Conan exiles best weapon Great Axe of the I use a two handed sword. Now when I start I just raid the npc camps for the materials to quickly make A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already The legion weapons (if you're on siptah or have access to the recipes through a private server admin) are probably still the best craftable weapons. Edit: minus the bow last Get 3 szeth’s truncheons (easy to farm), the best blunted weapon fittings on all of em, 20 in authority for 120% increased concussive damage, some armor with like 60% 3. Musashi is bis now with it being so available through the raid. Drops are competitive for 1H maces, swords, and bows. God breaker grips - 5% str weapon damage: I use medium Redeemed Legion (more %damage) and 5. When I first got Conan, I got a promo for Conan's Sword and Armor. Basically they were almost certainly So basically, don't pick 'one best weapon'. I had also heard about 'spear meta' from years past, Pretty sure the best great axe on Exile Lands is the Star Metal one. Overall I don't think things are quite as bad as they seem. Guardian Sabatons(DLC Set) - 5% str weapon damage: I don't have Overall I don't think things are quite as bad as they seem. Early on I always used pikes as it stopped me dying so much. Crafting is best for daggers, axes, 2H maces, and spears, Also bladesmith is not that needed since best weapons are legendaries. Pick a weapon for a situation. For thralls momentum is the best From what I understand they are a much much smaller company than they were when they released Age of Conan so this makes a good bit of sense. Guardian Sabatons(DLC Set) - 5% str weapon damage: I don't have . On Siptah the best old axe moveset axe is probably The Beak due to its high amror pen.
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