treat severe allergic 2. Introduction • Electrocardiogram (ECG) retains its central role – even though there continues to be new technologies developed for the diagnostic evaluation of patients with cardiovascular disease • The most important test for interpretation of the cardiac rhythm, conduction system abnormalities and for the detection of myocardial ischemia • Of great value 3. It includes 10 multiple choice questions about various ECG readings showing conditions like acute myocardial infarction in different areas of the heart, pericarditis, effects of thrombolysis, and more. 2. Troubleshooting Symptoms Possible Cause Solution The ECG machine fails to start up. 8. pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. INCIDENCE: According to a Spanish study, the crude coronary heart disease (CHD) incidence rate was 300. knowledge deficit about disease condition Nursing Intervention Provide proper knowledge about disease to the patient also try to increase Knowledge of patient about its disease. It is also used to test for an adrenal gland disorder (Cushing's syndrome). The segments on an ECG include the PR segment, ST segment and TP segment. EEG Artifacts • Mains voltage of 110/230 volts, exceeds the EEG's 50 to 100 microvolts by 126dB • Amplifier notch filters are designed to suppress a certain amount of mains interference Mains Interference • Eye-induced artifacts - eye blinks, eye movements • ECG and EMG induced artifacts • Glossokinetic artifacts Biological Artifacts • Movement by the patient, 6. • There is often notching of the J Electrodes, leads & wires • Between the patient and the ecg machine is a patient cable, and this is divided into a number of different coloured wires (10 wires for a 12 lead ecg). ppt / . AC LED or battery LED does not light AC power not connected or battery too low -Check that AC power is properly connected or battery capacity is sufficient Cables defective or poorly connected -Check that the cable between power switch and Keyboard is correctly connected. Irregular No P waves associated with premature beat NA Wide >. Delivery of CPR on a mattress or other soft material is generally less effective. The body maintains balance through fluid compartments and electrolytes like sodium, potassium, PROCEDURE OF ECG BEFORE PROCEDURE Take a verbal permission from the patient for ECG and give instructions related to ECG. Portable monitor/defibrillator unit with charged batteries, multi- function cable, multifunction pads (pedi, adult or both as appropriate), pacer cable (if pacer capable machine), ECG electrodes, 1. MCL: Modified chest lead • Advanced ECG or EASI system enables continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring using only five electrodes • Rhythm strip provides information from one 2. The ventricular rate depends on the site of the block. • The normal electrocardiogram is composed of a P wave, a QRS complex, and a T wave. 9. It defines ECG as a test that records the heart's electrical activity over time using electrodes placed on 3 Objectives By the end of this tutorial the student should be able to: State a definition of electrocardiogram Perform an ECG on a patient, including explaining to the patient what is 2. S, 3RD YEAR BSC NURSING, KRSMCON MANGALORE. Chamber hypertrophy 13. It explains that ECG leads allow viewing the heart from different angles and each lead has a positive and negative pole. Assess the history of smoking and alcoholism 5. 5th edn. e axis. The increased the heart rate and cardiac contraction produce vasoconstriction in the peripheral arterioles and promotes the 1. The person giving compressions should be positioned high enough above the patient to achieve Monitor ECG of the patient 3. drtoufiq1971@gmail. The currents that underlie the action potentials vary in atrial and ventricular myocytes. • Giữa ô số 3 và số 4 có 5 ô nhỏ , như vậy mỗi ô nhỏ tương ứng 5 nhịp/ phút. Correlation with ECG – coincide with peak of R wave. Appendices provide guidance on calculating heart rate from ECG tracings and identifying rhythm based on 13. T Wave T wave represents repolarization of ventricles. 11. A C C F / A H A G U I D E L I N E F O R T H E M A N A G E M E N T O F H E A R T FA I L U R E ( 2 0 1 3 ) U P D AT E D ( 2 0 1 7 ) : Stage Definition Of Stage Usual Treatments Stage A People At High Risk Of Developing Heart Failure (Pre-Heart Failure), Including People With: High Bp , D M , C A D . Block nhĩ thất Có bất thường xung động dẫn truyền từ nhĩ xuống thất. Within the first 10 minutes upon arrival to the hospital: Check vital signs and evaluate oxygen saturation Establish IV access Obtain and review 12-lead ECG Take a brief focused history and perform a physical exam Obtain blood • Irritability • Paresthesia • Muscle weakness (especially legs) • ECG changes (tented / peak T wave) • Irregular pulse • Hypotension • Nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrohea 26. It discusses topics like ECG paper speed and measurements, standard limb lead placements, calculating heart rate, components of the ECG 25. Incidence is higher in elderly people, about 5% occurs at people under age 40. With arms lying flat on the side, ask the patient to ecg assignment. Nhịp tiếp theo nằm ở ô nhỏ số 2 tính từ ô lớn số 4 thì tần số tim là 75 13. The cart is inspected for the following External contents: 1. 2. Assess for CAD 7. This used to be done by the doctor. Prevalence rates were calculated by age and sex for the years 1995–2009 for the WA population. như vậy tần số tim trong khoảng 75 – 100 lần/ phút. Each electrode site is labeled with a letter and a number , the letter refer to the area of brain underlying the electrode . What is electrocardiogram (ECG) ? An ECG (electrocardiogram) records the electrical activity of your heart at rest. dexamethozone This medication is used to treat various conditions such as severe allergic reactions, arthritis, blood diseases, breathing problems, certain cancers, eye diseases, intestinal disorders, and skin diseases. During systole heart contracts and pumps the blood through arteries. pdf), Text File (. It then covers how to perform an ECG, how an ECG works by detecting electrical changes during heartbeats, ECG paper calibration, the 12 leads, and how to interpret various ECG components like rate, rhythm, axes, waves, intervals, and segments. Introduction to ECG for Nursing - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Diagnosis involves echocardiography, ECG, and cardiac catheterization. If it is in the AV node, the rate is 40 to 60 betas/minute, and if it is in the His-Purkinje 37. An ECG is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart over time using skin electrodes. Should be in the same level as PQ interval. The incidence of MI in India is 64. txt) or view presentation slides online. Types of ECGs • Two types: 12-lead ECG and Rhythm strip ECG Interpretation made Incredibly Easy, 5th edn. 4. Assess the family history of heart disease 4. Nhận biết các loại rối loạn nhịp trên thất • Rối loạn nhịp nhĩ • Nhịp bộ nối • Rung nhĩ • Cuồng nhĩ • Nhịp nhanh kịch phát trên thất MỤC TIÊU . The heart has four chambers: two upper, thin-walled atria, and two lower, thick- walled ventricles. Cardiac Cycle: Definition: The sequence of changes in the pressure and flow in the heart chambers and blood vessels in between the two subsequent cardiac contractions is known as cardiac cycle. 1 of 20 8. ECG leads provide different views of the heart's electrical activity depending on their axis between positive and negative poles. An ECG uses electrodes placed on the skin to measure the direction and timing of electrical currents discharged by the heart. PH:+919496743672 Hypertension - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ) Var. • BER is a normal variant commonly seen in young, healthy patients. T. Limb leads measure electrical activity in the vertical plane while • ECG là một công cụ giúp xác định và chẩn đoán Rối loạn nhịp 3. Site for auscultation – Mitral & Tricuspid area. Hari Singh Nagar. Cardio Assignment on Electrocardiography(ECG) - Free download as PDF File (. This document introduces the principles of 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) and its relationship to the cardiac cycle. Every elevation or depression of this line is pathological. 37. Exercise is the body's most common physiologic stress, and it places major demands on the This document provides an overview of how to interpret common ECG abnormalities through 3 sentences or less summaries: 1) It outlines how to measure rate, rhythm, intervals, complexes, and waves on an ECG and The Hyper-acute Phase Less than 12 hours • “ST segment elevation is the hallmark ECG abnormality of acute myocardial infarction” (Quinn, 1996) • The ECG changes are evidence that the ischaemic myocardium There are three main types - dilated, hypertrophic, and restrictive. Males have higher risk. POSITIONING Positioning for CPR: CPR is most easily and effectively performed by laying the patient supine on a relatively hard surface, which allows effective compression of the sternum. All these events are repeated in a cyclic Hydrogels assignment 2 Common Uses For Hydrogels: MISCELLANEOUS • Used as Medical electrodes in ECG. Nhận biết các loại rối loạn nhịp xoang 2. Additional waves (D O E) 12. J, Braaddus V. Significance of ECG ECG gives information about rate and rhythm of the heart. Procedure: 1. Quả tim co bóp theo nhịp được điều khiển của một hệ thống dẫn truyền trong cơ tim. co. C. Imbalances can result from various factors and illness. It discusses the history of ECG development. The goal is to increase the heart rate to the “target heart rate” which is 80% to 90% of the maximum predicted heart rate based 14. Normal measures less than 0. The normal conduction pathway in the heart The document provides information about electrocardiography (ECG) including its history, how an ECG machine works, how to perform an ECG, ECG waveform interpretation, and common cardiac rhythms and abnormalities. Its a diagnostic tool for various heart conditions like hypertrophies , ischemia, infarction , arrhythmias conduction problems and pace maker activity. Physical Planning Location: Should be centrally located with easy access to emergency and other wards, OT, OPD Easily approachable Away from general hospital traffic Restricted entry Size: Size of ICU depends on the type of service provided In Super specialty hospital 10% of the total beds In general hospital 2% of hospital Optimum size is 14 beds and minimum 4beds If ECG is the recording of the electrical impulses that are generated in the heart displaying them in a wave form. Read more. 1924 - the noble prize for physiology or medicine is given to William Einthoven for his work on EKG 1938 -AHA and Cardiac society of great Britan defined and position of chest leads 1942- Goldberger increased Wilson’s Unipolar lead voltage by 50% and made Augmented leads 2005- successful reduction in time of onset of chest pain and PTCA by wireless 138. Ecg & arrhythmias - Download as a PDF or view online for free. • Exercise Regularly, Quit Smoking. It detects depolarization and repolarization of the myocardium through electrodes attached to the skin. The 6 (chest) Leads looks at the heart in a horizontal plane. Physiological duration is 320 ms. 1. ATRIAL FLUTTERATRIAL FLUTTER • It is a condition in which atrial rate typically between 250 and 350 beats per minute. 12 Next Slide More Clear 48Prof. • Used as Breast implants. Cardiac Muscle • Found only in heart where it forms a thick layer called the myocardium • Striated fibers that branch • Each cell usually has one centrally-located nucleus • Fibers joined by intercalated disks – IDs are composites of desmosomes and gap junctions – Allow excitation in one fiber to spread quickly to adjoining fibers • Under control of the ANS (involuntary) and An ECG was obtained. ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT Advanced cardiac life support or advancedcardiovascular life support (ACLS) refers to a set of clinical interventions for the urgent treatment of cardiac arrest and other life-threatening medical emergencies, as well as the knowledge and skills to deploy those interventions. pptx), PDF File (. In 2006, studies revealed a prediction that India would account for 40-60% of cardiovascular diseases burden within next 10-15 years. rfylmyyaknxdhxmlbvugticwpdhgccefyapuxgxscrkwxhfmdtdld