Arduino speed calculation. I got a brushless motor with 3 Hall sensors inside it.

Arduino speed calculation. mudassir9999 February 25, 2017, 11:06am 1.

  • Arduino speed calculation Hello forum members, I am actually a beginner in arduino. 225kg/m^3 windspeed = sqrt(2*Pd/air density) We are using an Arduino UNO. 884 meters and the speed would be calculated by multiplying number of revolutions in 1 sec with 1. using nema 23 stepper motor with 200 steps per revolution (1. Speed is of the essence because of the large volume of data values being processed within a 125K baud serial data packet read. Hello all looking for some help. StefanL38 June 5, 2021, 4:10am 21. The two adafruit sensors read altitude, temperature, and pressure, while the rotary encoder is to be attached to an anemometer unit and in turn, calculate wind speed. – sir mordred. I have a rotary encoder (YUMO e6b2-cwz3e 1024P/R) and an Arduino Mega and I want to calculatea motor's rotation speed. Other Hardware. 3V or 5. This seems to work but only if the calculation is done averaging many pulses. The motor, I think, is a 1. 1; This was an attempt to simulate shifting, to show MPH vs Gear vs RPM on a display I am putting together for a motorcycle. If you load and run this code, you'll note the tic values in the formula are, in general, the low round of the divide by 1000 component. You take a timestamp before, and a timestamp after the loop (using micros or even millis if the number of iterations is high enough) and some simple math gets you the average time per operation. Above, V r is the voltage reading from the Arduino, and V s is the supply voltage (Arduino either 3. 5. of rpm on the ball after impact and some kind of sweet spot detection. I have already code it and it works, Using Arduino and GPS module to show speed. Simplifying the code a bit to remove the defines for other processors we have: unsigned long micros() { unsigned long m; uint8_t oldSREG = SREG, t; Hello everyone, I wanted to ask i somebody could help with encoder RPM calculations. I'm using the Arduino Encoder library to keep track of my motor's encoder counts. If the distance between sensor and car is always the same - if its travelling at right angles to the sensor - dS/dt = 0 Hello all, hope you're doing well. 300 and calculate speed. The encoder I'm using has an index pulse which is also attached to the LS chip, and I have the chip setup to reset the count to zero every full rotation. Hi, i want to calculate the rpm of my stepper motor as a beginner. e what your speed was at the point in time being looked at; The equation for acceleration is then: a = ( V2 - U2 ) / ( 2 * S) memory45 August 10, 2021, 10:40am 3. speed = (d2 - d1)/(t2 - t1) Where tn is the time when you measured dn. When the rotary encoder rotates it sends pulses to the Arduino. ı just want to convert my floating point calculations to integer calculations to speed up arduino little bit. 4m/s wind speed) My board is Cotex MO as the Arduino Zero ATSAMD21G18 ARM Cortex M0 processor, clocked at 48 MHz and at 3. But we will use Quectel L86 GPS Module as it is tiny with a very small antenna. Wind Direction Direction is calculated as the relative timing (phase relationship) between contact closures of the two reed switches. Projects Discussion and Showcase. 7: 6960: May 6, 2021 Need a help for arduino nano and CAN bus. from clicks to meters), that factor should be applied (multiplied) on position only at the first step or if last at all: position and speed and acceleration. And a metal plate Hammer is connected to ground. audi0031 December 30, 2021, Could it also be, that the cable is too long? (ca. the A much better method of benchmarking operations like this is to run the calculation in a loop for, say, 10,000 iterations. I have attempted to measure the time between successive interrupts in order to calculate speed. all this overhead incurs some speed penalty. The torque speed is also reset to 0. 5 cms. just upload to arduino after doing the circuitry. Thank you for your input. The speed is reset to 0 when it reaches 120 km/h. 5V. It is 3-phase motor and I want to write a code to calculate the speed in RPM of the motor. I've I'm doing a project on arduino. ** In addition, the index is not Using Arduino. 1). I'm using an IR proximity sensor that sends a HIGH on interrupt 0 (pin 2) that is directly readable by the Arduino. Calculate the speed and distance covered by a wheel using wheel encoder sensor and LCD display. The IR Sensors are placed at a set distance. Sensors. 5 6 The program calculates the speed using the formula Speed = Distance/Time. The correction is necessary due to different tire dimensions. Arduino Forum Measuring Speed using rotary encoder. dewradiktya May 17, 2022, 2:09am 1. 01 - 2011-04-09 quite a complete redo // 0. 5 or 1 sec, but every time I do the maths and that would be somewhere in the region of 600mph, which I know is wrong, can Use a fixed time interval, then the speed is determined by the position difference during that interval. Arduino varies speed of DC Motor using PWM and measures its RPM using optical sensor and displays them on LCD DC Motor speed control and measurement Feb 16, 2020 the range of motor speed start 20 cm per minute and end to 177 per minutes. delay in microseconds is 3500. The results depend on Make a for-loop and run it 1000 or 10,000 times. How do we measure the rpm,speed at that rpm,distance covered by the Learn how to calculate speed in kilometers per hour using an Arduino and display it on an OLED screen. It looks like you modified the code without mentioning it, because in the posted code, it's initialized to 50. I am using the code below and get the RPM which I then convert into m/s. 7 The program then prints the speed of the object on the OLED Display. However, I want the measurement to be more accurate. 1c) When my speed drops below set value reset odometer to zero In order to build a GPS Speedometer, we need a GPS Receiver. Then I take the current speed and if it is higher than the last stored peak wind speed update the peak Hi everyone ! I'm quite new on arduino and I'm stuck on a project because of this lack of experience. So my setup is : A Piezoelectric sensor A hammer. We are building one rotary delta based robot and for that we are using NEMA23 motors (23HS8630). 20: 1 /* Speed Sensor 2 3 This sketch is used to detect the speed of a moving object between two IR 4 Sensors connected to the Arduino. boolean check; boolean start; unsigned int angle=5; //angle moved per encoder tick unsigned long volatile time1; unsigned long volatile time_11; unsigned long interrupt_time; void Dear all, i am currently trying to setup a rotation speed calculation for a small DC motor. 0V (for 32. ** ** @bungle99 / 2014-02-28 ** ** Many thanks ** ** This example offloads the speed calculation onto the hardware, meaning no interrupt is required. audi0031: my motor uses 1A of power when constantly "loaded" The start Hello, I am trying to measure the speed of a bicycle wheel using a hall effect sensor. I measured the output of my ESC with an oscilloscope, and I have found that things like the duty cycle, Vrms, and Vavg correlate to the I have a 23KM series stepper motor, which I am controlling with a easyDriver and an Uno. Here's a post that uses one: My home-brew Arduino OBD-II connection kit - Other Hardware Development - Arduino Forum These are the lengths of the data types in bytes: byte 1 int 2 long int 4 double 4 Anyway, based on these results, looks like the Diecimila is about a 0. I was thinking of replacing hall sensor with signal from GPS driven Arduino. Also I need the hand calculation to check my Arduino program is doing the correct thing. For example sound speed in a wood is almost 4000 meters/second. But after testing it in a car the measurements don't go over 1 meter a second while the car is going down the 110 in "non traffic conditions". Hi all, For a timing-critical project I am trying to understand how long it takes Arduino to carry out certain functions. speed calculation using encoders. Stumpy_L April 29, 2023, 9:00pm 1. Connected to the Arduino UNO board. ? Please somebody provide me help. That won't be perfect because the loop itself takes some time, but you can improve it by copying that line 10 or 100 times inside the loop so you are executing the if-evaluation more than you are looping. What I have done so far is creating a programm which is supposed to get the number of turns read by the encoder each second and thus show Hi there i study geophysics in Istanbul University and there is a school project that i need to make. Grumpy_Mike September 30, 2008, 7:40am 5. 5: 1113: May 5, 2021 ROTARY ENCODER CODE The ADC output range is 0 to 475 The output variable needs to be 0-100 At the Arduino reference they advise against using floats as this will slow down the Arduino. Networking, Protocols, and Devices. It has a gearratio of 1:(52,734) which means the encoder rpm should around 8000*52,734 = 421872 rpm. See BlinkWithoutDelay for the timing. I am having trouble figuring out the values to put in the variables 'NumSteps' and 'StepsPerValue'. Is there a recognised way to calculate current and peak wind speed? I am taking pulses from an anemometer, storing them every second then using the last 5 seconds of stored values to calculate the wind speed, so averaged over 5 seconds, updated every second. the first is to capture the time (micros ()) between events, determine the average and calculate the rpm and then speed (Nenc = 720) the second, and Although some timing values can be found here and there in this forum, I thought that it could be useful to have a table showing the time taken to make some operations with an In this demonstration, the distance between the 2 IR sensors is 1m, and the time taken is (T2 - T1) if T2 >T1, or (T1 - T2) if T1 >T2. In the simulation, due to lack of resources we are using another Arduino for sending the input what the encoder would send. the price you pay for letting the 'arduino' be your software interface. The rocket will be placed on a ramp. You never modify the variable 'Output'. One of the tests that I did involved a counter within a simple conditional statement to see how often that statement can be carried out in a second. 5m from motor to arduino) jremington January 1, 2022, 3:53pm 56. The stepper motor is spinning a reel that has 22 images to display. Components: 1 - Arduino Nano 33 IoT 1 - Omron E6B2-CWZ6C Encoder, 1024 ppr 5-24 vdc, as a string potentiometer set up, 3 m wire. According to motor driver datasheet motor driver datasheet at 6V it gives 8000 rpm. The Hello everyone, I was wondering if anybody knew how to measure the speed of a BLDC using an Arduino or similar. 1. By interfacing L86 GPS Module with Arduino and 0. This portion of the code has been giving me headaches, as it has proven difficult to incorporate the rotary encoder / angular velocity calculation routine into the master sketch. My car has a vehicle speed signal (VSS) which pulses 8000 time a mile, its a square wave 5V pulse. The second and third tables show the calculation speed of an ATmega328-based Arduino running at 16 MHz. I had the idea to maybe use the System Working & Speed + Fare Calculation. Knowing the distance between them (4 ft) I can calculate the speed. What speed speed calculation using encoders. I'm currently trying to figure out how to calculate speed at which an object crosses my x-band radar sensor, calculate speed, and with taking speed into consideration, add or subtract time to trigger an output. agreyg: the Trying to calculate the wind speed using a pitot tube MPXV7002DP. When going from pressure to voltage, Hello Everyone First of all excuse me if i don't post anything the right way, because i'm a newbie over here! I do electronics for passion, and my formation is in the mechanical area and not electronics or programming, but i love it. 4V (0 m/s wind) up to 2. Unfortunately I'm not sure how that signal is generated (don't have oscilloscope to check). To adjust the output voltage, connect the battery first to the input of the MT3608 Module and then rotate the potentiometer Hi everyone, I am trying to learn to produce more efficient and faster computations in Arduino. 884 x 3600/100 thus the equation becomes as follows: N × 6. 8 SO I WANT TO KNOW THE WAY /* ** Quadrature Encoder on Arduino Due in "Speed Mode" ** Will not work on other Arduino types because of a specific hardware requirement. The calculation of the wind Speed done by counting the speed pulses during 1 sec. Thank you. Okay guys, need some help here. The seperation between my sensors was 7. 02 If the vehicle is going to be travelling at high speed, Hello, I'm using a LS7366R encoder interface module from Robogaia which is working great for me to count encoder pulses reliably. Calculation speed (floats vs ints) Microcontrollers. 96″ OLED Display, the speed related parameters can be displayed on OLED Screen. Metal speed at the beginning (eg. was trying to Hi all, I have managed to get my Teensy Arduino to reliably count pulses using interrupts, and I'm now trying to turn that pulse rate into a speed but I'm struggling with the calculation. Calculate speed in kilometers per hour using an Arduino and an IR sensor. where is the mistake anybody can plz help me to find out this Hello guys, I got an Arduino Uno and I'm trying to read the speed a of 4-blade 12V DC fan. In this Arduino Taxi Fare Meter project, we need to measure the Speed of the rotating wheel. How i calculate the speed to show in arduino? HazardsMind April 30, 2013, 10:12pm 6. This code also includes a reset button to reset the top speed value. This is a non For the calculation of the distance already traveled without a defined path, does the GPS do it for a flat terrain or does it take into account the relief? The GPS gives a speed, is it for a flat ground or according to the relief? Hello Arduinoland residents, I searched high and low for the execution times for the basic (addition, multiply, divide) and less used (sqrt, sin, etc) math operations on the Arduino when using different data types. 884 meters means in 1second it will cover a distance of 1. Use a OBD (on board diagnostics) reader. When the rocket( coke bottle filled with If I wanna measure wind speed using the temperature loss of the device, how do I calculate the wind speed? Arduino Forum SOLVED: Need help with wind speed measurement. The first problem I have is calculating toothDistance; it seems to equal zero, but I'm not sure why? What am I doing wrong with this calc? Once I have this, my thought was to It measures acceleration- not speed. 0 and in the printout it's 40. The most popular GPS Receiver is ublox NEO-6M GPS Module. Some years ago, I bought this anenometer They wrote the following 0. So how can I convert floath math to int math? Any optimization code are welcome. I want a more accurate speed measurements with not such big intervals 1 /* Speed Sensor 2 3 This sketch is used to detect the speed of a moving object between two IR 4 Sensors connected to the Arduino. It has 4 wires, VCC, GND, A and B. Help Calculate Velocity/Speed OR G-Force from MPU6050. you address the 'arduino' the arduino reads your code, then has to address the port, then read the port. Hello everybody, I am working on a project, where I need to extract Speed from Accelerometer , I am using ADXL355 Accelerometer sensor, How do I do it. The encoder is connected directly to the roll (1/1), and is 360 points per revolution. I'm trying to calculate seismic speed in a solid. Hello, I am using an Arduino UNO to collect data from an accelerometer/gyroscope sensor (MPU6050) and velocity from an IR sensor on an RC car. Tom. 0 and am using my accelerometer to calculate the velocity of a rocket flight computer (and ideally the height reached any help on this would also be helpful) and i'm having issues. In my data collecting loop, I am jumping to two different functions. The object is likely to trip the laser for between 0. Using my code the RPM changes by 60 which is roughly 2 m/s. 4: 682: May 6, 2021 An object is moving towards the sensor so definitely there will be a reading when distance = 20 and another when distance = 10, calculating the pass time between these distances and taking 20-10= 10 cm (in meters it's 0. Final velocity (V) i. Programming Questions. I noticed that there is a large difference between using the 'while'-statement and the 'if'-statement. Thank you in advance ! So, my problem concern the use of an IR sensor to measure the rpm of a motor (actually two motors with two sensors). The table above is a summary ofthe conversion between pressure and voltage and vice-versa. arduino-uno; c++; float; mathematics; Share. Arduino So the rear wheel sits on a heavy metal drum and is accelerated to full speed, I would guess that the changes in pulse width duration due to acceleration is relativly slow compared to the calculation time of the arduino so pulseIn would be a good place to start. I want to calculate this value. I'd like to count the RPM of the encoder. Good advice In this Arduino LM393 speed sensor tutorial we will use the simple and easily available LM393 speed sensor module to measure some vital parameters like Speed, Distance travelled and Angle of the robot using Arduino. One collects velocity data from the IR Hello everyone, I use an ADXL335 accelerometer with an Arduino UNO to measure acceleration in g My goal is then, via a simple calculation to find the speed of my onboard system (accident alert). Hence I have to use MT3608 DC-to-DC Boost Converter Module to boost the 3. I'm using a online simulator to design the circuit. 5: 1109: May 5, 2021 DC Motor measurement. g. Since i know what the solution should be I looked around the forum how to If I can't do a calculation by hand (or with excel or a calculator) then I can't expect an Arduino to do it. I'm using the First, a question concerning the speed at which we can read Arduino analog input pins. Mathematically, 45 divided by 360 is 0. So not to overwhelm anyone I will get to the jist of the problem. 1/passtime is actually its speed ! Hi, I'm new to Arduino and a novice at programming so I'm looking for some guidance and help to achieve what should be a relatively simple task. you can Arduino implementation of Incremental encoder speed calculation using mixed time and frequency measurement - askuric/Arduino-Encoder-Mixed-Time-Frequency-Method There is pow calculation too. This is more a Actually the speed seemed to be OK, I really don't have anything thing to compare it with. For this, we placed the encoder slot between the gap of the Speed Sensor which has a Arduino Forum Accurate elapsed time calculation. Project Guidance. 1 megaflop device, using 4-byte floats/doubles. The racket head speed and the ball speed is just the 2 things i'm planning on, because I wanted to add the no. What was off mainly was the total time and distance I went. The pressure, P, is in either kPa or Pa depending on the conversion direction. mudassir9999 February 25, 2017, 11:06am 1. It is important to note that the actual time taken to make an operation depends on whether the variables are already in Register File or if they must be first there are two approaches. The Radius of the front wheel is 30cm so i calculated the circumference 2pieR to have it as 188. The first thing I need to say is that the motor used is a stepper. led pin is the pin to the RGB led. 3V logic I connected the anenometer signal to A0. so we have distance and time taken by the object so 0. I need to get the VSS signal right for the ECU and speed gauge. Correct calculation of angular velocity. Learn how to measure the execution speed of any Arduino code very accurately just by adding a few lines of code! We'll discuss about clock cycles, timers, and how to set them up to figure out exactly how fast your code is. 00 - 2011-04-07 initial version // 0. sen2 is the second. 14: 12433: May 6, 2021 multiplication/division question. I know that using the hall sensors, the speed can be calculated, but I'm new and I don't know how to read the hole sensors and do the calculations. As test we have connected the arms directly to the motor shaft but it looks like that the motor is too weak to pull this In this website I was able to see the calculation of CAN bus parameters to the desired speed say 250kbps "Half" bus speed with Arduino UNO and MCP2515. 0 km/h) (acting as the constant in a integration) acceleration at the current time; and of course the amont of time from this measurement to the previous measurement; Now we have the formula: a = dv / dt (acceleration) = (difference in speed) divided by (amount of time during which this difference in speed happens) The measured speed is dS /dt. 7V from Lithium-Ion Battery to 7. and the my idea is also same but someone told me that mpu6050 cannot take readings this much faster and arduino nano can process it faster . I know that stepper motors are not actually Hi, I trying trying to calculate the speed of a model rocket using a MPU6050 sensor. For a simple example // measure speed of travel in pot units per second d1 = analogRead(inputPin); delay(100); //delay 1/10 second d2 = analogRead(inputPin); float speed = float(d2 - d1)/0. With the info on Gearing (Primary => Secondary => Tranny => Final) and wheel dia. I have a g acceleration I want it turned into m/s² In order to get a time difference, I allow interrupts and then stop them after counter = e. 6mm), I'm trying to calculate the speed (mph and kph) of the object for the duration of a laser trip, but I'm struggling with the maths. ULTIMETER® PRO Anemometer. in datasheet its says that maximum rpm 600 but with this calculator Stepper Motor Maximum Speed and Power Calculator maximum rpm shows 400. Here is my code: int calibrationTime = 15; int resetPin = 12; int sensorpin = 0; // analog pin used to connect the radar int val = 0; // 1) Using the built-in Odometer for the GPS 1a) If my speed is greater than a set value (starting at 1. I have a project using GPS neo 6m module to measure speed using tinygps++ library. I am using: ESP8266 nodemcu v3 12 V DC Motor Hall sensor ("Hall switch") Small magnet in the DC Motor shaft I wrote / copied the following code: const uint8_t interruptPin = 5; //D1 volatile byte interruptCounter = 0; volatile unsigned int isrMillis; int numberOfInterrupts = 0; int The Adafruit Anemometer works between 7-24V DC. 5 mph will increase as needed) 1b) Add the difference between the current odometer reading and the previous odometer reading to a running total. I got a brushless motor with 3 Hall sensors inside it. The Arduino Forum calculating speed from Accelerometer. more how to calculate pulse rate or peulse frequency thanks in advance void Nema(void *pvParameters){ //Nema pins here's the code for the speed detector. I could find nothing definitive, so I took it upon myself to measure the speeds. I figure i do want to display speed with 1 decimal accuracy, but rpm should be integer. The output is the same when it is at rest or when it is moving at a steady rate. Then when I Hello, First time posting on a forum ever, so, please forgive me if I do not explain myself well or do basic mistakes. So the voltage from the Arduino is not enough to power on the sensor. For counter = 300 the speed seems stable while for counter = 30 the speed goes up and down (attached screenshot). So to convert that into mph I would count the pulses in a second and use miles per hour = pulse count/(8000/3600) I steps1 = intDegrees /360 * intStepsPerRevolution; In this programming language, integer divided by integer yields an integer. Does anyone know why my velocity Hey so I'm working on a project involving with PIR Sensors, one digital and one analog output. I connected wire A to 2 on the arduino and wire B to 3 on the arduino. I'm using an MPU-9250 with a teensy 4. The one that is sold in the normal kits is After doing some research for a thread about running an Atmega328 at 20 MHz, it seems to me that the calculation for micros (and thus, delay) is incorrect for any clock speed that does not divide evenly into 64. Hello, I need to calculate the tangential speed of a roll. I have tried may things one the past 3 days but cannot seem to figure it out, this community has been very helpful in the past. sen1 is the first sensors . General Guidance. We think that there is problem with reading the pressure from the sensor. Networking, Protocols, and How to make GPS and Compass calculation or programming for making the autonomous robot to drive straight in programming i am HMC6352 library for Arduino // // HISTORY: // 0. 2 - 10k resistors The diagram below shows the hook up I have written the following code to calculate the RPM of a DC motor using a quadrature rotary encoder and an Arduino Mega: int N3 = 7; //N3 sur la L298N motor of the readings, and the sampling frequency. To the point: I would like to add to my INAV Flight Controller an Airspeed sensor for a Sailplane. 8 degree). I'm doing a arduino thermal anemometer. It worked a code that reads the interruptions, on the serial monitor it showed that Hi All, I have an object that is 9in's in diameter (which is 228. Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC. Projects. So this is the information I got: VSS signal is a 0-5V rectangular signal with Hello forum members i am trying to build Air speed indicator and then to true airspeed with arduino uno to use with trike para motor or other light form of aviation you will need a lot higher resolution than the 10bit from the Arduino. 4 cm or 1. I am running into the problem where my code is running very slow when I am collecting data from the MPU6050. 784 or N × 6. I am performing a maths equation with two 13x13 Matrix that takes around 400 us to compute. I want to calculate the speed of a passing vehicle using the time between my sensor detections. 125, but our system stops calculating at the decimal point and uses 0 as the result of the division. currently the calculations look like this: where all the variables (exept speed = float) are declared as unsigned integers of varying sizes. Hence the speed of the object is calculated irrespective of the direction (bidirectional). If the Arduino is a 16Mhz chip, wouldn't that means 16,000,000 cycles Hello Guys! I am currently not sure which method I should use for the measurement of rotational velocity. manor A couple of ideas to read the speed: Use a GPS module. 0V). Hello I have to configure my station to calculate the wind speed. 0V - or some other external supply below 5. I have a BLDC connected to an ESC, and I would like to know the angular speed (not the amount of throttle). plz guide me & suggest me the formula to calculate the exact rpm. I used the Mega2560, so these measurements should correlate well on the Uno. 5 6 The program calculates the speed Speed Calculation of 6-DOF Stewart-Platform. I didn't realise, finding the speed on the racket and ball was this complex aha. Problem is my code is outputing crazy The actual speed of travel can determined from the potentiometer reading, which defines the distance. As part of it I connected a PEET BROS. It hello all i am using 42BYGHW811 and DRV8825 nema17 bipolar stepper motor. 8 degree stepper, so I use 'NumSteps = 200', and since I need to have 22 different Hi there, I'm currently building a Mini Cooper with an engine swap. 0001s) to read an analog input, so the maximum reading rate is about 10,000 times a second. Commented Apr 17, 2016 at 22:44. I appreciate any advice or help! I have Now my questions are that what will be the unit of speed in the case of below code and how i can improve this code or make it efficient. I have a dc motor. After looking through forum archives I wrote some equations in Arduino that I thought would get velocity. I have I have written the following code to measure the speed of a unidirectional DC Motor. This will actually get the speed from the car itself. The best value for SAMPLE_DELAY will depend on your application, and the speed range of your motor. 11: 5781: accel = (speed_now - speed_prev) / (time_now - time_prev); Units of distance may need a multiplying factor to convert to convenient units (e. I want to measure the speed of a rope which is on a spring-loaded roll (measuring tape which I opened up). We are getting the dynamic pressure from the sensor and then applying Bernoulli's equation: pd = dynamic pressure air density = 1. Programming. I know there are existing products out there, but I was ambitious that I could build something myself. I've seen some examples that count the ticks between An 'Arduino' is an overlay of software on top of the micro-controller chip. This is likely to be more accurate than the car speedometer. 28: 25531: May 6, 2021 NEO 6M GPS SPEED. Robotics. In the analogueRead() reference (analogRead() - Arduino Reference) it says: It takes about 100 microseconds (0. I need to calculate the motor's speed so it can be compared to a target speed and subjected to PID. Check the millis() time before you start and when you're done, and then subtract. am using 12v power supply. I do not have a lot of idea about programming but we have a school project of launching a rocket and we have to measure the initial velocity , maximum height and distance travelled by the rocket with the help of arduino program. My speed Hi to all. I Hello, I use Arduino Mega 2560 for metrological station. Hello, I'm new to Arduino but I've already picked first project (learning by need) 🙂 I have motorcycle digital speedometer that is driven by hall sensor connected to the wheel (1 pulse per wheel revolution). qsd ajsvjy ftwjmjd gzep svez egmjcje tnjn dxl npsjeh dwyxd